Chapter 31

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Samika's POV And just like I wanted, I saw a portrait of the couple. My mother and father, if all the theories on my birth all these people have.. is true. But the moment I saw the people in the picture, I instantly knew two things for sure. One is that they are indeed my parents. I am a striking image of them both. I am a blend of them in equal proportions. I have never felt the feeling of belonging until I saw their picture. I see my mother. She is Goddamn beautiful. Her blonde hair is just like mine. Or maybe, my blonde hair is just like hers. And I think I got my blue eyes from my father. He looks handsome himself. It is somehow amusing to me how I have spent all these years with John Adams and called him dad, but never really got that sense of belonging. But one picture of my biological parents proved things otherwise. I really want to know more about them now. "And what's the second one?" Ava asks me even though she knows what that is. She was there when it happened but she just wants me to say it out loud. The second point is that in my dream sequence that the witch and the spirit showed me, I saw them both watching the sunset and telling each other poetry. The couple I saw in my dreams is none other than my biological parents and it just gave me the chills I never had in my life. I walk further into the room and their things are still in their own place. But there is dust everywhere. It's amazing how these people here still preserved my mother's jewelry. And then I got to the rack where there are books everywhere. And I see their names in a few books. Dimitri on some and Athena on some other. Even their names are like old school. No wonder this pack hasn't developed too. Who the heck even names their kids Dimitri and Athena anymore.? I came across a book that's probably written by one of my parents. "It's Alpha Dimitri's. He loved art and Luna Athena was totally an art lover as well," Arnold tells me as he stands behind me. I can feel his body warmth and I take a step forward. As much as he is handsome, I don't want to cheat on my mate. Especially the one who might actually be cheating on me. No no. I shouldn't be thinking that way. Devon loves me so much and he would do anything for me. Cheating wouldn't even enter his mind. And I also hope he wrote back to me by now. All my thoughts and talks came to a halt when I came across a page where there are two different handwritings. One might be my mother's and the other is my father's. Since the entire book is filled with my father's handwriting it was easy for me to recognise it's his. But what's written in it blew my mind away. "Upon my word, I tell you faithfully Through life and after death you are my queen; For with my death the whole truth shall be seen. Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly; Their beauty shakes me who was once serene; Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen." . . "There is a silk ladder unrolled across the ivy There is That leaning over the precipice Of the hopeless fusion of your presence and absence I have found the secret Of loving you Always for the first time" . . These are the same poems the couple told each other in my dreams. But what did the spirit want to tell me when he showed me this, when my question was who do I need to kill? Is the spirit actually implying that my parents might actually be alive and they are not dead? "What happened to my mother?" I ask Arnold and he looks at me, confused. "Even though there was a war here, I was born in human land. Then that means she might have escaped this place. Where did she go? Did anyone put any tabs on her?" I ask Arnold and judging by his expressions, he knows nothing about it. I thought these people were deadliest because of their talent but it's only because of their strength. Their brains stopped growing ages ago. "Can you get me some water, Arnold?" I ask him and he instantly bows to me and leaves the room. I pull out the pen I tucked in my waist and carefully notice my father's handwriting. I am a master in forgery. Whenever my graded papers at school needed my father's signature, I would do it myself because he was always busy. And just like that I mastered the skill. It only took me two tries to get it written and I started scribbling the first thing that came to my mind. I would never fall in love again until I found her I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into" I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her I found you Georgia, pulled me in, I asked to Love her once again You fell, I caught you I'll never let you go again like I did Oh, I used to say I would never fall in love again until I found her I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into" I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her I found you Arnold came back with a glass of water and I took it from his hand and placed the book in his hand in return. He reads what I wrote and he looks at me again. "I have never heard this. Alpha Dimitri wrote something so deep with meaning years ago and you discovered it.! You are a true daughter," Arnold says. I close my eyes with a groan and throw the water straight at his face. How come he did not even notice that the ink from the pen was still gone. And am I supposed to lead this group forward? Me? Really? I might as well die in the process. "Alpha?" Arnold seemed triggered and I took back the notebook that is now wet, thanks to my frustration and his dumbness. "I wrote it just a while ago, Arnold. Not my father" I tell him and now he looks ashamed. "And just so you know, this is a song from the human world. Now go tell everyone what great mastermind you are. And you are a f*****g Beta?" I ask him and I don't know where this anger is coming from. Probably from the fact that I am this close to actually knowing about my parents if they are alive or not, exchange them so I could save Devon and I won't have to kill him. But these dumb asses don't even know the difference between something newly written and something old. They just know their handwriting and that is it. I dismissed him today and went back to my room. If Devon doesn't write me back a letter, I am packing bags and leaving this place. But it's a great thing that he actually wrote back! I eagerly open the folded paper to see his handwriting. . . . . . Oh so dearest Samika Adams, I wish I knew the skill to drive and write on a paper at the same time so you would at least be happy with that. I was freaking driving you dumb ass! I just reached the pack again and I already have two letters from you. And you are even accusing me of cheating. At this rate I will have to be worried if you are cheating on me with the Arnold guy you found hot the other day. You tell me, Samika. Should I be worried?" . . . . . I smile sheepishly as I read that again and again. There is something in this pack. I am becoming an emotional fool and I just acted like Arnold. Of course Devon would be driving. How would he write back if his hands were full. I smack my own forehead as I sit at the desk, all alone in the pack house. I don't know how the time passed but before I know, it's already midnight by the time I wake up. . . . . . Devon's POV But the man before me is even a bigger maniac! He is a f*****g piece of s**t! He made everyone a fool by acting all human when all the while he is a werewolf and he just had a great supply of masking spray that never let anyone know that he is a werewolf. That's how he steered clear. "What do you know about Samika?" I ask him, as I place another silver rod on her shoulder and he screams in pain. "Tell me or this will only get worse, John Adams" I say and he is on the verge of crying at this point. It feels great that I finally got to break him. John Adams. Father of Samika Adams. The founder of the Adams empire is actually a werewolf and he freaking hid it well until now! I didn't let him go until his eyes were eventually droopy and blood was oozing out of his body. I then mindlink Tyler and let him know about John Adams situation and ask him to send a doctor for this filthy man. How could he even do something like that to Samika? By now it's pretty much clear that he was the one behind the drug that Samika had to take all her life so she wouldn't know she's a werewolf. My heart aches for the Samika who never knew why her parents never loved her, like other parents loved their children. She might have grown up constantly questioning her self worth. No wonder she fell for a douche like Nyle. I got back to the pack house once the doctor arrived. I need John to be in good health. Because he has so much to answer. I promised Brent that I would break Samika until she tells me the truth, but I am actually going to implement that on John Adams instead. Once I finally get to know where the drug he used came from, the process of searching Aunt Alanna gets even easier. Because they both used the same drug. They might have bought it from the same dealer or they know each other personally. Either way both Brent and Samika's lives both past and future are dependent on him while he himself lied that he was a human . He was a werewolf all along. By the time I reach the pack house, there is yet another letter in the cauldron. I thought this would be a way of communication but Samika is straight up spamming me with her letters at this point. Not that I am blaming her. But it also feels nice to know that I cross her mind so many times a day. . . . . . Oh so dearest Devon, The more you are actually dodging the letters from me, the more suspicious I am getting here. The way you just let me come here. The way you didn't wait another second to wave bye at me. The way you didn't even reply to my last text is giving me serious doubts on what you might be doing right now. If there is a girl involved, I promise I am going to chop your balls along with her t**s and feed that to my imaginary hounds. So before we get there, it's better you write back to me. If you don't, I am coming back. Nothing is more important to me than you are. But still, you are dead meat. . . . . . I laugh at her letter. Sometimes it really makes me wonder how she is capable of having an entire conversation within her head and then coming to a conclusion without the other person's involvement. She decided I was cheating on her because I didn't write to her already and I did not wave bye at her. I mean, how dumb and how cute she can be. She is both at the same point and slaying those both. I have this stupid wide smile as I write back to her. . . . . . Oh so dearest Samika Adams, I wish I knew the skill to drive and write on a paper at the same time so you would at least be happy with that. I was freaking driving you dumb ass! I just reached the pack again and I already have two letters from you. And you are even accusing me of cheating. At this rate I will have to be worried if you are cheating on me with the Arnold guy you found hot the other day. You tell me, Samika. Should I be worried?" . . . . . I am actually worried already. Because that guy is actually hot and Samika was practically drooling that day. Moreover he is a Madfur so he has the same amount of strength as her. I am the weakest one in her life now and that is creating a small insecurity in me at this point. There is a knock on my door and I see Tyler walk in. I ask him to sit but he doesn't and his face looks harder than ever. I guess I know where this is coming from and I wish I can tell him the entire story about Aunt Alanna and the drug dealer thing. He only knows half and I don't even want to argue with anyone, let alone Tyler at this point. "You are slowly turning into someone inhuman," Tyler says and I just glare at him. "Tell me you didn't see this side of me before," I challenged him and he just glared back at me. "I did. But when your mate came into the picture, you became kinder. Every single person in this pack started loving you for that. Do you even remember, when was the last time a pack member smiled at you? I was glad to see who actually changed the opinions of everyone in this pack. Opinions on you especially. Oh she would be so ashamed and embarrassed if she saw you right now," Tyler says and I stand up. I don't want to take his s**t anymore. "Oh yeah. The last time I checked, Gladys wasn't my mate and I never needed her validation," I tell Tyler and now we are standing face to face, both glaring at each other. Tyler doesn't say anything as he silently walks out while I pull out my own journal. I decided to maintain one when Samika is away. Partially because I need to let out these stupid feelings and thoughts I keep buried in my heart. The only good thing my father ever taught me was to maintain a journal. I don't know if it helped him but it did help me. So I want to give that a try again and this time for my mate. . . . . . This is for you, love. Today I did something after a long time. I tortured someone. I made them cry. I made them beg for their life but all I actually did was torture them with even more silver. But before you judge me when you read this, I want you to understand that it was what needed to be done. I might tell you about it before you even come to read this journal. But if I don't then please do come and ask me about it. Also I don't know why I feel this way but I feel like we both are drifting away from each other. Please tell me that's not the case. Because the thought of losing you is already making me go insane. I don't want the thought to become a reality. Tyler just told me that I am slowly turning into something inhuman. But little does he know that I am actually doing this for you. Not just this I would do anything for you. I would destroy the earth and the sky for you. He told me that Gladys would actually be ashamed of me. But the point is I don't really need her validation. All I need is for you to understand me. For you to trust me that when I do something there is a strong reason behind it. I didn't beat Brent because I was just interested in violence. At that time I did not know how to make him go away from the Pack lands. And that was the nearest thing I thought of because he was the one who actually punched me first. I thought that would be the easiest way everyone would believe why I hit him. But you just saw through me. You just knew I did not beat him with no purpose and there had to be something behind what I did. Thank you for trusting me love. I hope I can keep that up forever. But still at the end of the day we belong to two enemy clans. I know you are already on your way to find out more about why we are enemies in the first place. I don't think this is going to end well. Still I would like to have hope that one day you will come back to me again. Please don't put me in a position where I have to choose between you and my pack. Because without any second thought I would choose you always. It is true that I was born and brought up here. It is also so that my father was the Alpha here and I am the next one in life. But none of that is enough to stop me from coming to you. None of that is enough to stop me from choosing you. None of that is enough to stop me from loving you. You are my one and only. And by any chance if by the time you read this we are already apart, then I am sorry that I might have broken my word when I said I choose you. I know that I am the alpha blooded one but I was ready to male before you Samika. Because that is what you mean to me. And today I did not want to leave you at all in your pack. But I had to because I had things to do in your absence. Things that are related to you. Things that will enjoy your safety. And if it is not clear by now then I would like to make it clear again that I would destroy heaven and hell if that is what makes you safe. I would fight with devils and Angels themselves. If that is the only way that can keep you safe. But then there is another thought in my mind. What if I have to keep someone else safe from you? Because after all you belong to one of the deadliest tribes in the entire werewolf history. Not just one of the but the only. At this point all I can say is let us just hope for the best. Let us hope that soon we shall be in each other's arms again. Let us hope that soon we shall be having our morning routines again. My wolf already feels slow without your wolf. And I already feel lonely without you. I am going to make myself some sausage sizzle today. Because some of my most favorite people on this planet actually love that dish. And moreover it is easy to make so why not. And today's journal I would like to end it by saying, I love you with all my heart Samika Adams. It doesn't matter what pack you are Alpha to. It doesn't matter if you are an Alpha or not. Because I fell in love with you, not your rank or your race. . . . . . . It feels a little better after I wrote that all down. But before I even realized what I was doing, I was already tearing the paper and lighting it up, throwing it in the cauldron totally out of habit. I blew air but for a moment I forgot that that's how the fire spreads. And before I knew it, the journal was already gone and I groaned out loud. What the f**k did I just do?
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