
Rebirth: She's back and better

kickass heroine
dare to love and hate
office/work place


(Part 2 of Rebirth: Revenge of the Abused Daughter)

Zorenia awakened from a coma after being in an accident. After 6 months she awakened after she lived a life that seemed to have happened in her dreams, a life which she had lived as someone else and fall in love with a man who loved her for everything she is. When she wakes up everything feels like a dream but she has to move on. On her journey to recovery, the doctor who looks a lot like the man in her dream accompanied her all the way. That handsome face, captivating smile, and seductive eyes had caught her attention and fantasy BUT she must suppress her feelings for him as HE is her doctor and one who has a fiancé. After leaving the hospital she must look for a job which she was doing before that accident. What will she do when she will find out that her CEO boss will turn out to be her drop-dead gorgeous and cool doctor?

“Well, now, I am your doctor and your boss. How lucky you are, Zorenia.” he said with a smile as I look at him wide-eyed.

“You? Doctor Vermonte?” I utter in surprise as he smiles at me and I gasp when suddenly like a flash of vision I think I saw Alejandro sitting in front of me.

“Would you look at that? Why do I feel like we are bound to meet? Say, Miss Zorenia, are you not tired?” he said as he leans on his knuckles as he looks at me.

What will happen when something of that past comes to their time and starts chaos and the only one who can stop that person is her? What will she do when 2 people from her life as Sonia come knocking on her door and invade her normal life? What will a now simple company worker do if she must revisit her life back in the 18th century as someone else or that abused daughter of an aristocrat to his maid?

(To better understand who Sonia is see Rebirth: Revenge of the Abused Daughter)

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Chapter 1: waking up from a Coma
"Elena, Catherine, I will ask you this again. Please look after everyone for me. Make sure that His Grace will not dwell in sadness to the point that HE will neglect Sollena and our newborn son. And every one of you, I don’t want you all to be as sad, I want you all to be happy and live your lives to the fullest. I don’t belong here; I have to return to where I came from… so there is no need to worry. My life here has been so exciting and I am so happy here but sadly I can’t stay here forever. Alejandro, you must take good care of everyone when I am gone.” I said as I breathe heavily as my life is nearing to end. “What- What would you want to name our son?” he asks as he tries so hard not to cry or feel sad. “What- What would you like to name him?” I ask as I am losing breath. “Eliot, what do you think?” Alejandro asks as I look at him and smile. “Eliot is perfect. Take good care of Sollena and Eliot for me. Tell them how much their mother loves them. I- I think it’s time… goodbye, my love.” I said as I slowly close my eyes. The last thing I heard is their cries and calling my name. I feel like I am floating somewhere so dark and unknown. I don’t know what will happen to me now but I feel like I am being pulled in a string. I suddenly gasp as I slowly open my eyes. Instead of our room in Stanhore and seeing the people dear to me I see a clear white room and hear this beeping sound on my side. ‘Have I returned to where I came from? Have I returned to my real body?’ I utter in my mind. There is this tube taped into my mouth and I can’t even feel my own body. If I guess, I am maybe back to my world and in my real body. I am still inside that hospital room I had seen myself in before. I heard the door open and the curtain covering the bed drawn. I see a nurse looking at her chart as she ties the curtain on the side. When she looks at me and sees me awake her eyes widen and she suddenly runs out of the room. “She is awake, doctor. I was surprised when I see her eyes open.” I heard a female voice as the door opens and more nurses and some doctors with their face masks came towards me and look at me. “She is really awake. This is a miracle. Go and call her family.” a man with an older voice said as a nurse nodded with a smile as she walks out of the room. They start checking into my vitals as they check if I am okay. I just remain looking at them for I can’t move my body only my eyes. I am keeping myself from crying for at this moment I am missing everyone back in Stanhore. A doctor with only his eyes I can see starts using this penlight into my eyes as he looks at me. The way he touches me is oddly familiar but I just shake it off for I must just be missing Alejandro now. “Her vitals are normal. For someone who has been in a coma for 6 months, she is recovering really well.” another doctor said as I remain immobile there. I feel like a portion of food is being served on a silver platter as they look at me. By the looks of their faces, they must have been so proud of themselves seeing I am awake. I nearly wanted to laugh if only I can move on my own. “You all should leave her to rest for a while. We can return here when her family is here. I will see to her condition and then follow later on.” the younger doctor said as he looks at me. My eyes widen, his voice even sounds so familiar. My heart starts to pound but I have to keep myself in check. I just listen as the others left and only the two of us are left. He looks at me before he sighs and slowly takes off his mask. My eyes widen in surprise. ‘It can’t be. He is not Alejandro, by this time Alejandro is just a history. This man… he looks just like him.’ I utter as I look up at him. “You are awake at last, my lovely last patient.” he said as he smiles at me. Yes, I am finally awakened… awakened from a nightmare but a happy one in the end. The last thing I remember before all of these was I was looking for a job after long days after graduation and being pressured by my family. After countless failed interviews and those, “we will call you” from companies I passed my resume to I am already stressed and giving up. I was eating and resting in this fast-food feeling so down and pitiful when I see this old woman and this little boy beside her. When I came out of the fast-food chain I froze seeing this car I see the speeding car while beeping loudly for everyone to know that it was out of control. I run towards the young boy who is picking up his ball on the street without looking ahead. I can see in my peripheral vision that some of the men also run out but I am a little bit nearer that's why I was by his side in no time. Gathering all of my strength, I push the old woman and then carried the little boy throwing him off the road and saving him from his impending doom. But then the ear-piercing sound of the car’s horn erupted and the car is coming towards me fast forward. I thought I died that day but I awakened in someone else’s body while my real body is in a coma and now I am awakened. “Doctor, how is she? Will she be alright now? She will not return to coma just like she did before right?” my brother Zohan asks in worry as he looks at me he holds my hand and stands beside my bed. Odd, I feel happy seeing how he is worried about me. For a long time, I didn’t feel like my family loved me. I feel like I am just an obligation, people say that having one or two children is better so love and care can be distributed well BUT having three or more is too much. I guess it is true what they say that you will learn to love someone or something when they will be gone. “She is awake now and I am sure she will not return to a coma. Her vitals show that she is doing fine and her body is reacting well to the medication. I would like to speak to your parents so all of you know how to deal with this so as not to pressure her while she is still recovering.” said the doctor that looks so much like Alejandro, the man I loved. “I had called them and they are on their way. I came first because I work near here. Do not worry Zorenia we all are here for you. You- You must recover alright little sis.” Zohan said as he hides how he wipes his tears. I can’t say anything or even move for I feel like my body is being pressed by a big block of rock while my mouth is with a tube enabling me to breathe. I look at the doctor who is looking at me directly as he smiles. I look at my brother and then I look up at the ceiling. “She is a fighter, I am sure she will recover sooner and faster than normal patients do. I will leave you two alone but call me when the whole family comes. I will need to explain things to everyone. For now, we should let her rest and regain consciousness to where she is.” the doctor said before he smiles and then places his hand on my shoulder before he leaves with his chart. I start tearing up as his face reminds me so much of Alejandro back in Stanhore. The love and memories I have with Alejandro are starting to make me a mess and long for him. Why does that doctor have to look like Alejandro, with the same face, eyes, voice, and even his body? Even if the hairstyle, clothes, and manners are different I can’t stop wishing and thinking that the doctor is my beloved Alejandro. “It is alright now Zorenia, you are safe. You will be alright.” my brother said as he wipes the tears from my face he sighs in relief and smile at me. Of all my brothers Zohan is the one I am close with. After all, he is the one sending me money for my tuition for college. So in short, he is the one to whom I owe a lot of favors and I know just like ma said… I have to repay it whatever it takes. It is the reason why I was trying so hard to look for a job in the first place. Looking up at the ceiling, I already know that THIS is now my life. I can’t return anymore to Stanhore and become Sonia for my mission had been done. I have to face this for this is my real life. I just wonder if I can survive this as I did when I was living as Sonia.

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