Chapter 17

945 Words
Samika's POV As soon as I heard the name and decided to go, I recalled the conversation I had with Tyler back then. When I first heard about Madfurs. It was him who told me about it all. . . . "So The Madfurs are the deadliest pack of werewolves. They spend most of their time in wolf form. And no one knows what they look like in their human form. People who have seen are no more. No one lived to tell the tale," Tyler says again and now this is getting interesting. "Alpha Dimitri was the ruler. And his mate Luna Athena. They were the power couple. Though Luna Athena was of regular werewolf origin, she was made strong after Alpha Dimitri found that she was his mate. Anyone who dared cross them ended up dead. They killed for sport. Even Alpha Jerome or Alpha Judah for that matter, were afraid of even raising their eyebrow at Dimitri or Athena," he tells me and I take a sip of the water from the glass before me. "The pack was called The Madfur Pack and the members were called The Madfurs. They are werewolves, yes. But an entirely different breed. They never had an Omega. No one is weak enough. One is truly considered a Madfur only after they officially killed ten people that too in the span of a week after they finished their training. They truly were mad," he says. . . . Alpha Dimitri. Luna Athena. They were my parents. The one who gave birth to me. But I have no idea what happened to them after the war. According to what Devon told me, his father killed mine. And according to what Tyler told me, Jerome and Judah were afraid of my father. So I guess Alpha Jerome took help to take down my father. I can't help but wonder what else do I have to know. With my heart pounding in my chest, I reach the pack house office. They said it was very rare for The Madfurs to be in their human form and that they spent most of their time in their wolf form. But in the office, waiting for me were two people. In their human form. One who looks like he is in his late twenties. His brown hair is a mob of curls on his head. He looks at me, once he notices my presence and I take in his green eyes. The eyes are sparkling as he looks at me. And along with him is a woman who looks like she could easily pass as my mom's age. But I could be wrong. These are werewolves we are talking about and they age slowly. She has strawberry blonde hair and black eyes. I smile at them as a greeting and ask them to have their seats. They sit and wait for me to be seated as well. "It's finally good to see you again, Alpha" the woman says and I smile, a fake one. "I am Ivy. The Gamma of The Madfurs," she extends her hand and I shake it with another fake smile. I have no idea what to talk to them about. "And I am Arnold. The Beta," the man says and I shake his hand as well. "How did you know I was here?" I ask them and they look at each other and then at me. "Have you seen your mark?" Ivy asks me and now I am confused. Devon walks in along with me and I look at him to see that he is confused too. But slowly he understood what they were talking about and nodded. "What?" I ask him, through mindlink and watch him before his eyes fog over, as he mindlinks me back. "There is a mark on your back. It's a type of swirl. The mark of The Madfurs," he tells me. It's on my back? Maybe that's why I had no idea about it. But he had because he had been seeing it now more than ever, thanks to all the s*x we've been having. "Anyone bearing that mark means they are connected to us. And that's how we suspected it was on you. We came for you a few weeks ago but couldn't get through. Your mate stopped us," they look at Devon. "I thought they were here for the wolf ears," he says. "Well, that's the partial reason," Arnold says this time. "So what do you expect me to do now? Abandon my pack and join you?" I ask Arnold even though I know that that's what I plan on doing eventually. I just want to know what they have to say about it. "I don't know. Maybe," he smirks and I don't know why but he looks so attractive when he is smirking. Devon noticed the change in my facial expression but I quickly mindlink him saying it was nothing. "I know this pack means a lot to you. But we waited for two decades and more for our Alpha to finally reach us. Now that we reached her, we wouldn't stop here. We will do everything we can, to make her trust us," Ivy says this time. "I'll think about it and let you know," is all I could say at this point and they both bow to me. They dropped the address as to where to find them if needed. I have never been there but I don't mind being there. Once they left, a growl leaves Devon. I roll my eyes and walk out. Maybe he should finish what he started earlier for me to be sane.
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