Chapter 7

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Samika's POV "You are The Alpha of The Madfurs in your own right! No wonder you took down my father even with no wolf," That was what he said before he walked away. And I say there. Alone at the pond. The only place where Devon and I were ever truly us. Not an Alpha, Beta or anything like that. Just Devon. And just Samika. And he chose this place to finally pull me back to reality. I am a Madfur and not just any Madfur but The Alpha of The Madfur? Really? "Did you know about this, Ava?" I ask my wolf and wait for a second to notice her presence. She is there. In the back of my mind. But she is not responding. Maybe because she is trying to think or maybe she doesn't want to respond. "If our true identity is being a Madfur then don't you think I should know that?" I say to Ava again and I finally hear her groan. "Yes," is all she says and before I ask her another question, she cuts me as she starts talking once again. "Yes we are The Madfurs. I've known it since the beginning but the drugs in your system made it hard for me to shift," she says that totally pushes me off guard. "Drugs in my system? What are you talking about?" I ask her. "I don't know. Usually the werewolf shift happens when one turns eighteen. It was the same with you. I was in you during your eighteenth birthday. But no matter how hard I pushed myself, I just never shifted. I became a voice in the back of your mind. The small buzz you constantly kept hearing in the beginning," she told me. And with every sentence Ava kept talking, I was starting to know more and more about who I truly am. "How did you know you were ready to shift then?" I asked her, just to make sure I know who to target before hitting them straight. "I was getting better after we shifted here and you became an Alpha. And a few weeks prior to that I was starting to get healthy. And two days ago I was completely alright and geared up for the shift. But I didn't tell you because I know you would be afraid with the concept," Ava says again. Well, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore. As long as I hate to admit it, I am a Madfur. There is nothing there that I can change. If my mere existence came from them, then I guess I cannot turn my back now. I stand up and start walking towards the pack house. I just followed Devon's lingering scent in the air and it gave me a trail to the pack house. Of course he would be exhausted. I don't even know where he fell asleep last night. And this is getting out of hand. We really need to have a talk. A civilized one where the other is ready to sit and listen. I walk into the pack house and I see Olive trying to talk to Devon, but he is just standing there and staring at her with no response or an expression. "Olive, I'm sorry but can you give me a moment with him?" I ask her, making Devon look at me but his expression still doesn't change. I only see he clenched his jaw once. But he didn't even move an inch so I guess he is going to try his best to not react to whoever and whatever they say. Through the corner of my eye I see Brent in the living room as well. Funny how I did not notice his scent. Maybe I was too immersed in my anger and talking to Devon. "No. They can stay. After all they know everything, apparently" Devon says, looking at Olive who only rolls her eyes. She is clearly running out of patience and so am I. "Devon, this is not a child's play. I need to talk to you about something and it cannot wait!" I say and he looks at Olive. Olive looks at me and is ready to walk away but Devon starts to walk away instead leaving me with no choice but to scream it out loud. "I know who is the anonymous person who waged the war," I scream and he stops midway and turns around to look at me. "It's my dad. John Adams," I mention just so he doesn't think The Alpha of Madfurs is... Oh wait, he is dead. Devon's father killed him. And there was karma, because I killed Jerome. "He knew who I was. He knew how to slow me down because of the slow poison. That was why he always wanted me back home whenever I walked out. He knew something we all don't," I tell Devon and he thinks about it before nodding, but still in confusion. "Can we talk now?" I ask him, as he glances at Olive and Brent watching us,"please?" Devon doesn't say anything and for a split second I saw concern in his face. The Devon I fell in love with had his eyes like that. Not this foreign person who wouldn't even tell a soul why he hates having Brent here. Maybe I'll find out. Just like I am doing this one. And it's about time I take John Adams down before he becomes the mistake I cannot avoid.
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