Chapter 8

1016 Words
Devon's POV "He knew who I was. He knew how to slow me down because of the slow poison. That was why he always wanted me back home whenever I walked out. He knew something we all don't," Samika tells me again. I give it a thought just for a moment. And I don't see why there could be a reason why I should give him a thought in the first place. All he ever did was stir trouble. I look at Samika again, and nod at her. "Can we talk now?" Samika asks me again but I look at Olive and Brent once,"please?" I nod at her again and follow her outside. I don't know for how long Brent and Olive are going to stay. I need to send them back to human land soon. They shouldn't be here and I don't think I can hold the fort alone anymore. We both walked out to the pond again and I understood why she chose this place. I basically asked every pack member to not go there after she said that was the place she liked the most. I wanted for it to be special to her. Only her. "How do you know it's your father?" I ask her and she looks at me again, determined to finally talk to me instead of fighting. That's what we've been doing for the past two days anyways. "My wolf, Ava, told me that on my eighteenth birthday she was already there but couldn't shift because of the drug in my system. That slowed her down. She could hardly talk to me and even that was just a buzz to a point I thought I hallucinated the voice in my head for a long while," Samika tells me and I nod again, I remember her telling me there was a voice in her head. "And my wolf gained strength only after coming here. She started getting better a few days before I came here, meaning I already walked out of my home and was staying at Brent's place already," Samika tells me again. "He was always blackmailing me into coming back home, Devon. He used everything in his capacity for me to go home so he can drug me through my food or something else that only he knows," Samika is starting to grow frustrated. And I keep my distance from her. After all, she is a Madfur. A tribe that could kill me with bare hands. She proved it by killing my father with her wolf, not even in her dominant state. "Also, how the f**k did he get The Madfurs ears?" Samika asks me and then it hits me again. "He knew who you were all along," I whisper and she nods at me. It could also be Paxton. But I didn't tell Samika about his warning to me yet. So I keep that one part out of her reach. Even if it's Paxton, I highly doubt he would be drugging her to slow her wolf down only for him to marry her and introduce to the werewolf world again. He knows it could trigger her wolf. There are so many questions again, but as usual.. no answers. "Devon," Samika whispers and this time her voice holds pain. Lots of it. "I really need you now more than ever. Everything around me is falling apart. The anonymous letter that stated a war, me being a Madfur, you and Brent this way, Nyle and his mate..," she stops when she realized she spoke too much already. "I need you," Samika says and I don't think for a second before rushing to her and hugging her. Samika hugs me back with the same need, and honestly the way she is holding says a lot. She is now powerful. Her strength is insane. It is making me suffocate too, so I quickly pull away again. I pant slowly and she noticed it, before cupping her mouth with both her hands. "Did I hurt you?" She asks and I don't say anything, other than the sheepish look I just gave her. "Sorry," she whispers and I roll my eyes. "I can feel this strong strength. I don't know if all the werewolves get it after their first shift because of their wolf, or maybe because I am a Madfur or whatever that is," Samika says and I know she is trying her best to manage the choice of her words right now. And it's kind of adorable actually. I never stopped loving Samika. I will always love her. I am just afraid of the consequences of this newfound information. My father killed Samika's father. It's only about time that The Madfurs are going to visit again, and this time they will know that their Alpha's daughter is here. Moreover I cannot risk disclosing Brent's identity too. I only know that I need to get him out of here. Getting violent didn't work. I need to think of something else. "It wasn't my intention. Sorry," Samika says and I blink once before breaking the string of my thoughts and nod at her. "I'm fine, really" I whisper at her and she looks at me for a second, confusion evident on her face. "No. Not you," she says and I raise my eyebrow at her. "What did you do?" I ask her, knowing very well she wouldn't apologize to anything other than the sheepish acts that she does. "I accidentally broke your.." she trails and mumbles the last word so low that even my wolf didn't hear. So I take a step forward towards her and she is staring at the ground. "Bathtub. I went in there this morning and thought of our first time in it and.. oh god this is embarrassing," she whispers and starts running before I get a hold of her. She went to my room and to the bathtub recalling our first time in there? I laugh once she is gone. I will be there by her side. But I'm not sure if the circumstances turn against us.
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