Chapter 5

1123 Words
Samika's POV The painting. It was Devon in the painting that Brent drew. And I knew it was him too. The first time I saw Devon on human land, when I was with Olive in the car he knew I was his mate. And things went south from there. (The painting, Heart of Ice - chapter 13) Back then I first thought the wolf might be Nyle's. But when I met Jasper I knew it was someone else. It was Devon's. After coming here I forgot all about it, because there were other things that occupied my mind. "You are discharging and you'll be staying for a while. With me," I tell Brent and he scoffs. "Like hell I'm going to," he says and I glare at him. "See, just because I managed to hide a secret from you doesn't make me an entirely different person. I am still Samika Adams. And I am still your sister. So if you remember, I can be very stubborn," I tell him and he just stares at me. "If this is how you make people here obey you, then I pity them," Brent says and I still have my straight face,"because I have seen better" he says again making me break into a smile. I don't say anything, but I just move forward and hug him. I took care and made sure I wasn't touching any of his wounds as I was hugging and he hugged me back. Oh how I missed his warmth. I am so glad that he is here now. Once I pull away from the hug, I turn around and Devon already left. His scent is still thick in the air letting me know that he left just seconds ago. I don't think I'm ready to talk to him yet. He needs to really get his s**t together before he comes back to me again. "Where is Nyle.? I saw a woman pounce on him that day. I haven't seen him since then, is he okay? Did she eat him?" Brent asks, as the hospital faculty helps me put Brent on a wheelchair. "No, she didn't eat him. She is one of us. Not a man eater," I say and he nods in understanding. I thank everyone in the hospital and take Devon towards the pack house. Everyone bows to me and I smile at them. Olive looks like she got habituated already but Brent is now a little surprised to witness all this. "So you are like.. a Royal or what?" He asks me and I look at Olive who is now laughing out loud. "She asked me the exact same question. No wonder you both got closer in no time and now already fiance. When is the wedding though?" I ask Brent, still pushing his wheelchair towards the pack house. "We wanted to marry back then, but we didn't want to marry without you. We want you to be there," Olive says and I stop pushing the wheelchair in the middle of the pack and look at her. The look on Brent's face confirms it as well and my eyes get blurry with that piece of information. "You are my best friend, Sam. And you mean a lot to Brent as well. There is no way in hell we would marry in your absence. So we waited," Olive says again and I hug both Olive and Brent before walking to the pack house. I might have an emotional breakdown and I don't want it to happen before the entire pack. They would even think that my friends made me cry, without knowing that they are happy tears. Nyle is already waiting at the pack house and I roll my eyes. I really don't want to deal with either Nyle or Devon right now. And looking at Nyle reminds me of the way he confessed his love in front of all the pack members just a few days ago. Even after knowing that Devon is my mate and I love him, he still confessed and put on a good show. It's actually a miracle to know that Devon didn't even lay a finger on Nyle but beat the s**t out of Brent. Something somewhere has gone wrong. There is something that he isn't telling me. Something that no one is aware of. Because if Cass or Tyler already knew, they wouldn't think twice before telling me. After all, they were the ones who told me about Devon's ex girlfriend when she came to visit too. Olive takes Brent to the room she stayed in last night and I stayed back in the living room with Nyle. "What do you want, Nyle?" I ask him and he just stares at me, with his eyes soft like the first time I met him. "Don't look at me like that. Please," I say and avert my gaze. There were times he left me and went to human lands for days. It was Devon who was with me through my happy days, sad times, wars and celebrations. "I've made a decision," Nyle says and I look at him, raising my eyebrow asking him to tell me already without wasting my time. "I am planning on rejecting Alpha Judith as my mate," he says and I look at him wide eyed. "You can't do that! She is an Alpha. An ally that I need in the upcoming war. She is your mate," I say and he smirks at me, but a sarcastic one. "So you want me to be with her because she is an ally. And you basically don't care if I love her or not. Where is the Samika I knew and fell in love with?" Nyle asks me, as he takes a step closer to me. "The Samika you knew is no longer here. And the one standing here is Alpha Samika. You better not forget that," I tell him and he nods. "You can do whatever you want to do, as an Alpha. But you cannot make me take my personal decisions because they are mine to take. And if I don't love my mate, that simply means it's meant to be doomed. I want to end this before it takes an ugly turn," Nyle says and he doesn't even turn around before walking away. I fall on my couch, and groan. If Nyle rejects Alpha Judith as his mate just because he still loves me, then Alpha Judith has more than enough reason to wage a war against me. I already have a war with an unknown enemy and this is just going to add up to it. Which I am absolutely not ready for. Moon Goddess! What should I do?
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