Chapter 33

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Devon's POV I got ready to go and surprise Samika when I felt this intoxicating scent hit my nostrils. Something even harder than a mate scent. Something even brighter than a mate bond. It is as if the scent was calling me to come and talk to it. For me to come and rescue it. I don't know if it's a male or female but it feels like they are calling out for me. The sun is now rising, and everyone in the pack is waking up now. I know I have to leave now if I want to reach on time and surprise Samika, but the scent is making me go crazier. What's a little harm in following the scent just to see if this is what I think it is or not. If a girl is in her heat, at least I would ask Cass to take over and protect her from other male wolves. So I followed the scent and weird enough, it was coming from the pack hospital. I look around trying to see if this is a prank played by someone but there is no one around me. The more I am taking in the scent, the more I feel like I am being teleported into another realm where there is pleasure everywhere. I am getting that alcohol high that werewolves rarely get, and I am not even drunk. I followed that scent and by now, even my vision is blurry. But I am in a room now. I am in a room and I see Samika. She is right in front of me. But with another man. I then realized the man was me. I was him. And I am with Samika. . I hear footsteps and shift my focus towards the girl walking to me. I saw the way her face lit up when she saw I was at the door waiting for her. A man is the luckiest if he has a girl who loves him more than himself. And I am experiencing that with Sam. Tyler told me how she just stayed by my side when I was in a coma. She even refused to eat or shower. She was just waiting for me and here I am today. "Hey you," she says as I pull her closer to me. Her arms are now on my shoulders, while I am holding her waist. This woman is literally the most gorgeous on this entire freaking planet! How did Moon Goddess even pair me up with a girl like her!! "Hey you," I say back, making her smile. I don't waste time as I lean towards her and place my lips on hers. She tastes like strawberries probably because of her lip gloss or whatever she likes to call it. I slowly walk us towards my bed and she doesn't object as well. I push her to it first and then get on top of her. It is a sight to see her under me, her legs tangled over my ass and her hands exploring the muscles on my body. "I love you," I tell her and I don't even wait as I start kissing her again. My kisses then trail from her lips to her neck where I gave her a couple of hickeys. These days she is ready to throw her hair into a bun whenever I give her hickeys. I am literally dying inside with the amount of happiness that sight is giving me. I get rid of her top and kiss her gently just above the outline of her bra. She wiggles under me because she wants more. But I am in the mood to play and I will be doing exactly that! One of my hands is now moving in small circles just under her belly button. One of her weakest spots. I gently rock my hips on hers and now she is already asking me to get inside of her. I get rid of her jeans and look at my girl in just her lingerie. Moon Goddess really outdid herself when she paired up Samika to me. I will forever be so devoted to the Goddess for that. I would be devoted to Samika first and my creator next. No one is above my girl. Just as I am about to get rid of my clothes before f*****g her senseless, I pick up scents and hear footsteps. . . . There is a whiff of the same scent again. The scent is making me go crazy. It is the most intoxicating scent I have ever come across. I want to live in this scent and I want to do anything for this scent. Just when the scent was starting to leave me, I screamed in frustration. And this time, I saw my father and me. I clench my fist and then there is the scent again. I unclench my fist in a second and get lost in this madness. . . . "So tell me, Devon. Did you forget everything I taught you?" He asks me and I feel a shiver in my spine. I might look like I was never afraid of my father but in all honesty, I was. I was afraid of him. Afraid of what he could do. He didn't even blink when he ordered his guards to kill Isaac. The only best friend I had. A person who could do that to his son, is capable of doing anything in this world. Any cruel thing. "I don't understand what you are talking about," I say and turn around. I could only hear his voice. I don't see him. He is dead. Samika killed him. So why is he here now? How is he even here? Then it all dawns on me. I was protecting Samika and took the stab. I felt the wolfsbane rushing through my veins right before I collapsed. My father cannot come back alive. So that only tells me that I am dead now. And even in death, my father still decided to haunt me. For my life choices. "That girl doesn't even have a wolf," my father is now visible to me. And he is standing right before me. "Yes she does. I can sense it. And I know that even you did," I tell him. "Then tell me why you beat the s**t out of Nyle the first time they both came to the pack house. You did not lay a finger on her. Because you knew she could hurt you equally enough," I say and I know that might have triggered him. Because his response was only a spat on the ground. Gladys told me the entire scene on what happened the night Nyle and Samika first came to the pack house. She told me that my father beat Nyle until he was totally bloodied and Samika had to apologize to my father for him to let go of Nyle. "That was because I didn't want to place a finger on her filthy body," my father finally says and his face shows nothing but pure rage. "Admit it, father. You were scared of her. You have a history of abusing women. You didn't let go of even Omegas. So what is a human girl to you?" I ask him and the more I push him, the more he is fuming with rage. At first I was just trying to get a reaction out of him, but now I know for sure. He was afraid of her. Why would he be afraid of her? He is an Alpha who lost no war in his lifetime. But then again, Sam wasn't even a werewolf when she killed him. "Is Sam a Royal? Is she a hybrid?" I ask him and he doesn't say anything. "Is she a f*****g hybrid?" I screamed at my father but his image was slowly fading away. Is she a hybrid? Is that why her wolf took time to shift? Because her other supernatural gene was dominant? If she is a hybrid, then who is she? What is she?? "Devon!!" I hear Samika's scream and I look around. Why is she here now? Where am I even? I take a look around and I notice nothing but trees. The grass is the brightest green I have ever seen and the sun rays are bright. Earlier I remember seeing my father in the dark. There was not enough light to know what surroundings were. "Devon," I hear Samika again and I look around, trying to find her still. "Devon woke up, it's a dream!" Samika screams louder and just like that, I jolt awake. This time, I see white ceiling and white walls. A hospital room. And before me is Samika who looked like she had been crying for a while now. Sam doesn't say anything as she just cries louder. She might have missed me. Of course she would. She just grabs my hand and places it on her cheek as she cries even more. I cannot help but smile. She really did miss me a lot. Never thought I would see a day like this. "I am back, love" I say but she only smacks my arm and that hurts like a son of a b***h thanks to the state I am now in. "You i***t," she says as she punches my arm again. "I was so worried," another smack on my arm. "You literally got ready to die to protect me," Samika says as she hits my arm again and again, through her tears and I cannot help but laugh. The way she is angry but crying, being careful about my body but still punching only my arm says a lot. "I love you too," I say and pull her closer so I can hug her but these stupid wires and tubes that my body is attached to, is making a big mess. Samika just kisses my forehead and I feel the warmth. The doctors walk in and they all look so relieved and happy. I thought they would be celebrating that I was at the verge of death. The doctors run their final tests while Sam went out to tell everyone else. And I cannot stop thinking about the strangest dream I ever had. If Samika is a hybrid, then who is she? What is she? How did my father know she was powerful enough to kill him? Was that why he asked me not to talk to her or anything like that? Is that why he shunned Nyle too, just to keep Sam away from the pack? What kind of creature is Sam that even my father was worried about? Could she also be a vampire? Vampires and enemies were rivals. She killed my father with a silver knife. Silver didn't burn her. What is she? . . . "Sam, I know you told me already. But I just want to be sure," Nyle whispers as he pulls away from the kiss. "The more you ask, the more I feel like this is not going to work," Samika says and he narrows his eyes at her in confusion. "I know what I want. I know what I choose. The more you ask me, the more I get confused about my own decision. And I am indecisive," Samika says and I just want to wake up from this dream now. Even the intoxicating scent is not helping me anymore. If this is a dream, I want to wake up right now! "I want this, Nyle. I want this right now. At this very moment. As we talk about it. I want to have this before the guards come ruining it for us" Samika says and the next second Nyle's lips are on hers again. I scream my lungs out. I close my eyes and I still see them. When I open my eyes, even though my vision is blurry I still see them. I see Nyle kissing my mate. And I also see Samika enjoying every bit of it. Nyle bites her lip a little making her lips part in surprise and his tongue explores her mouth. Nyle's hands then travel to her thighs in a way that he is holding her in a perfectly awkward way. And just as I was thinking that this couldn't get any more nastier, that bastard even changed their positions. He pushed Samika on to the mattress and he looks like he actually struggled to make that move. And why the f**k is Samika enjoying every bit of this? I scream my lungs out because this is pure torture. I would be happy if someone tortures me with all kinds of weapons but not this one. f*****g not this one, please! Samika falls on the mattress and now Nyle is kneeling before her, his eyes slowly turning a darker shade and then back to the lighter shade again. His wolf was even existent at that point? I don't remember the last time I saw his wolf. Or maybe I might have seen his wolf and mistook it for a pup. He leans over Samika and kisses her again, and this time he is a little rougher. This bastard needs to slow down. She is a person. Not an ice cream he could lick to his heart's content! He bit her lip a little and his hands were teasing the hem of her top. I see Samika folding her arms around his neck and pull him closer to tell him that she is okay with this pace. Pace? What pace is she talking about? That man looks like he could legit be an example of an eight second ride. I know this started out as a pure torture but now I feel pity for Samika who actually had to go through all that before she met me. I hope I satisfied her enough in bed. He takes the hint and finally slips his hand inside her top, touching her bare skin. A moan escaped her mouth. He pulls away and quickly pulls up his tee shirt revealing his naked upper body. I couldn't contain it anymore as I laugh out loud because what the f**k is even there on that body for Samika to be falling in love with him at that point of her life. I really really pity Samika that she had to go through all that and I wish once I am done with this dream, I can get out and go see her already. I miss her and I miss being inside of her, now more than ever. . . . . . "You f*****g i***t," I hear my father's scream again and just like that, I am now on alert mode, looking around. And there it is. The intoxicating scent. It is as if the scent is actually pulling my brains out, filling it with pleasure and then re-inserting it back into my head. But the level of happiness and high this scent is giving me right now is incomparable to anything else in this world. I look around and I finally see my father. And this time I don't see anyone else. Instead, he is looking at me. He is staring at me. As if this is not a dream and this is all real. "Even if this is all real, you still wouldn't have done a f*****g thing right," I hear my father say again. "What do you mean?" I ask my father and he takes a threatening step towards me, making me feel the shiver down my spine. If there is anyone I would always be afraid of, then it's my father. "Do you know now..? Who is your mate?" My father asks me and I nod. "She is Samika Adams. The Alpha of The Blood Rose Pack by win. And the Alpha of The Madfurs by her own right," I tell my father with my chest puffing with pride as I talk more and more about Samika. "Oh you dumbass!" My father says again and I don't know how, but I have a knife in my hand now. I can feel the cold metal. It's not silver. If it's not silver, then how am I going to kill him? "That girl might be strong, but she is still a w***e," my father says and my grip around the knife tightens. How dare he! "She is not a w***e," I tell him and glare at him but he is glaring harder at me, challenging me to prove it to him otherwise. "She slept with Nyle before you. And she is sleeping with Arnold now, after you. Once she finds a better option than Arnold she would dump his dumbass like she dumped yours," my father now has a smirk and if he is not dead by now, I would have killed him again. Not Samika. "Oh how would you know, father? After all, you treated all women as whores. So it's natural for you to see her that way, but let me remind you that if I don't talk to her for a couple of hours she spams letters to me because she wants me. She loves me. And she is so protective and possessive over me. I really pity that you couldn't really experience what love is when you were alive," I tell him. . And I expected for him to come up with a snarky remark or him glaring at me but his laugh totally caught me off guard. "Admit it, father. You were scared of her. You have a history of abusing women. You didn't let go of even Omegas. So what is a human girl to you?" I ask him and the more I push him, the more he is fuming with rage. I am now trying my best to get him to admit to the fact that Samika is actually not who he thinks she is. "I pity you, my son. For falling in love with a w***e," my father laughs on my face again, I can literally feel his spit falling on my face as he laughs out loud. I want to move backwards but somehow it feels like my legs are glued to the floor. "Stop it," I whisper but he is still laughing and calling Samika all sorts of names making me even angrier than before. "I am being nice to you, father," I say and he stops laughing just for one second before he starts laughing once again. The group on the knife in my hand is only tightening with each passing second. I know that my father is dead and this is all a dream but I don't know how to wake up. Especially with this intoxicating scent making me do crazy things. "What are you going to do?" My father asks me,"are you thinking of killing me?" "Too bad your mate beat your ass in that as well," my father says and laughs straight at my face once again. I don't think I can take this anymore. I know that my father is already dead. So what is more harm in killing him again in my dream. It is going to harm no one. So I take the knife in my hand, and start my father right in his chest. I thought my father would fall down and die right in front of my eyes. But he is still laughing which makes me go even more crazy than before. So I pull out the knife from his just again and stab him once more. "Devon!!!" I heard screams. The intoxicating scent is slowly fading away. "What the f**k did you do?" Cassie asks me. And with that I slowly look down before me. Only then I realized that I did something terrible. That one thing that even my maid samika would not forgive me for. I thought I was stabbing my father, but actually I was stabbing her mother who was in hospital. And now, she is dead with her blood on my hands.
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