Chapter 53

857 Words
Samika's POV "If you are about to ask what he is doing here," I point at Arnold first,"then you'll have to tell me what he is doing here" I say now pointing at Paxton. God, he reeks of werewolf scent. Now I understand how or why Cass told me that he was a werewolf the first time she met him. My wolf wasn't that dominant at that time so I did not catch the scent. "He is here to talk to you," Devon whispers. And why is Devon backing Paxton up? The last time I remember, they were at each other's throats ready to kill each other. Devon's eyes then flickered towards Arnold in the room. I turn around to see Arnold about to walk away, but I ask him not to. I trust him just as much as anybody else in this room. "He is my Beta, and he is going to be here and everywhere else that I am there," I say with my voice coming out like a command. Just like I wanted. By being a Madfur, I learnt commanding better than being an Alpha of The Blood Rose Pack. I always relied on Devon for it. But now, I am able to take down even Alphas as well. I am realising my new love for The Madfurs now. "You are in grave danger, Samika" Paxton says and I just laugh. "Says the one who actually plotted against me for so many times. I lost count on how many times you broke my trust, Paxton. So I guess you are not in a position to say that," I tell him and he just stares at me. A blank stare but I don't give a flying f**k at this point. "So you helped him get out?" I asked Paxton, with my head tilted slightly towards Devon. And Paxton's answer came as a nod. Just a nod. "Is there anything else you want to say? Because I have better things to deal with," I say and by the look on Devon's face I know that I hit a damn nerve. "You can stay in the Guest house for now," Devon says and I just glare at him. "Well, I am the Alpha and-" "And a hot head who is not ready to see things for what they are," Devon says, cutting me off and that boiled my blood more than the fact that he is out of prison and not because I wanted him to. We are now glaring at each other and I can only catch the lingering scents of Paxton and Arnold. They must have left just when we both were starting to glare at each other. "I don't want to pick a fight, Devon" I say but he only took a step forward, coming closer to me. His intoxicating mate scent is only making things harder for me. I try picturing Devon, killing my mother. But no matter how many times I do, I don't see him doing it like he wanted to do that. "I told you I was sorry a million times! I also told you that none of this is what I wanted. I was not in my right mind when I did those things. Even so, I am still ashamed of them," he says, taking another step closer to me. "Of everyone on this planet, you know what you mean to me. I would do anything in this world to make you happy. And you know, that I would never do anything remotely that could hurt you," he says and now he is standing before me. Only an inch of gap separating us. Deep down, even I know that he would never do anything to hurt me. But still, losing my mom is still haunting me. And knowing that he did is even more haunting. I know that he might have done it because of something else. He was the one who helped me get my mom back to the pack, just because she was in danger. So I am sure that he wouldn't do anything against what he already did for me. But the thing is, things are too much for me to take in. "But that doesn't change the fact that I lost my mother," I whisper and he nods. "And I am sorry again," Devon says, his hands cupping my face. "I am sorry even though I did not do it intentionally. I know what it is like to lose everyone. I was an orphan too, remember?" He asks me, with a smile. He was an orphan. He had his dad but I killed him. I deliberately killed him, unlike Devon who did it unintentionally. Suddenly, I don't know who is the monster in between both of us. And when Devon leaned towards me, I did not stop him. And when he placed his lips on mine, I did not stop him either. And when his hands went into my hair, putting my head into place, I couldn't stop him again. Deep down, I know that I am the one changing. Not the people around me.
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