Chapter 4

915 Words
Samika's POV "Good morning!" I open my eyes to see if it's Gladys or Cass that woke me up but it's neither. I don't see anyone in the room and for a moment I panic, but then realize that I now have a wolf who is going to talk to me very often and not like before who always spoke in broken sentences. "Do you have a name now?" I ask her and wait for her reply. I actually had plenty of time to train to be like a werewolf even before I got my wolf. Devon made sure of that. He was the one who constantly taught me everything about it. And now, I am here in my room all alone. I don't even know where Devon is. Wherever he is, I hope he is not being a pain in the ass to whoever let him sleep under their roof. "I am Ava," she says and that's actually a pretty name. "Well, hello Ava. We both are a team now and I hope we could always agree on terms. We need to fight together against another, not with each other" I tell her as I stand up from my bed to watch the sun rise. It's a spectacular beauty. "I guess we could already agree to one thing. So that makes our bond stronger already," she says and I take a second to think what she is talking about. "We both think Devon is a pain in the ass, which he is by the way," Ava says and I chuckle a little. I guess we both are going to be a great team. . . . . . I walk to the hospital with Olive walking by my side. I made sure to ask the pack doctor if Brent is fine to be discharged. I can now mindlink anyone from the pack. Personal connections are yet to be made. I have a few so far. I have one with Cass, one with Tyler and one with the pack doctor. I haven't seen Devon in the morning. I expected that he would be there for the breakfast but he wasn't. Olive didn't even seem to be surprised by the way the event that she witnessed. I recall yesterday before I walked to the hospital. I realized something and I wanted to apologize to Brent for not seeing that coming. But he was sleeping so I didn't talk to him. Now that he is actually awake and will move in for a while to the same house that I currently live in, my heart is beating crazily fast. "It's actually pretty cool that you are unfazed about all this," I say just when the two guards before the hospital bow to me and I nod at them with a smile plastered on my face all the time. "To be honest, I saw this coming. I was just waiting for you to reveal it to me already" Olive tells me and I stop walking, to look at her to see if she was serious or if she was just randomly stating statements to see if something hits me. But she looks dead serious. "What?" I ask her and she raises her eyebrow at me silently asking me if I was dumb. Alright. I was indeed dumb. I was much more than just dumb and I realized it just yesterday. I was about to talk to Brent but that didn't happen. And now I am ready to face it with grace. I will understand even if Brent says that he never wants to see my face again anymore. Olive knocks on the door once and opens it. She walks in and I follow her. I see Brent, with multiple bruises and bandages on his arm. One on his temple and one more on his left cheek. Devon didn't realize how bad he was beating Brent with his werewolf strength. He momentarily forgot that Brent couldn't heal like a werewolf does. "Oh. Fancy seeing a human who can turn into a werewolf visit me," Brent says and I close my eyes, resisting the urge to say ouch. "Werewolf, Brent. That's a term. And you need to stop with the poking thing! As if you didn't know it already," Olive says and that actually hits something. He knew it already? That I was a werewolf. "Oh I knew about her boyfriend, but not her. And it's on her that she hid such a brutal fact while all I was doing was my best to support her and-" "You knew?" I ask him and he stops talking in the middle and looks at me. With a straight face and a dead look in his eyes, he nodded at me once. So I was the only one who was dumb here? "When Olive showed me Devon's picture just a few days ago, when you all met at a restaurant.. I instantly knew who he was" Brent says. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door and Devon himself walked into the hospital room. With his eyes fixated on Brent and his bandages as if he knew where to hit him so he would break his bones. "He was the one in painting. But I forgot all about it," I whisper and Brent nods at me. Brent already knew Devon was a werewolf and probably waited for me to tell him. And look where it got all of us now.
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