Chapter 49: It's Gone(1)

1045 Words
The sun has yet to rise from the east, but Telph was already awake. For the past few days he had trouble getting sleep. His mind was not a mess, it was more like there was nothing in his mind at all. Inhaling the sweet morning breeze as it bruashed through his skin, Telph felt his lungs being fille with the cold air. He was sitting at the couch, in the shed, at the garden. He remembered the times when Cain and himself spent in that place. They both laughed when they talked aout Filzer's embarrassing moments and giggled by themselves when thinking about the ancient Dragon's childishness. 'I hope he is alright.' Telph sighed and looked at th sky from the horizon. It was slowly getting brighter, signallling the incoming of the sun. A few meters behind him stood Alexander, who just like him, couldn't have any proper sleep for the few days because of his thoughts of saving Cain. Contemplating long and hard if he would go over to Telph, he slolwy walked to the shed. "Hey." Alexander called out and made Telph flinch from the shock. "You move like a cat. Are you an assassin?" Telph was glaring at Alexander before looking back at the sky. "Now, that is not nice to say to a person greeting you so early in the morning." Alexander argued back and went inside the shed. He sat down on the single couch and just like Teph, he looked up at the brighter sky. "It's not like I wanted your greeting." Telph grumbled and frowned at the sky. He might not be as welcoming towards Alexander, but atthe very least he was not telling him to go away. A few minutes of silene made the atmosphere around them awkward. It continued that way for a few more moments before Alexander finally broke the silence. "Cain was someone who saved me. You see, I was an illegitimate child, but he showed me what it feels like to have a family." Alexander reminisced about his travel with Cain in the Great Lands and how he wished to have a family like Cain and how the latter had made him feel how it feels to have a family support you by his actions. "I have so many things that I need to thank him for that's why I can't let him die yet. I was originally planning to go to the Great Lands and take him back here after I'm completely healed." Alexander paused and gazed at the sun peeking through the mountains at the horizon. "I was also saved by the young master. I am not their blood family, you see. I was also an illegitimate son of a renown merchant, but because of that I have always been set aside and abused to do things that I never wanted to do. "I was told that doing such menial work and other things are my only worth and that if I do not do my job I will be discarded like a puppet. A lifeless thing they will throw in the slums. "There was a time when I refused to do such things anymore and was ready to die by the hands of my younger brother, who is the legitimate child, but then young master Cain showed up and saved me. And that is how I ended up here. A warm place where the people I consider family are always supporting me." Telph had revealed his dark past from a person he never intended to talk or get close to. But hearing Alexander's story made him feel like they were the same. "Last night was my last healing session with Filzer. And I am completely healed, so I'm planning on setting out right now." Alexander uttered after a few seconds of silence. He got up from the single couch and ou of the shed before pausing his steps. "I'll make sure to bring him back this time. So, prepare a meal for him. For sure he is hungry." Alexander resumed his walk and went inside the mansion. In his room where his shabby armor were, Alexander put on the armor and spoke. "I will go even if you try to stop me." Outside of Alexander's room stood Filzer. He was leaning on the wall while staring at space. "Don't worry I have no plans of stopping you." Filzer stood straight and went inside the room through the open door. Alexandder was already fully equiped with his armor and the sword which Filzer enhanced with his formless mana. Seeing the reinforced sword that was still as shabby as before made Filzer sigh. He opened his dimensional space and reached inside before taking out a new sword. Alexander stood still as he watched Filzer take out the sword. He flinched when Filzer suddenly threw the sword to him. "Throw that garbage away and use that sword." Filzer nodded to the sword in Alexander's other hand before pointing on the sword he gave him. After getting a good look at it, alexander saw that the sword had a golden hilt which could only be seen in the King's weaponry. "Is it alright for me to have something as precious as this?" Alexander looked at Fizler with doubt in his eyes. The ancient Dragon did not know If the doubt was directed at the sword being used by him or at himself being low on skill to use such a sword. "I have no use of it and I have more than enough to give someone like you some." Filzer shrugged Alexander's doubt and used mana on both Alexander and the armor he has. He casted several defensive barrier on him in case he got in a situation where his life was threatened and reinforced his equipment. "Here." Filzer got something in his pocket and threw it to Alexander. He caught it and realized that it was a small mana crystal. "My mana is imbued in that crystal. You just have to crush it if you want to send me a signal. I'll go to you in an instant." With that last information he provided, Filzer went out of the room and left Alexander become emotional on his own, giving him his privacy.
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