Chapter 6

866 Words
Samika's POV I sit at the pond and wait. I don't know for how long I sat but I only know that it'll be late enough right after the sun sets. I pluck a flower on the small plant right beside me. I don't know what this is, but it is a vibrant orange. I get a whiff of Devon's scent and finally sigh in relief. I wait for him to come and sit beside me and he does. But he doesn't say a word. As if he is not interested in a conversation. I established the private mindlinks with every pack member just a couple of hours ago, and was waiting for Devon here. Tyler told me there would be constant headaches but I just have to endure it until I eventually get used to it. "Devon, how long are we going to be like this?" I ask him, making the first move when it comes to initiating conversation and he looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "You were fine with me two days ago. You were the one who cheered for me during my first shift. I don't know what happened after or during my shift, but you started acting weird since then," I say and he gives me an expression saying he is starting to get bored. I stayed silent for a few minutes. Both Devon and I sat by the pond, watching the sun set. Nothing is happening like I want to. The whispers of the spirit have calmed a little. And I hope it will be the same for a few days at least. I cannot focus on anything else when there is a constant whisper in my ear, reminding me that there is a bargain I need to fulfill. "Do you really want to know?" Devon asks and I look at him, and then nod telling him that I do want to know. "Where do I start?" He asks, with a sarcastic hint in his voice. "Oh yes! How about you were ignoring me like I was some parasite you needed to get rid of even a day before your first shift?" He asked me. I can let it slide. He doesn't know the bargain I called in, with the spirit who helped me rescue the missing pups (Heart of Life , chapter - 100) "And then, you shifted right in front of my eyes. I was happy. You were this beautiful white wolf standing before me and I was the happiest person on the planet. The werewolf world wouldn't bully you by calling you a Wolfless Alpha anymore," he says and I smile a little. "But exactly at that moment I saw a distinct feature on you. Your ears are not the usual wolf ears. But the Madfurs kind. Your tribe is different, Samika. And it was clear," he says. Now that's another truth I wanted to run away from. Cass told me that I belonged to The Madfurs but I didn't believe her. Because as far as I know, the Madfurs are one of the deadliest and superior werewolf tribes. There is no way someone like me, a late bloomer could be a Madfur. Moreover it's said that they spent all their time in their wolf form. I struggled for twenty two years just to get my wolf.! "Before you say that it might be a mistake," Devon pauses and shakes his head,"it's not a mistake. You are a Madfur" I fall silent again. I don't know what to say. I can deny it all I want but the truth comes back to bite me in the ass at the end of the day. I don't know if I am ready for that. "I can be a Madfur. So freaking what?" I ask him back and he stares at the sun who is almost gone by now. "Paxton knew who you were. The one you were supposed to marry. He knew you were Madfur and the last time I met him, he asked me what I would do if one day I came to know who you really are. I told him that it wouldn't make a difference who you are. And that I would protect you," Devon whispers the last part and looks at me again. His hazel eyes boring into mine as he looks at me. "But I don't know if I can do it anymore," he says. His words stung a little and I don't know why. "Why?" I ask him, to which he just shrugs. Probably he is contemplating if he should tell me about it or not. "Because The Alpha of the Madfurs is dead because of my father. He killed yours. You grew up as an orphan because of my father. And his ultimate wish that he somehow asked me to fulfill was to wipe out the Madfurs," Devon says. And that is a little too much to take in. Devon's father killed mine? So my father was The Alpha of The Madfurs. "You are The Alpha of The Madfurs in your own right! No wonder you took down my father even with no wolf," he mutters before standing and walking away.
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