
528 Words
(To the newbie standalone readers, this is a quick sneak peek of Alpha Jerome's journals where he wrote about Alanna. Skip it if you want) Alanna is my sister. And she extended her hand for help. Towards me. But all I did was act like a piece of s**t. I couldn't help her. I couldn't be a good brother. I was torn. It was my best friend Judah on one side and my sister Alanna on the other. I know I cannot spin back the time and not let that happen. But somehow, I failed the first time and don't even want to try it again. Alanna, if you ever find this I am truly so so so sorry. I wish I could undo things that I did. And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. But if you can, then kindly forgive your brother. Alanna fled to human land with her son. Alpha Judah was held responsible but he denied it all. With a son of my own, I am once again tied up. I invited Alanna to stay with me but she denied. She still hasn't forgiven me for what I did and I am okay with that. Because it is reasonable for her to be angry at me. But wherever Alanna is, I wish her well. I wish her safety and abundance. She has been through enough and I wish the Moon Goddess showed her some mercy. . . . . . I found Alanna's address while I was in human land. Her son and Devon bonded really well in the short amount of time that they got. I asked her once again to come back home. But she refused. She told me that she wants her son to grow away from all the werewolf s**t hole. And she also did not want Judah to know that her son is alive and well because he wanted to do everything in his capacity to kill his own son and take Alanna back. So I did not force her again. It wasn't just a matter of Judah or Alanna. But her son as well. My nephew. He is going to grow up just like Alanna. . . . Kindness gets people nowhere. And Alanna was a walking example of it. That was also when I decided to raise my four year old Devon as a tough guy. Not just tough but cruel. So I did everything in my capacity to make his life a living hell. That boy cried at first. Cried a lot later. And then started fighting back. He doesn't say a word now. He only fights back. I know he loathes me deep down. But I absolutely don't want him to be the one that kindness usually eats up alive. And not just that. Some day , he will find his own mate. That day, I wanted him to defend her. It can only happen when there is no fear left in his body and all he will be known for, is tearing people apart limb by limb. There should be no more girls whose fate is similar to Alanna. . . . .
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