Chapter 13

849 Words
Samika's POV A part in me shatters when I reach the prison. Amara in her cell, is laying dead. Her head exploded into several pieces. And her half sister, who is also Tyler's mom, is crying hysterically in the cell adjacent to her. "It's all because of you!" Sabrina screams at me but all I see is the last string between the spirit and me dead on the floor. I am left with no other option now. "What happened to her?" I muster up the courage to ask Sabrina but she is only glaring at me. I don't know how I am the one responsible for this. "I told her it could be dangerous but she wasn't even ready to listen," Sabrina says again. "I don't.. I don't understand," I say tears pooling in my eyes as I see the lifeless body of Amara. I guess my scream gave it away, the guards came in and even they were shocked to see Amara this way. How come they didn't know it earlier that she died? "How long has it been?" I ask Sabrina and I am purposefully not even using the word death because even I can't believe Amara is dead and I didn't even know about it. "Minutes ago," Sabrina answers. "Devon?" I mindlink him and wait for his response. "Bring Tyler. You and him to the prison cells. Now" I mindlink him. I am still not used to the whole mindlinking process. My head still hurts a little if I do more of it. I ask the guards to open Sabrina's cell and they hesitate for a moment. I gave them the orders in my Alpha tone and they opened it in an instant. I walked in and Sabrina is still glaring at me. She is Tyler's mother. That makes her the former Gamma female. And yet, she is still glaring at the Alpha. I guess that's what family gives to each other. Strength and power. To even look at the enemy in the eye. Because according to her, in their tale I am the enemy. "I am sorry I didn't know about this," I say and Sabrina is still silent. How do I show her that I am indeed sorry for her loss? "Who wants your sorry here? Not me," Sabrina says and her eyes fall on the cell adjacent to her,"definitely not her too" It leaves a pang in my heart, but I maintain my calm. I don't let her see that her words are affecting me. Because I plan on doing even bigger things. Ava is on the rise and I still didn't find a way to tame her. "A few days ago when you asked her that you need to talk to the spirit to change the bargain, she understood that it might be hard for you to do so," Sabrina finally tells me the reason behind the death of Amara. "So she tried to summon the spirit. I told her to stay out of it. That you would do whatever you want to, in your capacity. But she said you were different from Jerome. She said that you were kind. You were nice and that she just wanted to help you," Sabrina says again. And that's where a lone tear escapes my eye. I guess I tried too much to not be like Jerome that I am turning into him in the middle of this weird obsession. Or maybe it's just my wolf making me feel this way. "She did summon him. She did ask him. And he spoke to her. But it was different. It was as if he was inside her for the last two minutes before her head exploded into pieces," Sabrina says recalling the incident. "What makes you think so?" I ask her. If Sabrina herself thought it was the spirit inside Amara, then that means it could very well be that actually. "She said something that she wouldn't normally say," Sabrina whispers, "I instantly knew it was meant for you and the spirit is using me as a messenger to deliver it to you" I nod my head, asking her to tell me about it. "If you don't fulfill the end of your bargain in the span of six full moons, then your dearest ones will die one every full moon until you are left with no one," Sabrina says. It makes the hair on my body rise with goosebumps. I gulp as I look at her and she has a straight face. She is not joking. And I have only six full moons to keep up the end of my bargain. That means around six months. Devon walks in and he wraps his arms around me. He might have seen Amara's dead body because he is worried. I can sense it. I turn around to look at him. I can't kill him. I won't kill him. I have six months to figure something out. I will do everything in my capacity to do something else. But I am not going to lose Devon. No f*****g way.
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