Chapter 4: patient-doctor relationship or more

1962 Words
“Good then, you and I can have more time to get to know each other. Let’s see, oh looks like 10 minutes from now I will no longer be working so it means I can stay not as your doctor… maybe as a friend. So tell me Miss Asoncion, what makes you so different and brave? What’s your life like?” he said making me look at him as he place his chart on the table and then take off his white coat. I watch how he gracefully folds his coat and place it on top of his chart before he sits on the chair beside my bed and crosses his sexy-looking legs and looks at me. I shake my head and sigh as I stare up at the ceiling. It really intrigues me how different this doctor is. That face of his is making me more bothered. It reminds me more of the man I love and the man I am missing all the time just as I wake up from a coma. “Tell me… doctor, why are you treating me this way unlike any of your patients?” I ask still staring at the ceiling as I heard him take a deep breath. “Well, you intrigue me. There is something about you that I wanted to know more about, Zorenia. I just want to become your friend… if that is okay with you. But it seems like you hate me or something.” he said making me look at him as I sigh. “I don’t hate you… I am irritated, to be honest. You look a lot like someone I know and with you around… I am missing him even more. It is just a pity that he will not be with me here for by this time… he is history.” I said as I look out the window. “You had a boyfriend before?” he asks as I snort and laugh. “Ha you wish, before the accident, I never did have time and the charm to make a man like ME. If you had seen me before I am so fat, ugly, and… I am not that attractive, to begin with. But that doesn’t matter anymore… Zorenia is still Zorenia whatever she looks.” I said as if talking to myself but I heard him sigh. “That is true, besides, when I first saw you when Doctor Haspin ask me to be your doctor all I see is a beautiful lady sleeping. I even thought that I had seen sleeping beauty that only need a kiss to wake up, so no, you are not ugly.” he said making me look at him. “Don’t exaggerate too much doctor. You don’t need to sugarcoat your descriptions. I already know what I look like.” I said as he smile and look directly at me. “I don’t, you are beautiful. You are just being hard on yourself that you see yourself as ugly and unattractive. As I can see you look as lovely as always.” he said making me gasps as I remember Alejandro saying that to me when we finally reconcile after he came for me to Winterlock. “What is wrong, Zorenia? Is it okay if I call you Zorenia now?” he asks as I sigh and nod as I look at him. “Well, that is not a problem… doctor.” I said as I look at him and he smiles. “Great then call me Alex. I am no longer a doctor by this time so it is proper you call me by my name, right?” he said as I sigh and just look at him. “Alex huh, I really can’t believe this. Almost all of the doctor-patient relationships I had known is way too formal than how Dr. Vermonte is treating me. This is really unbelievable.” I utter as I look away toward the window. “I know, this is my first, to begin with. It's just that I feel like I had known you for a long time so I feel relaxed and speak with you like this, odd right? But that is how I feel, besides, you will be my last patient as a doctor so I want to make sure you get better before you leave this hospital. Don’t worry; even when you will have your rehab so you can walk normally I will remain as your doctor.” he said as I sigh and look at him. “You said you want to become my friend.” “Yes…… or more, it depends on you though.” he said with a silly smile on his lips as I sigh thinking he is teasing me again. “Why did you become a doctor? I mean, it seems like medicine is not what you really like to do.” I said as I look at him. “Hmnn let’s just say I am doing what my mother wished me to do… but now, I think it is time for me to pursue what I wanted to do and what my father wants me to do. Your parents, by the looks of it… you are not on good terms with them? The way they treated you… I mean ever since you awaken from that coma you are becoming more alone in this room he asks as I sigh and look at him thinking if I will say anything or not. “I will be lying if I say nothing is wrong with my family. Yes, that is just how they treated me for a long time now. I guess they are just being guilty all the time they are crying in my coma. They even leave me alone in this hospital at night knowing I am yet capable of walking on my own. Some parents will not do that even if they are too busy they always make sure someone will look after their child and not for them to be alone. I don’t know…… I guess I am already used to it before but now… where are they when you needed them the most. Hmnn I am getting used to it by now.” I said as I shrug my shoulders and look into the door. “But that is still not right. I thought at first that they truly are worried and cared for you as they stayed here with you every night while you are in a coma. They cried and cried then beg us to save you. I just can’t understand why they suddenly change after you awakened. Are you sure you are okay?” he asks as I sigh. “I will be fine I guess. Can you tell me about your family since you already know how my family is? I am sure you have a nice family.” I said as I smile and look at him making him gasp as if he is so surprised. “What is wrong?” I ask looking at him as he rubs his chest acting like he is having a heart attack. “Nothing it’s just that… this is the first time you smiled at me… like really smiled.” he said making me sigh and shake my head to cover my flushing face. “Anyway, about my family, I am the only child my parents had. My mother died when I was 10 and my father remarried to a widowed woman with 1 daughter. Both my dad and stepmom are in England while my stepsister is married in America and is managing her own business. My family is like any family out there but at least we stay connected making sure everyone is safe.” he said making me sigh. “That is good to hear. At least, you are lucky unlike how mine is. Anyway, is it too late now? Are you not heading home, Doctor?” I said making him smile and look at me. “Hmnn as I said… I will stay with you tonight to make sure you are alright. Seeing you will be alone again tonight a patient shouldn't be alone so they can heal fast as they wanted. Do you know what the best medicine there is? It is love and cares from people around you. Since your family doesn’t know that, then I will be the one to stay with you. Just don’t send me away.” he said as I sigh. “If I do will you comply?” I ask as he acts as if thinking before he looks at me and smiles before shaking his head. “No. I won’t, if you are famous for being brave and a fighter… I am also famous for being hard-headed and handsome.” he said making me look at him. “Tsk, don’t get way ahead of yourself doctor. Thanks, but knowing how hard your work is, I suggest you get some rest. You will work tomorrow right.” I said for I am beginning to think of the space we should have as doctor and patient. “It is my day off tomorrow but like I said I will be with you every step of the way so… I can rest here and look after you. There is a free bed after all. That is meant for the one who will stay with you for the night but… for almost a week I have never seen that one occupied in just one night.” he said looking at that empty bed next to mine. He is right, since I woke up my brother Zohan is the only one who slept in there the night after I woke up but the next… they said they all are busy. My ma never came to sleep here she will just come and visit but after 4 or hours she will leave like I am just an obligation she is forced to look after. I so missed Helen Becker… Sonia’s mother, one who became my mother when I woke up in Sonia’s body. Helen and my ma are way too different. I am happy to have become Sonia there. At least I got to feel the love of a REAL mother even if she is not my real mother. I miss everyone back in Stanhore so much. “Are you alright Zorenia? You look awfully pale.” he asks making me sigh and look at him. “When can I start rehab? I don’t want to stay here helpless without anyone in my family even caring to stay and take care of me. It would be nice to be sick for once if it meant they will care for me but… seeing I might die in here alone… when can I walk?” I ask as I look at him making him look at me and he sighs. “Since you put it that way…… I will prescribe you to start immediately. I hope you can take the pain but do not strain yourself. You had been through a lot. You flatlined 3 times and got defibrillated 3 times. We had been playing tag of war with death for you. You must at least take care of yourself. Forcing yourself like you did that time… that is suicide.” he said making me sigh and just nod. “Whatever you say… doctor.” I said as he smiles and I smile at him as well, for the first time I feel fine as this night I am not alone and is staring at the ceiling wishing I can walk again so I can run away from the family I have now.
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