Chapter 2: Doctor Levious Alexander Vermonte

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“Can you at least take this off of me now?” I ask Doctor Vermonte who is checking on me pertaining to that tube in my mouth that is making my lips hurt. “Well, let’s see how you are doing without the oxygen before we take it off. The accident had crushed your chest and it is making you unable to breathe normally. I know you are strong now but… we can’t be too careful are we.” Doctor Vermonte who looks just like my Alejandro said, I heard he is the doctor assigned to me which is like torment and a joke. “Zorenia, you must listen to the doctor. You had been in a coma for 6 months now. Your body is still weak even how strong your mind is.” my ma said as she looks at me while pilling that apple. Yes, I had been in a coma for 6 months then I woke up 3 days ago. I think I am fine but they are all so worried and are overreacting. It is so odd and weird for me because my ma is never like this before. When I got sick before she will say it is because I am not that careful and just gives me medicine then she will leave to go to work. Most mothers I know will stop working even for one day to look after their child but my ma is never like that well, not until now. “Seeing it irritates her let us try if she can breathe normally without the oxygen.” Doctor Vermonte said to the nurse who turns off the oxygen machine making me breathe in relief. “Now try breathing slowly. Feel if you will feel pain every breath and if you can breathe normally.” my doctor said as I take a deep sigh and starts slowly breathing. The first breath I take is a little painful and hard but when I try again I can feel like I am starting to be relieved. I continue breathing as Doctor Vermonte places his stethoscope inside my hospital dress shirt and I fletch feeling that cold from the stethoscope into my bare skin. I can feel myself burning in embarrassment as he leans close over my face while listening to my breathing. Not just that but his finger is touching my skin making me feel that warmth coming from him. “Hmnn your breathing is fine now BUT… that heartbeat though, odd right?” he said as he looks at me as if teasing me. I look away as I sigh in relief when he takes off his stethoscope out of my hospital-patient dress shirt. He even smiles and he is even the one who buttons my patient's dress shirt that is revealing my chest. “It seems like our patient is recovering fast. You can take off the oxygen nurse but you need to tell us when you are having a hard time breathing. Also, I suggest you start rehabilitation if you still want to walk. Well, your coma also has a good effect on you for your cemented broken legs had healed after 6 months all that is needed is for you to try walking and trying so hard to recover. It will be hard but I am sure she will be able to recover if we all work together to help her. Proper food, exercise, medication, and care are also needed. Do not worry; I will be with you every step of the way. I will enlist you to our rehab facility and if you are ready to get down from that bed… just tell us.” Doctor Vermonte said as he smiles at me and then he leaves for the door. That man is really confusing, though I already accepted the fact that he and Alejandro are too different. Alejandro is now history so I have to move on. I am just wondering what happened to them when I was gone. I hope he is taking good care of Sollena and Eliot. I look around that room and sigh as I am alone in there as it is already night and Zohan must go to work and ma needed to sleep at the boarding house for she can’t sleep in this hospital ward. “I feel so fine but this body is a traitor and it won’t listen to me. I don’t want to stay lying in here.” I utter in frustration as I try so hard to sit straight. By doing that I can feel the pain throughout my body but it settles as I sit there for a while. I take a deep breath before I look towards the window and when I look around I see no wheelchair but I really want to look out to see what is happening outside this hospital where I am. With a heavy sigh, I start checking myself, yes I feel pain but my legs are just numb from staying in bed for months. Even when I want to go to the bathroom they are carrying me there for I force them to take off my urine drainage bag as I feel so uncomfortable with my brothers who take that bag and throw it in the C.R. their selves or even the nurses. At least once they carry me in the C.R. and let me sit on the bowl I can feel myself being me again. “Okay, Zorenia we can do this. We have been through a lot being Sonia before. What we have been through as Sonia in the 18th century is worse than this. We survived death and attempts to our life so what is the difference.” I said to myself as I look at my bare feet hanging by the edge of the bed and the floor a few inches from my feet. I take a deep breath and tried moving my feet and when I can see the move but feel slight pain I take a deep breath before I slowly slide down the bed. Intense pain came rushing into me when my feet touch the floor and my weight came crashing into my feet. I nearly fall if I didn’t hold onto the bed but I didn’t want to return to the bed. I suck my breath as I can feel intense pain coming all over my body my feet begin to shake and the pain becomes unbearable as if a big block of rock is crushing into them. “This- This is freaking hellish pain, come on, work legs.” I said in frustration as I try so hard to step but with just one step I feel like my feet had become jelly. I know I am screwed for I let go of the bed and all my weight is on my leg and I can feel the intense pain. I am about to fall when strong arms suddenly carried me in a lover’s carry making me gasp as I look at the face of who suddenly lifted me from my feet. I froze seeing that face that looks so much like my Alejandro’s but a lot different. I must say, Dr. Vermonte is indeed a handsome man. I am already in love with how Alejandro looks but the other reason I loved him is his character so even if this doctor has his face I can’t fall in love with him for I don’t know his character well. “You… are one hell of a woman Ms. Asoncion. You fully know that standing on your unhealed legs will put a strain on them making them even harder to heal yet here you are bearing the pain and trying so hard to walk. You should learn that sometimes things need to be taken slowly. Not everything will work the first time. You are lucky I came to check on you.” he said as he slowly laid me back into the bed I held my breath to his closeness. I just remain silent as I look at his face. He sighs as he looks at me before he fixes my IV drip and then looks into me. I sigh as I try moving my legs but every move is agony due to my foolishness of trying so hard to walk. He then pulls a chair and sits beside me as he looks at my face making me feel so hot all over and look away. “You know, you intrigue me Ms. Asoncion. There is something about you that I can’t point out but is trying to draw me to you.” Dr. Vermonte asks as I look at him confused. “What do you mean doctor?” I ask trying to be formal making sure that the space between doctor and patient is there. “Hmnn let’s just say when I came from England into this country I am not sure why I even came here. I was not a good person before but when I came here I finally start knowing how to live well. I met many women your age and like you but all never did what you did. I wonder though, you know you will die once you save those two… why did you do it?” he asks as he looks at me as if waiting for an answer. “I don’t know, I just acted that is all. The moment I saw that car coming towards the boy and the old woman my body just reacted and I found myself running towards them. I subconsciously push them away… the next thing is pure blank. But I am aware I could die, I guess I don’t care anymore.” I said as I look towards the window with the curtain covering it. “You didn’t care? Why? Are you trying to commit suicide or giving up on your life?” he asks making me sigh. After the accident, he is the only one who asked me this and to who I am telling this. I feel comfortable with him and I feel like I am safe. My parents nor my brothers didn’t even ask me anything concerning the accident. They said they are just happy that I survived. It turns out that the family of the one who runs over me had given us support throughout my coma. Even the family of the boy and grandma had given their support for us so my family didn’t have much to spend on my medication before so even if I am in a coma for how long no one of them suggested cutting my life support. I heard the driver is sent to prison waiting if we will have a settlement or file for a case. My brothers and father are arguing that they said he deserves it but I said he is not at fault because the driver said that the brake suddenly came off that time. HE is also a victim and we all are victims of the situation. I asked them to make a settlement with the driver to pay for the damages and he will be set free as I know he didn’t mean for that to happen. “Not really, I guess I was just so hard on myself that I got so tired. I wanted to rest so badly due to the pressure of being unemployed and having no money that kept crushing me down.” I said softly as if I am just talking to myself but I know he heard it. “You should have just rested, take things slowly Zorenia. Life is not like a movie in that everything happens fast according to the director. This time… you must take things slowly. I am sure your family already learned their lesson for pushing you so hard. I am sure you will be fine now… they said you are different than you were before so… I feel like you will be fine. I wonder though…” he said as he stops and looks at me intensely I look at him then look away seeing how he is looking at me, “What?” I ask. “Never mind, by the way… you were so brave to sacrifice yourself to save that boy and old woman. You are amazing, I am happy to know that my last patient as a doctor here is you… Zorenia.” he said making me look at him in confusion as he looks straight back at me. The way he is looking at me is so odd and makes me self-conscious. When he looks at me like that I am reminded of Alejandro so I can’t help but get drawn into his gaze. He smiles as he suddenly takes my hand and I just watch him as he injects something into the tube attack into my hand. “For now, you must rest and stop acting so tough. Take things slowly for a change.” he smiles at me and for a few seconds I feel so drowsy and I end up pulled into the darkness.
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