Chapter 15

907 Words
Samika's POV "If you ask for it, I would happily give it to you, love" Devon says and he is smiling as he is saying that. But my own cheeks are wet with tears. He can't be saying this to me now. He shouldn't be saying this to me. "No. No, Devon please" I beg him but he is just smiling as he looks at me. I realize I have a knife in my hand. I don't know where it came from. I don't know for how long I was holding the knife. But the pointy end is directed towards Devon. "If killing me gives you peace, I would gladly do that for you, love" he says again and I cry a little louder. "Don't do this, please" I beg him again but he holds my wrist. The one that is holding the knife. "I love you, Samika Adams," Devon whispers and blows a kiss in the air towards me,"and I'll do anything for you" With that he forcefully plunged the knife into his chest. I screamed my lungs out as Devon was twisting the knife in his heart. He opens his mouth to tell me something but instead of words, his blood comes out making me cry out loud. Before I can even do something, he is laying on the ground, with his lifeless eyes staring at me. "Devon. No no no no!" I whisper to myself as I try holding him in my arms. Somehow I couldn't hold him. "Please. No no no. Come back to me. Please come back," I tell him as I try holding him again. "Come back," I scream this time and when I can't hold him again, that's when I scream my lungs out again. . . . . . "Sam! Love!!" I hear Devon's voice again and open my eyes to see him looking at me. I sit up in an instant and look around. I am in my room in the pack house. And Devon is before me. Nothing happened to him. He didn't try killing himself for me. I don't say a word as I pull him closer to me. I hold him close and inhale his scent that's calming me. He is alright. That was just a dream. That was a nightmare. Devon is fine. He will be fine. I have six months to figure things out. And I will find a way to break this. I will find a way where I wouldn't have to kill Devon. If there comes a day I will have to kill him, I will be killing myself too. "Are you okay? You were screaming," Devon whispers and I pull away from his hug to look at him. My mate. Devon. There is no one like him and I love him with all my heart. I cannot kill him. "Just a bad dream," I tell him and he nods in understanding. I guess he understood that much just by my screams but I still tell him anyway. "Are you hungry? You slept for ten hours," he says and I look out to see it's already time for the sun to be setting. I remember sleeping in the morning though. I nod at Devon and he extends his arm towards me. I take it and stand up, slowly walking out of the room. The pack house seems silent and I cannot pick up Brent or Olive's scent as well. "They are staying in the guest house for a while. They said they needed privacy," Devon tells me but something in me says they went because Devon kicked them out. "Sausage sizzle?" Devon asks me and I nod. "Remember I asked you to make that for me the day I shifted? You didn't keep your promise up," I tell him, making Devon chuckle. He pulls out all the ingredients he wanted for that and starts cooking right in front of me. At times like these I don't even miss Gladys. Devon is enough for me. "Why do you hate Brent?" I ask Devon, in hopes that he would answer me at least now. "I told you it's because he kicked me first and jumped into conclusions super quick," Devon says as if I am going to believe that. "I know you better than anyone, Devon" I say and he shrugs. Indirectly saying it's my wish to believe it or not. I recall Brent's painting. The one that involved Devon and his wolf. If Brent painted that after he came out of his coma, that means the last person he saw before he went into a coma would be Devon. Does it have to do something with Devon hating Brent? Is there some sort of back story to it? Because even Alyssa said there was a group of werewolf boys from her pack when the accident happened. Was Devon in the group? In the middle of all such questions, Devon finishes making sausage sizzle and slides one for me. I smile at him as I dig into the food. "Promise kept?" He asks me and I nod, enjoying the food. He promised me sausage sizzle and here it is. "Good. Because promises are not meant to be broken," Devon whispers before pecking me on my lips and getting back to his food. Promises are not meant to be broken. Promises are not meant to be broken. "Kill the one you love the most"
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