Chapter 30

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Devon's POV "What's going on in that pretty mind of yours?" I ask her and she shakes her head with a smile. But when it concerns Samika, she is always an open book. It is as if sometimes I have the ability to read her mind. But some other times she makes it impossible for me to even see what she is feeling through her eyes. She can be so stoic when she wants to be. "Nothing. I'll just miss you," she says and I smile at her again. "Oh yeah. That reminds me of something," I tell her and stop the car once again before giving her, a what looks like a small cauldron. It is small enough to fit in her and it's actually what I wanted. I had this custom made for her. And me. For us. "The Madfurs don't really use phones so there won't be any service there," I tell her and her eyes go wide that I bet she might have even stopped breathing for a second . "Then how am I going to talk to him?" She thought she was saying those words inside but I just heard them, but didn't want to lose the flow about explaining how this thing works. "So I asked Tyler's mom to make this for us," I told her again, and I pulled out mine along with hers and put that on my lap so it's easier for me to tell her with both of them present here. "This is yours and this is mine," I tell her "So whenever you want to tell me something, all you have to do is write that in a letter, put that here and burn it," I say and she looks like she just wants to demonstrate if it's true or not. It's clearly written in her face as she is already searching for something she could write on. She quickly grabbed a small paper and pen, wrote I love you on it, put that in her cauldron and lit a match along with the paper. Once the fire was off and the smoke was gone too, we saw the same letter with the same message but in a normal condition appeared in my cauldron. . . . . . . "So letters it is?" She asks me and I nod, as she gets down the car. We just reached the place that The Madfurs pack Beta and Gamma gave us the location address for. "And do tell me whatever that is. I will be here in a moment if you need me," I tell Samika and she nods before walking away. I stand there, leaning against the car as I watch her walk alone towards the borders of the pack. I didn't even know Madfurs existed here. But Samika and Tyler told me that when I got stabbed while I was on human land, Samika sent a troop to get their hands on the Madfurs but the defeat was cruel. Maybe that's how they knew people were searching for them or something. Once she left inside safely, and I caught a glimpse of everyone bowing to her, that's when I got into my car and started driving like a mad man. I need to get back to the pack. I need to be there. I f*****g have something I need to deal with. That is also the main reason why I sent Samika away the moment she asked me that she would leave today. I couldn't have gotten a more perfect moment than that. I see a paper already there in the small cauldron and smile at the way she is already missing me. I grab that and open it, with my eyes still on the way to my pack. . . . . . These people are already treating me like an Alpha. And I have a feeling that this feel wouldn't last because I didn't earn it like I earned the title in The Blood Rose Pack . . . . . I smile at that. I want to write back but my hands are full since I am still driving to the pack. It took me four hours from my pack to The Madfur pack but only three hours from The Madfur pack to the Blood Rose Pack. I mindlink Tyler to get to the silver cells as soon as I reach the pack and he doesn't wait before he does that. I let him in the car midway and he almost sat on the cauldron until I screamed at him and he put that in the backseat before sitting on the seat again. We get down right in front of the silver cells and I already know what's going to happen. Tyler knows half the story about this and Samika doesn't know anything at all. Tyler silently follows me to the silver cells. The guards bow and make way. Only the guards know who is in there. Not even my pack members have an idea. The guard at the door hands the silver key to Tyler and - "Want to come in and watch?" I ask Tyler And he doesn't say anything. But I know he will be following me in and watch what I want to do when I say I need to celebrate. "Good Morning!!" I greet the man as soon as I enter the cell. He looks better already. His healing power is almost the same as a regular wolf. If someone meets him in a pack, no one would ever mistake him for a rogue or a werewolf. I should have known. I should have f*****g known! "Morning, Bastard!" He smirks. "I see you are healing!" I say gripping his hair and yanking his head back examining the wounds and bruises he has from yesterday. They are totally healing. My eyes then move from his bruises to his eyes. Black eyes staring back at me. And he still has a smirk plastered on his face. Something I don't like. So I punched him in the jaw again. His head falling to the other side. The chair he is tied to, shakes with the impact. He laughs. And that irritates me to another level. I look around for weapons. And I find a few at the corner of the cell. All the silver weapons laid out to torture the traitors and rogues. We put them in each cell. I wear gloves because I don't want to risk burning my hands again. My people would get suspicious. I choose a silver rod and walk to him again. I examine his wrists. They are not healing because his wrists are tied to the chair using silver threaded ropes. I smirk at him. And he is still smirking. I am about to wipe that smirk off of his face. I place the rod on his arm. He does not flinch. He is still looking straight into my eyes. And the smirk is still plastered on his face. I then press a little harder. It still does not show any impact on him. I see the skin underneath the silver rod burning and turning into a wound and there is still no reaction from him. I throw the silver rod away and punch him again. His head jerks back and even the chair moves with him this time, leaning back but the wall behind stops from falling. I grabbed his hair again and hit his head against the wall. He closes his eyes. And that is when I know, I finally earned a reaction. I am hurting him. Before I hurt him again, Tyler grabs me. Holds me and pulls me back. "Goddamn it Devon! Calm down!!" He whispers. "Maybe you are hurting him more than you should" he whispers, holding me from behind as if he wants to stop me from reaching filth again. I look at Liam. My eyes are fierce. One look from me and he leaves me. He bows his head slightly and I walk to filth again. He is still closing his eyes. I bend before him, so my face is against his close, and I take the support of the chair being careful not to touch the silver ropes. He opens his eyes and they are bloodshot red. And he still has the audacity to smile. I bloody want to wipe this smile off! I raise my hand to hurt him again but a guard stops me from it. I growl at the guard and with just a slap from me, he hits his back to the silver wall and before I know it he is now injured. I groan and bark orders at Tyler asking him to take the guard to the hospital. Tyler looks at me as if I am a maniac and maybe I am. But the man before me is even a bigger maniac! He is a f*****g piece of s**t! He made everyone a fool by acting all human when all the while he is a werewolf and he just had a great supply of masking spray that never let anyone know that he is a werewolf. That's how he steered clear. "What do you know about Samika?" I ask him, as I place another silver rod on her shoulder and he screams in pain. "Tell me or this will only get worse, John Adams" I say and he is on the verge of crying at this point. It feels great that I finally got to break him. John Adams. Father of Samika Adams. The founder of the Adams empire is actually a werewolf and he freaking hid it well until now! . . . . . Samika's POV I turn around to see Devon one last time but he is already gone. There was something different about Devon. It was as if he really wanted me gone. I am even starting to wonder if he is cheating on me at this point. Arnold and Ivy greet me first and they are delighted to have me here. And just like that before I can even understand what was happening every single member of the pack is here before me. And they are not standing anymore; they are already bowing down to me. I don't know what to do or what to say, so I just ask them to stand up as I raise my hand like I usually do with the people of The Blood Rose Pack and they all get up in an instant. "I'll show you the pack house. Your house," Ivy says with a wide smile and I wonder if I can claim that as my house because I will leave this place just after a few days. I quickly found a minute to write a letter to Devon. Mainly because I am afraid he is cheating on me right now. I know Devon but I am not sure about the girls around him. And what if there was a girl in heat. . . . . . These people are already treating me like an Alpha. And I have a feeling that this feel wouldn't last because I didn't earn it like I earned the title in The Blood Rose Pack . . . . . I turn to look at Ivy but her eyes are on the cauldron and the burning piece of paper in it. I just raised my eyebrow back at her. If they are going to treat me like an Alpha, they are f*****g going to treat me like one and do as I say. She doesn't say anything anymore. She just bows to me and Arnold takes over. The last time I remember from the introduction, Arnold is the Beta and Ivy is the Gamma. So I guess Arnold will help me better than Ivy can. "Do you believe in magic?" Arnold asks me and I look flat at him. "So you are saying a human who can shift into a wolf is very normal and doesn't involve magic at all?" I ask him back and all he could do is chuckle. I don't know why men these days are chuckling more and talking less though. While we were on the way, I took a moment to see everything here. It's not as developed as The Blood Rose Pack. And if a human somehow visits this place they will surely think they time traveled into the eighteenth century where there's minimal technology and nothing else. I wonder if there is at least electricity present here. "What do you know about The Madfurs until now? At least that will help us make you learn more about what we are," Arnold pauses and looks at me again,"and what you are'' I just nod at him and close my eyes, recalling every word that Tyler said. Even though I don't say the same thing like he did, I try my best to tell Arnold everything. I will be serious about this and I will take this pack seriously now more than ever. Because the answer to the spirit's bargain lies here. That much is what I already know by now. "Alpha Dimitri was the ruler. And his mate Luna Athena. They were the power couple. Though Luna Athena was of regular werewolf origin, she was made strong after Alpha Dimitri found that she was his mate. Any one who dared cross them ended up dead. They killed for sport. Even Alpha Jerome or Alpha Judah for that matter, were afraid of even raising their eyebrow at Dimitri or Athena," "The pack was called The Madfur Pack and the members were called The Madfurs. They are werewolves, yes. But an entirely different breed. They never had an Omega. No one is weak enough. One is truly considered a Madfur only after they officially killed ten people that too in the span of a week after they finished their training. They truly were mad," I tell him. And by now we actually gathered a crowd before us. I left out the detail where Tyler actually told me that they spend most of their time in wolf form. Because I don't see them in their wolf forms right now. If they made an exception for me, that's the most wonderful s**t someone has ever done for me, let alone an entire pack! "It was their own Moon Goddess festival day that all the Alphas together chose to strike The Madfurs. Every Alpha took a part in that. Now I am talking about something that happened twenty three years ago, almost. So I only know half the story since even though I was too young back then," I tell him again. And I swear it's something about the air right now that is making me feel so emotional. I am actually telling the story of my parents. The story about how they died. The story about what kind of pack they led together. "But before any other Alpha did make their move, Alpha of The Autumn pack did the deed. They waited patiently until everyone including Alpha Dimitri and Luna Athena got on their knees to pray for the Moon Goddess. When they least expected, there was a rain of arrows dipped in raw wolfsbane. Even more deadlier than anything in the world for a werewolf. Alpha Dimitri and Luna Athena tried their best to stop it and save at least a few of their pack members. But what I heard through stories was that they were all wiped out. Until recently Devon came across a group of The Madfurs. And Devon is my mate by the way. So anyone who has any sort of enmity with him should cross me first. And I don't mind killing an entire pack for him," I scream at everyone at this point. They don't say anything and they just stare at me. Even Arnold looks a little amused. "You really are our Alpha's daughter," he says suddenly and I don't know why. "Why are these people not in their wolf forms? Is there any exception now that I am here today?" I ask Arnold and he shakes his head. "Now that's the kind of the story we want everyone outside the borders to believe. Mostly because that's how we create fear in them," he says and that makes sense. "Fear is not just through what you create but what you destroy too. I sent a few troops and your gang killed every single one of them," I tell Arnold to which he just chuckles. Well, he is actually not bad. Moreover, he is handsome as well. If Devon was here he would have been burning with jealousy. Thinking of Devon, he still hasn't sent me any letter back and now that's really concerning. Arnold leads the way to the pack house and for today, they asked me to eat, rest and get familiar with the pack house. I am only hoping to find at least one picture of my parents just to cross check if I am their child or not. My wolf ears might have already given it away that I am a Madfur but I just want to be extra sure. . . . . . Oh so dearest Devon, The more you are actually dodging the letters from me, the more suspicious I am getting here. The way you just let me come here. The way you didn't wait another second to wave bye at me. The way you didn't even reply to my last text is giving me serious doubts on what you might be doing right now. If there is a girl involved, I promise I am going to chop your balls along with her t**s and feed that to my imaginary hounds. So before we get there, it's better you write back to me. If you don't, I am coming back. Nothing is more important to me than you are. But still, you are dead meat. . . . . . I light the paper and wait for it to burn before I sigh. I took a shower with the coldest water I had ever seen. f**k there is no heater here. Even the electricity is so limited, no wonder there are no phones here and I am glad Devon at least thought of asking Tyler's mom for the cauldrons. I throw on a new pair of clothes that I brought with me and I see that this pack house might be one of the oldest buildings I had come across. I take my time just roaming around this huge house. The house is actually bigger than the pack house of The Blood Rose Pack. It just needs a few repairs and a lot of electricity for the pack to run and at least be survivable for people coming from outside of The Madfurs Pack. I open random doors and windows and everything is empty here except for my room. Usually I have heard that in most of the packs The Alphas and The Betas live together with their families in the pack house but I guess that's not the case with this pack. I am all alone here, wandering in the halls in my blue maxi. I didn't know this pack would be like this and I packed the wrong clothes clearly. Arnold greets me when I am just about to open the last door to the room I didn't see. "That's said to be the room your parents lived in," Arnold says and I take a moment to open the door. My heart is racing as I take a step in and even though it's empty, I feel there is something in here. If I talk about souls these people would consider me a witch and a disgrace but I actually feel their presence somehow. I don't know if it's true though. And just like I wanted, I saw a portrait of the couple. My mother and father, if all the theories on my birth all these people have.. are true. But the moment I saw the people in the picture, I instantly knew two things for sure. One is that they are indeed my parents. I am a striking image of them both. I am a blend of them in equal proportions. I have never felt the feeling of belonging until I saw their picture. I see my mother. She is Goddamn beautiful. Her blonde hair is just like mine. Or maybe, my blonde hair is just like hers. And I think I got my blue eyes from my father. He looks handsome himself. It is somehow amusing to me how I have spent all these years with John Adams and called him dad, but never really got that sense of belonging. But one picture of my biological parents proved things otherwise. I really want to know more about them now. "And what's the second one?" Ava asks me even though she knows what that is. She was there when it happened but she just wants me to say it out loud. The second point is that in my dream sequence that the witch and the spirit showed me, I saw them both watching the sunset and telling each other poetry. The couple I saw in my dreams is none other than my biological parents and it just gave me the chills I never had in my life.
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