Chapter 54

444 Words
Paxton's POV As soon as I got out of the pack house, Arnold followed me as well. Oh I know that stupid i***t. My father was always telling me stories about him and his father. Although in the stories that my father told me, he was nothing more than a nine year old child. I remember my father saying that he still thought soup came from cows who ate spicy food. But just when we walked into the guest room, Arnold pinned me to the wall. It was just us and no one else. My back is digging into the wall, and I feel there might be a crack even. I did not know he grew up to be this strong. Or maybe I grew up to be weak after decades of settling down in human lands. "One more plot to hurt her and you will be dead," Arnold growls and I see pure rage in his eyes and the way he is pinning me to the wall. "Why would I?" I ask him back, choosing my words very carefully since the act is slowly coming to an end. There is no much time left for me to make Samika mine and rule everything again. "Really? You are asking me this?" He asks me back, and his hand grabs my throat, keeping me in place and I thought I might take him down but he is far more stronger than I knew. No wonder The Madfurs are known as the dangerous species of the werewolf race. He is holding me as if he is grabbing a rat from a trap. "You thought I was an unborn fetus when your pack murdered mine?" He asks again and I stiffened a little in his grip. "You thought I don't know what pack had cherry red hair?" He asks me again, and the way he is growling at me is sending goosebumps all over my skin. "And did you think that we have forgotten what kind of a monster your father was? A manipulative bastard who is far more dangerous than a snake?" Arnold says. And I don't even know how to talk back at this point. My father really had a reputation to bear. "If at all you even come close to her, I will rip you into shreds. You are to maintain two feet distance from her at any cost! Anything less than that, and I will feed your dead body to the vultures," he says one last time before punching me in the face and walking to his room like nothing happened. So I guess I need to be careful with my next step.
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