Chapter 52

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Samika's POV I go through every file that came from The Madfur Pack. Ivy reacted and reached quickly when Arnold asked her about the favour. She sent every record of the pack activity that there was around the timeline that I asked. And I also spent majority of the day just talking to Arnold about how the pack was and how my biological parents worked to make the pack the most dangerous one out there. "You know, I actually heard things like The Madfurs spend majority of their time in their wolf form," I whisper sipping the warm coffee from the cup in my hand. "That's the reputation we maintain when we are with other packs. Solely because we are trained to be active in wolf forms for longer duration than other werewolves. Your father was an ace at this, though. I have heard countless stories about him even though I have a faint memory of his skills," Arnold says. I close my eyes for a moment, recalling the dream again. The one I saw when the witch sent me in a timeline that blended my past, present and the future. My present was with Devon, back then. My Past were my parents who were watching the sunset as they read poems to each other. And my future was in my hands with Devon by my side. I still haven't forgotten about it. "What are you going to do about Devon?" Arnold asks me, making me shrug and let it go. He doesn't say anything either, as he takes sips of his tea. People had been coming all day and giving me their regards at this tough time. But I didn't talk to anyone wholeheartedly. I really loved being the Alpha. I still do. But the day that I sacrificed my soul to an unknown spirit just to save the pups the pack members had lost, I lost myself too. Even though I was at The Madfur Pack for just a day, I feel much more connected to the pack. I don't know if it is because my blood belongs to that pack even though I don't have to defeat someone to take the throne. "You are the Alpha of Madfurs in your own right" That's what Alpha Judah told me. I have Madfur blood in me. Now that I think about it, so many issues fell into place after coming to know that I am a Madfur. For starters, I came to understand why I was able to kill another Alpha with just a silver knife. I was human, at that time. The strength in me, exceeds any other Alpha's strength. My roar can bring another Alpha to their knees. I still remember the reaction on Alpha Judith's face when she fell on her knee in submission just after my roar. Now my dad called me an Alpha as he fell onto his knee as well. I don't know what any of this means, but I do know that it is bigger than I know. "I need to know what James Adams did before he became a well known business magnate in the human territory," I tell Arnold and he nods at me. "And I miss your grilled cheese and tomato soup. Would you make it for dinner?" I ask him, making him chuckle and I smile a little again. "I would love to but I don't know how half the equipment runs in your kitchen," Arnold says and I suddenly realised that The Madfur Pack is way behind the modernisation. "Alright then, let's get started," I say and he followed me to the kitchen. "I'll tell you how these work and what these do, and think like a Beta. And tell me what our pack needs. Apart from electricity, of course. I am already working on it," I tell him and get started in the kitchen. A couple of hours later.. He absolutely fell in love with the coffee maker. And he said Microwave oven is a God send. I made him tomato soup by roasting the tomatoes in the oven and he was blown up by the blender that also acts as a food processor. He said he couldn't understand who was the most dangerous. The humans inventing this, or the primal animals who had no idea about this. I nodded even though I didn't understand a thing. "I'm full. I can't have this," I say as I slide the last grilled cheese toast towards Arnold and he just shakes his head as well. "How about we split?" He asks me again and that sounds good. After all the depressed era I have been in for the last few weeks, I am hungrier now. Just when Arnold and I were dragging our own pieces of toasts towards ourselves, I see Devon walking in. Who the hell let him out, even though I wanted him to come back just tomorrow. I was mad at him but not the cruel level mad. And Devon's eyes fell on the situation where Arnold and I were eating together and splitting sandwiches. He could be the overpossessive bastard in the couple. But I am not ready to take this s**t. Just when I open my mouth to say something else, I see someone else walk in right after Devon. Someone I didn't see coming. Paxton himself.
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