Chapter 3: Visit from my friends

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“How are you feeling? We all came after we heard you had been awakened 5 days ago. We came on the 3rd day but your handsome doctor and your family said you need to rest for a while. You are so brave to save someone even if you nearly died. Everyone on our batch found out and we had a little fundraising for your hospitalization and your rehab. I hope that we can be able to help just a little.” said my friend in college Sandara Montes as she takes an envelope that is so thick from her shoulder bag. She hands it to me and I look at them. I see Joseph Batanes one of my friends and classmates in college he smiles at me as they all look relieved. Ingrid Ravens my best friend also the same as Sandara holds my hand as she nods. “We ask your doctor and he said your medications are paid for by that driver who accidentally run over you and your rehab is been paid for by the family of that boy and grandma. So, we thought that we better give you the money than handing it to your parents, use it to what you see fit. We thought that since your rehab and rest will take much time you will need money to buy food and personal things you will need. We know how you are so we know you will surely want to heal as fast as you can look for a job but… for now, you should rest and heal. Use that money and then by the time you are healed THEN you can be free to look for a job. Do not worry, that money is all from those who wanted to help you in any way. Do not turn it down or it will be bad for all of us.” Ingrid said as she smile and look at me. I sigh as I open the thick envelope which indicates that it is full of money. I gasp seeing that pile of money and I even look at them as they smile at me. “I- I can’t take this I mean…” “As Ingrid said… everyone who made effort to gain that will feel bad. While you are in a coma everyone starts doing a concert for a cause. Please, just accept it and use the money wisely. It is alright, after all, money is just money. What is important to us is that you are awake from that coma and now starting to get better.” Joseph said as I sigh and look at the list of people who donated and even what they did to gain the amount all documented in a paper together with the money. I feel so overwhelmed when I know back in college I feel like I am a loser and someone who is just passing by. I can’t believe that even if I am a failure and not even well-known in the school many people are kind enough to give their money to someone like me. I guess that is also a great thing about the University I studied at. Despite not knowing that person once they conduct fundraising or go classroom to classroom asking for help many will help despite also lacking, I did that as well while studying. So I know having that money gives a bigger feeling over my shoulders. I am as honored as I hold the envelope and that list that Ingrid handed me to see. “See, many people are wishing for your recovery. You must take care of yourself and continue your journey. We will always be here supporting you. Many are proud and amazed at what you did. I am sure there will be people coming to interview you about what happened. You saved two lives that day Zore, a little boy, and his grandmother. That is one kind of act that deserves to be acknowledged and thankful for. They even made a public thank you to you.” Sandara said as I sigh and shake my head for I am ultimately overwhelmed. I went into a coma a loser, a failure, and nothing but when I woke up I am suddenly the talk of people. The knowledge is so scary and confusing to me. I admit, I was thinking that it is the REASON why finally after being estranged from my family that they are suddenly looking so worried and loving towards me now… I guess I am still having trouble trusting how they are treating me now after all I had been pressured and pushed out of the house by them to be independent. Nonetheless, I hope that they are being kind to me and treating me nicely because they realize my worth and that they also feel guilty about pushing me out of the house and pressuring me to find a job leading to my accident. “Then… thank you so much, everyone. Please tell the others I am grateful. I promise I will use this wisely and I will make sure I will heal sooner.” I said and they smile as they look at me. “Ahmnn I prefer you heal in time and not sooner. The last time you did… you nearly fall on the floor. So if you want to REALLY heal… do it slowly and take time.” we all look towards the person who suddenly speaks and I almost frown seeing my so-called doctor standing there holding his chart and pen as he looks at me. “Doctor.” my friends said as Ingrid and Sandara look as charmed as they smile and look at the doctor. Well, looking at Doctor Vermonte, with the face of Alejandro he sure is so handsome. His cool presence, his charming smile, those seductive eyes, the way he speaks with manner and modesty, his modern look that is like of a model’s, and his amazing confidence… surely many ladies will drop into his feet and beg him to take them as his woman or even his slaves. With all said qualities the doctor has only one thing that is drawing me to him… my strong feelings and love for the man that he bears a strong resemblance. “Ahmnn you must be her friends. It is nice to know she has friends like you who came every time even just to peek out the window to see her. Can I check on her for a few minutes?” he asks as he smiles and looks at my friends who nod and stand moving on the side. He came to my side and start checking into the machines attached to me and even checking my IV drip. He checks me using his stethoscope making me sigh as I can smell his scent for how close he is. I love how his scent covers the scent of medicine which I hate the most in hospitals. He smells of something manly and something like a flower but I can’t remember what flower. “Your breathing is fine but… like before your heart is beating oddly fast and loud. Why is that?” he asks as he looks at me making me look away and sigh. “Ahmnn are you done with checking me out? If you are you can get your hands off of me.” I said feeling so exposed with his hand inside my patient dress shirt I look at him as if trying to show him that I am irritated by his remark but he just smiled. “Oh, I would love to check you out, Miss Zorenia Asoncion.” he said whispering to me with his teasing smile making me look at him just for me to feel that heat all over my face as I realize what I said and how he interpreted it as to what he said. I look at him with a glare before he smiles and takes out his hand, he tries buttoning my shirt but I slap his hand away and I button it myself as I look away. He straightens as he takes off his stethoscope and places it into his neck before writing something on his chart. “What a perverted doctor.” I mutter but I am sure he heard it, this is the first time I encountered a doctor who treated me like this even if I am his patient. I really can’t believe that there is a young and good-looking doctor like him. I mean, I mostly see such doctors only in movies and dramas before but in real life… all I had seen so far are men older than me and are mostly stressed looking. I am annoyed and frustrated with how he is treating me and mostly I am frustrated that I just stay in this room and in this bed unable to get away from him. I am thankful for how they are caring for me but… I am not used to how my family is treating me now. I am used to being in the dark and being ignored. I know I changed so much, in my mind and beliefs after what I had been through in Stanhore before. “Okay, I think visiting hours are coming to an end. We should leave for now. We will come to visit you when we have some free time. Make sure to rest and take things slowly as Doctor Vermonte said. Oh by the way, here, Sandara and I bought these for you before we all came here. We know how you are so we are sure you will be bored here. We will be going now. Bye.” Ingrid said as she hands me a paper bag when I reach it I can feel how heavy it is so I let it stand beside me on the bed since I am in a sitting position with the bed raised. “Thank you so much, guys. Please tell everyone that I am so grateful for this. Be careful on your way home.” I said as I smile and watch them walk out of the door while my so-called doctor is trying so hard to be busy on the side checking on his chart and into the machines. I sigh as the door closes before I look at the fruits my friends brought for me on that small table beside the bed. Like the other nights, I will be alone here and no one will take care of me for I am sure my brother Zohanes will not come like the other night when he was the one who should have come but he suddenly left saying his boss called him for overtime so he left me. Tonight is my brother Zohan’s turn but he told me before he left that he might not make it because he has a project he will be working on. See, up until now, I know I am going to be neglected and alone. I do understand that they also have their lives but… HELLO! I can’t get to the C.R. on my own… I AM NOT YET HEALED. They said they asked the nurses to be checking on me but I know they also have other patients to do. We are not that rich to hire a private nurse that will be with me 24/7. “Well, looks like you will be alone again this night.” I look toward Doctor Vermonte and see him looking at me. I sigh as I know what he said will be what it is. Sad as it seems but I have no other choice. I can’t ask my ma to come for she will say she can’t sleep in the hospital due to her bad back and leg, my pa will also say his feet are aching and his back is sore, my sister is also back in the province working in the farm and my busy brothers. So yes, lonely as it is and hard as I am in this condition BUT I had already accepted that fact long ago. “Well, I guess I will be.” I utter softly as I look out the window as he looks at me.
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