Chapter 16

956 Words
Samika's POV I clench my fist and blow a strong punch straight in Cassie's jaw that makes her stumble and fall back on her ass, making the crowd go wild with the claps and the screams. She holds her chin as she gets up, but she has a satisfactory smirk on her face. I know what that means and I guess I feel the same too. I remember the time I first fought with her. I couldn't even throw a simple punch on her but now I am making her fall on her ass. I did come a long way but there is more to go. Through the corner of my eye I see Judith and she looks like she is intrigued. I ask Cassie if she wants to fight with her but she says I can have all the fun I want with this. I laugh and call Judith into the combat rink making her walk towards it without a second thought. "I see you are still here," I whisper when Judith is about to take her defensive stance. "For the sake of our packs being allies," she says but I know that it's nothing but a lie. She was ready to threaten me when she realized her mate loves me. She thought I was a new wolf who would bend for her. But I proved her wrong and I am not going to hold myself back to put her in place again. "One mistake," I say and trick her into punching her jaw but when she covers her face, I use that time to launch a punch in her stomach making her stumble but she doesn't fall down. "I choose my allies. Not you," I say. It is pretty evident that Judith's ego is being hurt again and again but I am thoroughly enjoying this. I would do this again and again if I am given a chance. This time Judith tries hitting me, but I block all her moves. While she is eager to punch me I observe her foot work. Turns out her left leg is weaker than her right. And with that just one point, I stopped blocking her moves and before she understood what I was doing, I was already sliding my foot between hers making her lose the balance and fall down. I didn't give her time to get back on her legs. I grabbed her left leg and twisted it just a little. I am being careful not to break her bones but she is really testing my patience at this point. "Defeat? Or shall I see how you are going to fight with broken bones?" I ask her and she gives up, eventually. I stand up, with the crowd going insane. They just witnessed their Alpha fight with another. I don't have a single scratch on my body but Judith is limping a little. But it's okay. She is a werewolf. She will be fine in minutes. I bow to the crowd. They have been watching me closely from the time I made myself nothing but a clown, to now defeating everyone in the combat. I don't know about them but I feel a lot of pride, swelling my chest. I see Devon walk towards me with a smile. Since the last two days, he has been incredibly supportive. As if we had no arguments and misunderstandings prior to that. Sometimes I even wonder if he is up to something. "That was amazing," he says and I smile with a nod. "You want to fight?" I ask him but he just shakes his head. But I raise my eyebrow at him. Then why is he here in the training rink smirking at me like an i***t? "In private please?" He asks and I bow to the crowd one last time before following him out. We both walk towards the pack house and once we are in, he is already hugging me and kissing me. We have been having a lot of s*x for the past two days. It makes me believe that he might have kicked out Brent and Olive just so we can have s*x like some horny teenagers who saw porn for the first time. "Devon," I whisper and it is taking me a great deal to oppose when the sparks are making me go crazy. Devon's lips are now on my neck and he is sucking my skin at the base of my neck. I roll my eyes in pleasure. He knows that's one of my weakest spots and he is doing exactly what he wants to do. "You were saying something?" Devon asks me, as he slips his hand under my tee shirt, grabbing my boob in his hand. He runs his thumb across my n****e making me gasp a little. I shake my head, momentarily forgetting if I was even saying anything before he pinched my n****e gently as he got back to kissing my neck. I was ready to dive in and let him do whatever he wanted, but Tyler clearing his throat pulled us away from each other. Devon glares at Tyler but he only throws his arms up in the air as in surrender. "I tried to avoid it but there is something else that couldn't wait," Tyler says and I use Devon as a cover up because my n*****s are still hard and now clearly visible thanks to Devon. But I didn't realize he had an even bigger problem. His d**k is standing tall and I try my best not to laugh. Good thing it's Tyler and not Cassie. "The Madfurs are here," Tyler says but the smile is now fading from my face. The Madfurs are here.
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