Chapter 43: A Dance with Death(2)

1020 Words
In the dimly lit cave, the movements of the two entities were barely seen by the subjugation party. The knights who use aura to attack, defend, and other things couldn't catch Cain and the demonoid's movement as they clashed against one another. Even the mages, who used their respective mana to try and wach the fight unfold were having a hard time to catch any of the two beings' movements. "H-how are they moving like that?" On the of the knights had his eyes ide open as he stared at the spot where all that could be seen were blurry images of a teenager human and demonoid. They were all shocked at Cain's prowess that even a grown up elite knight wouldn't be able to have. Amidst the shocked individuals, Alexander was slowly creeping up from the demonoid's behind. HIs eyes were locked on the woman's hair which were in the shape of blades. He had no idea if he could cut her hair with his shabby equipment. But no matter of his hesitations he needed to do it. It was because, unlike the others, Alexander could see how of a disadvantegeous situation Cain was. Cain compared to the demonoid was smaller in size. Although, his size made him more agile, it became a disadvantage when it comes to a battle of strength. Speed can't beat strength alone. It was a powerful thing to have, but without the right power behind Cain's attacks he wouldn't be able to land any fatal attacks on the demonoid, who had seemed to have maxed out her defense. Cain's narrowed eyes were focused on several things and it was taking toll on his mentality. His eyes were trying to follow all of the demonoid's three hair blades and her two hands where her long pointed, sharp nails were threatening to pierce his heart. With five of the targets that he needed to either block or evade, Cain couldn't just leave the demonoid's eyes alone. He knew all too well how much the eyes would convey many things. He did not want to miss his chance on reading whatever was behind those eyes, especially those red glowing right eye of hers. Cain saw the demonoid's first hair blade slashing down towards him and at the same time, the third hair blade was coming from below. 'A feint.' Cain watched the demonoids eye movement before deciding that the attack the first hair blade would make was a feint, but he still could not let his guard down about it. Infusing his mana to his hands, he guarded his lower waist and readied his other hand to catch any more incoming attacks. But, to his surprise his free hand did not manage to catch anything. Seeing the opportunity presented to him, he manipulated the shape of his formless mana coated in his hands into a sharp form and jabbed it into the demonoid's second hair blade which was focused on defending her. The demonoid's eyes widened as she saw the sudden attack incoming and tried to dodge by jumping back. However, in that instant, Alexander had long been waiting for that moment to happen. Once the demonoid, who was unaware of Alexander's presence from behind because she was too focused on Cain, jumped back, Alexander thrusted his rusty and chipped blade into the demonoid's hair blades. Before Alexande's sword reaches the demonoid's hair blades, Filzer, who was standing at the rear with his presence concealed more than an assassin was capable of, imbued his formless draconic mana into Alexander's sword and made the rusty, chipped blade to become sturdier than the demonoid's hair blades which could not be destroyed by any weapons the party currently possessed. Within a matter of seconds that the demonoid was taken aback after noticing Alexander's presence from behind, it was already too late. Even with the slightest touch of the sword into the hair blades made the latter to shatter into pieces. Unfortunately, Alexander's reinforced sword could only break two of the demonoid's hair blades as she managed to salvage the second one, which was focused on defending her. Cain watched as two hair blades shatter into a thousand pieces before dashing towards Alexander, preparing his mana to reinforced his hands. Pissed after losing her main attack weapons, the demonoid lunged to Alexander. Her sharp nails were aiming for either his heart or head. Thankfully, Cain was prepared and was already ready to block the demonoid's attack. "What just happened?!" "Who the hell is that guy?!" "Where did he came from?" The subjugation party members who were focused on the battle between Cain and the demonoid did not notice Alexander and was dumbfounded when he suddenly made an action that made a huge turn of favor to them. Marquis Heloin who was in front of the party had his eyes widened before they narrowed into a glare. He knew who the young man who just shattered the demonoid's two hair blades was. It was no other than one of his illegitimate sons that he never intended to lay his eyes nor his attention on. He did not even know that Alexander had joined the subjugation party. Or maybe he did not even know the name of his son as he did not recognize him when he signed the documents of the ones to join the subjugation. 'Why is that bastard here?! And why is he working with the Stan bastard?!' Marquis Heloin had a lot of chances when he could have known about Alexander's existence, however, he just chose to not care about the small things that he thought were not at all that relevant to raise his reputation amongst the people who were considered elite in the Heloin city. 'I should have gotten rid of that child!' Marquis Heloin glared at his own son as he gripped the hilt of his sword hanging on his waist. Unfortunately, for him, someone of a higher existence was listening to his thoughts of murdering his own blood and flesh. Filzer's pupils which were in the shape of an thin diamond locked on Marquis Heloin.
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