Chapter 67

636 Words
Alanna's POV I go to the cafe to grab Brent's usual coffee order. I want to take it to him and then tell him that I waited for him but didn't make it. The coffee is an excuse, but I actually want to see how he is doing. I visited him two days ago and I am sure I made sure to activate his werewolf gene in him. He just needed a push after years and years of suppressing his werewolf side. He didn't know he was doing it, but he did. Just when I am about to grab the coffee and turn around to walk out, I see Brent walk in along with three more people. One of them is olive and two others I have never seen. I guess I did see the Blondie here and there ages ago. And the other guy kind of looks familiar, but it doesn't ring a bell to me as to where I saw him. I smile at Brent and he smiles back at me. He looks perfectly alright. And he is a werewolf now. I can sense a shift through him. His posture, the way he is flinching and loud noises is making it clear that he is still trying to habituate to werewolf hearing. And I bet his senses of smell and sight are now better than ever too. "I was on my way to visit you since I haven't seen you in two days. How are you?" I ask him and hug him, trying my best not to look suspicious but the two new people behind him are eyeing me hawks. I can feel their eyes on me even when I don't look at them. Especially the blondie who is ready to bury me six feet under if I even think of a wrong move. "Hi. I am Lenny," I introduce myself and the two strangers look at each other, and it is clear that these both are werewolves. Not just that. I feel their Alpha blood through their aura. I don't know what pack they belong to though. But they both are somehow Alphas and yet, they don't look like siblings. "Samika," she finally says and I nod, recalling I saw her a handful of times around Brent a year ago. "Devon," the other says and now it does ring a bell to me. The way he nods, the way he stares, the way he is walking towards the table following Brent and the way he is constantly glaring at me says so many things. But I want to be sure before jumping into conclusions. Olive and Brent grab the coffee I bought for them but Samika and Devon go ahead and order their own coffees. The way Samika ordered the coffee says she knows a lot about it. She was even over excited for a moment before her eyes landed on me and she became stiff again. "I was busy with my friends here," Brent says and I nod at them with a smile on my face. "Yeah. We've come from far away so I guess it's okay for us to steal him for a couple of days," Samika says with a very sarcastic smile and I know that she knows more than she leads people about it. "What's your full name?" I ask Devon just to be sure if I should further open my mouth or not. If he is who I think he is, then it's better I vanish once again and come back when he is not around anymore. "Devon Blood Rose," I hear him tell me. It's not even his full name. That's the pack's name. He spoke like a true Alpha. And not just that. He is my freaking nephew! f**k it. He knows who I really am.
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