Chapter 34

847 Words
Devon's POV "What the f**k did you do?" Cassie asks me. And with that I slowly look down before me. Only then I realized that I did something terrible. That one thing that even my maid samika would not forgive me for. I thought I was stabbing my father, but actually I was stabbing her mother who was in hospital. And now, she is dead with her blood on my hands. I throw the knife down on the floor and take a couple of steps back, in pure disbelief. How did this happen? How did I kill her? I was killing my father. I was actually stabbing him. Not her. "What did you do, Devon?" Cassie asks me, as she drags me out of the hospital room by my collar and I had never seen her this way. This furious. "I wasn't stabbing her," I say, my eyes beginning to blur. "Then who were you stabbing? Yourself?" She asks me back, with a hint of sarcasm this time. "No. I was stabbing my father," I say and she looks at me with softer eyes, her rage slowly descending as she looks at me. I know how ridiculous it might sound when I say that I was stabbing my father. Because it's been a while since my father was already killed by my mate. And I was only imagining all of that. Not only did I imagine, but I killed someone else thinking that was my father. I know what happened. I know that it was the scent that made me see illusions and made me believe that it was real. And I also know that no one, not even Cassie would believe that if I say now. "What are you going to tell Samika?" She asks me and I fall on the floor, thinking about that. She killed my father because she saw how cruel he was to me and everyone. There was anger in that. She was trying to protect me when she was attacking my father. But I killed her mother without a reason. I wish I knew witches who could resurrect a dead person. Sad enough that I can't. I guess I should indeed call Samika and tell her about it. Whatever it is, she deserves to know what happened to her mother. She deserves one last goodbye. She can hate me all she wants, and honestly I deserve that. . . . . . Samika's POV I wake up on Arnold's couch and recall what happened last night. He made me dinner and I crashed here after eating that. I remember sleeping in the guest room but with no air conditioning, I opened the large window here and slept on the couch. It actually helped me though. I see Arnold is already up and he is making us some breakfast. I smile at him and use the bathroom in the guest room to brush my teeth with a new brush Arnold already had ready for me, and have breakfast with him. Some wild berries. Two slices of toast. A boiled egg that I bet has a runny yolk. And some juice on the side. I look at him and he smiles at me. "Where is coffee?" I ask him and he laughs, without even answering. "Now that's a luxury this pack hasn't seen yet. We grab a hold of that when we get to other packs or human lands. But the plantations don't grow well here so we don't have any access," he tells me. Oh dear lord, the amount of change this pack needs! And how am I ever going to survive without coffee? Once the breakfast was done, I asked Arnold to gather up everyone in an hour. And meanwhile I go to the pack house to change my clothes and have a warm shower. But with no water heater or anything like that, I had to ask for help with heating water on the stove and then using that for the shower. I groaned several times today and it's not even half of the day. Just when I was getting ready, I noticed there was a letter in the cauldron. Devon wrote something for me. Thank Heavens. I could use some boost up right now. . . Love, I am really sorry to be the one breaking this news to you. But your mother is dead. I thought you would want to come and pay your respects and give her a proper goodbye. I will ask the patrol to lift the gates up so there won't be even a second of delay. I am sorry love. I'll be waiting for you here. . . I fall on my knees on the floor, with trembling hands. My mother. My mom. She's dead. I don't know how. I start crying uncontrollably and I feel a pair of arms around me, pulling me into their strong and hard chest. It pushes me even more to let it all out and I cry for minutes as Arnold just rocks me without saying a word.
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