Chapter 50: It's Gone(2)

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Alexander had set out to the Great Lands and as if he was someone that the monsters were afrad of, not a single monster he encountered attacked him. Although some had shown overt hositility towards him they never attacked him with their bared fangs. Alexander found this to be strange. He was expecting to have at least several in juries from fighting monsters, but at this rate he would be able to go back to the destroyed demonoid's lair without having a single wound in his body. The sun had risen before he even left the Stan estate because of that he did not need to worry about nocturnal monsters which were stronger than the monsters that roam the Great Lands in broad daylight. 'I just hope I won't be too late.' Alexander strengthened his resolve and continued to track the path where the person he decided to treat like his family was left behind. *** Cain's surroundings faded and he was able to opne his eyes in reality. The black orb was alady gone by the time he opened his eyes. 'Thankfully, no monsters had attacked me while I was asleep and unguarded.' Cain did not know that the black orb had just disappeared a few seconds before he opened his eyes. The black orb he was imprisoned in had dissipated in the atmosphere as he was being transported back to reality. Although Cain would have no chance of knowing this it might not be too important for him. He was just grateful that he had not been devoured by a monster yet. "I should probably see how much my demonic powers have grown. I can't be too hasty about using this if I don't know how powerful it is." Cain could not recklessly use his demonic powers again just like how he did when he was looking for the demonoid's lair. 'I also need to figure out how those powers that voice gave me works or else it might cause problems in the future.' Being reckless and using his demonic powers were not the only reasons why he decided not to go back to the city immediately. Cain also needed to familiarize himself about the powers that the voice had given him as a reward. For now, 'I guess I should try and explore more of the Great Lands.' Cain would travel across the areas and places that he still have not been to or maybe even the places that no other humans has ever been into. He was about to take a step, but had to stop after seeing his body though his peripheral vision. He was tall and muscular. He neither looked like his former self as a King nor the teenage form he had been maintaining. He raised his hands and saw that unlike the small hands that he had in his teenage form was now gone. "What the hell?" Cain immediately ran and went to a nearby pond he had come across when they were still traveling to find the demonoid's lair. Looking down on his reflection in the water, Cain could not help but curse out loud. He looked exactly like a demon with two small horns, blood red in color, in his forehead. "How am I supposed to go back to the city?!" He could not go back to the city looking like a demon. No, more importantly he could not go back to the city where people are while he was naked. He would be imprisoned once again if he did go back with his sword swinging down below! Realizing that he was naked, Cain could not help but be embarrassed of himself. His clothes could not be worn again as they were already torn from his body becoming that of an adult's so suddenly. Sighing, Cain headed back to the demonoid's lair. He had no choice but to try and find any clothes he could find to cover at least the weapon he had. Fortunately, some ragged clothes covered in blood were left behind by the subjugation party. Cain took those and washed them on the pond before drying them of with magic. He grabbed his sword and set out to the places that he needed to explore and test his powers on. "This place is so great no wonder they named it the 'Great' Lands." Cain thought that the Great Lands was a great place to test his powers and kill monsters. *** Alexander arrived at the destroyedd demonoid's lair at dusk. He headed straight to the place where he last saw the black orb. Without any care in his surroundings, Alexander dropped his bag full of his supplies and ran to that place. However, 'It's gone.' The black orb that he was expecting to see was gone. The spot where it was on was left with nothing but a pool of blood which was definitely from Cain's injury. "Why?!! Why is it gone?! What about Cain?" Alexander ran around to the surrounding areas trying to look for any traces of Cain but not even a whiff of his blood could he smelt or even a single silhouette was nowhere to be seen. Alas, Alexander managed to find a pond. It was red under the bright moonlight. It looked like something had drank on the pond with it's mouth covered in blood. Or maybe something had bath in that pond to remove the blood they bath on after killing someone. Hundreds of negative thoughts waved in his mind as he shivered from it. "I need to tell them." Alexander figured that he needed to tell the Stan family about what he found this instant. He took the small crystal in his chest pocket and crushed it under the force he put into his fist. The crystal emmited a light before it disappeared. Back at the Stan estate, Filzer was reading a book in his room when the mana he imbued on the crystal came back to him. Within a second, he slammed the book close and went out of his room. But to his surprise, Telph was about to knock in his door. "Are you going back there?" Telph wore a serious expression after seeing the look in Filzer's face. The ancient Dragon could only frown and nod at Telph's question. "I'm going with you."
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