Chapter 42: A Dance with Death(1)

1048 Words
The party went inside the cave with torches prepared in their hands. The cave was darker than the usual caves that the party knew. "It's so dark. We can't see a thing."" One of the party members whispered under his breath. Marquis Heloin along with of the best of the elites were wlaking in front of the party. Filzer, Cain along with Alexander were walking in the rear. Before they went inside the Demonoid's lair, Marquis Heloin had started to recite his right of his position and commanded the three of them to stay in the rear and argued that as the subjugation leader he must be the one to be in the front to lead the party. Cain and Filzer had no qualms of the Marquis doing his usual thing, but Alexander seemed to be quite pissed at the Marquis overstepping his so-called rights. Even at this moment, Alexander was still frowning in disbelief. "Just leave him be. We'll be the one to step up first if anything happens anyway." Cain sighed and stretched his arm to put his hand on Alexander's shoulder, while Filzer nodded his head in agreement. The three of them were looking at each other and did not see how the surroundings were suddenly lit. Within an instant, their eyes found the surce of the sudden lit and saw that several fire were burning with magic on the cave's walls. "Oh, my meal has arrived! I mean, my guests." Several meters away from them sat a beautiful woman with a long straight jet black hair and a black dress that hugged her body defining her curves. "Who are you? What are you doing here?!" Cain wanted to face palm because of Marquis Heloin's question. 'That's obviously the demonoid!' Alexander thought to himself as he took a step forward before Filzer put a hand on his shoulder before shaking his head stopping whatever Alexander plans on doing to make the Marquis wake up to himself. "Huhuhu." The demonoid's hand stretched to her right and picked up something from a luxurious looking bowl. The party suddenly h shivers run down on their backs after seeing a fruit covered with blood go into the woman's mouth. Marquis Heloin had been the most surprise at the sight of the food that the woman just ate. "Knights formatio-" Marquis Heloin did not manage to finish his sentence when something shot past him and the next thing he knew was hearing something splashing and faling to the ground with a thud. Horror filled his face as he slowly turned around to look at the origin of the sound. Two knights were lying on the floor, lifeless with their heads severed from their necks. "Ugh!" Marquis Heloin eyes widen and he felt a lump blocking his throat and his stomach churning. He wanted to vomit the delicious breakfast he had back at his mansion. "Get to your positions!" Filzer was the one to shout and snap the men and women out of their thoughts with their mind filled with fear. Cain's eyes locked on the Demonoid. He could barely saw the thing the shot past the Marquis and cut the heads of the two knights behind him. 'It was her hair!' Cain frowned in disbelief after seeing the demonoid twirl her jet black hair on her fingers. "You have no idea how happy I am that you have only brought the best of the best for my meal." Just as those words escape the demonoid's mouth her right eye's color turned red before they glowed. "What?! Why is it only..." Cain didn't finish hi sentence because the demonoid's eyes shifted to him. "Hmm? You seem to be most delectable one? I thought it was that handsome man." A wide smile tore the demonoid's facial muscles and her eyes turned into crescent shaped. 'It seems that she still hasn't found about our identities yet.' Filzer spoke in Cain's mind making sure not to make eye contact with him to avoid any suspiscion from the demonoid. "Then I shall take care of the small fries first." The demonoid stood up slowly from her sitting position making sure to take her time. Cain bended his knees at that moment. The demonoid stood straight and made the party members gulped at the malicious aura that she was exuding. Clutching thier weapons in their hands, the subjugation party felt the tension in their joints. Their eyes were focused on the demonoid's next actions. However, once the demonoid moved the next they knew wasshe was in front of them already. It was like she teleported in front of them because of how fast she was. Cain who had bended his knees earlier was actually building the strength in his legs in order to match the demonoid's pace, but he was too late in doing so. His teenage appearance and body was restricting him in fighting the demonoid in his best state. In a matter of an instant, the party's sight were blocked by Cain's small back as the demonoid's hair turned into something sharper than any blade they had ever held. The demonoid's right eye glowed lighter as her already wide smile widened even more. "I was expecting you!" Her voice was full of a child's excitement as her hair was split into three pairs and rushed towards Cain, attacking him. Cain was also expecting that the demonoid knew that he was planning to shield the subjugation party from any attacks from her because she knew that any of the party members could not handle her and also knew that Cain had realized this fact. Which was why she laid her bait earlier when she said that she would take care of the small fries first. "I'm sorry, but you have to die here." Cain spoke with his stoic expression plastered over his face. The demonoid felt it in that instant. All of the hundreds of battles that Cain faced when he was still a knight before turning a King, were being exuded in his teenager state. 'What?! How could such a small kid like him exude such an aura?!' The demonoid's eyes widen and her plan to attack Cain was halted as she swiftly jumped back, away from the threat she felt to her existence.
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