Chapter 44: Malice Within the Party

1073 Words
"You!!!" The demonoid said through her gritted teeth. The veins on her forehead were bulging as she stared at Alexander behind Cain. Her secod hair blade and the only hair blade she had left tried to get past Cain'sguard and attack Alexander. However, it was impossible without the other two. And the fact that her second hair blade was mainly for defense did not help her current situation or her desire. The demnoid couold only grit her teeth as she watched Alexander behind Cain with mocking eyes. "I will not forgive you!" Retracting her sharp nails, the demonoid focused every single force she had o her body and pushed Cain out of her way. Cain saw the unknown force developing in the demonoid's hands and managed to block it and jump back at the same time to lower the impact of the demonoid's attack. However, Cain did not expect that he would be sent flying several meters away from the demonoid and Alexander, who were now facing each other. The other was filled with rage, while the other was simply dumbfounded at what he accomplished. No, he was dumbfounded at what his sword ha accomplished. Cain who was confused and in a hurry at the same time were looking at Alexander. 'Why the hell is that bastard not moving?!' Cain couldn not help but curse Alexander in his mind. He had eevery right to do so because he was having a hard time defeating the demonoid while protecting a man bigger than him. Groaning, Cain looked behind and tried to find Filzer, one their eyes met which conveyed thousands of words, mainly contained Cain's tantrums, he dashed towards the demonoid with his back screaming in agony from the damage he took from the demonoid's attack. Unsheathing his blade for the very first time since they have entered the cave, Cain made his mana flow into his swod and reinforced it. Swinging it down with no hesitations visible from his movements, Cain stared at the demonoid who was genuinely surprised at how fast cain recovered from her attack which were supposed to contain her ultimate strength. She had no idea that Cain had took a massive damage from that attack. And he have no plans on letting her know about it. Cain's sword manage to inflict a wound in the demonoid's arm, but it was too shallow to create a massive advantage for him. No, Cain just wanted to make the scales even. As he swung down his sword, he felt his spine c***k. he had taken too much of a damage than he thought he did. It made him enter a battle which was disadvantegeous for him. 'I can't let this fight end longer.' Cain couldn't let the fight be a battle of time because his injury would worsen making his fighting state to lower to a considerable and alarming rate. Cain huffed before taking a deep breath, he circulated even more mana than he was already doing and imbued it to his sword to make it stronger than it already was. "I can't accept this! No! I won't accept this!" The demonoid then unleashed her corrupted mana, the mana of a demon, and summoned tens of monsters an done of them were considerably bigger than the rest. Cain immediately recognized this monster. It was the monster he had fought when Filzer left him at the Great Lands for the very first time. It was a Forest Lord. 'No, the Forest Lord that I fought was not this big.' The Forest Lord were two head smaller and less buffer than the one standing before them at all. It was a monster which was of high class of than the Forest Lord. It was a Forest King. "Be careful, the big guy is strong." Cain spoke, he was sure than Alexander was right at his back. "Stronger than the demonoid?" Alexander's back touched Cain's as he asked. "No." "Then, stronger than you?" Alexander's tone were only half joking, but he got a nonchalant answer from Cain: "No." "Then all is well." Alexander dashed towards the Forest King while Cain did the same towards the other direction. Both of them raised their swords, but unlike their very similar actions the results of their movements were very far from each other. Blood splashed on the ground from both sides. Cain had managed to cut the demonoid's left arm. Meanwhile, Alexander who had raised his sword, read to cut his enemy down, received a huge wound on his waist. It was not a wound inflicted by the Forest King, but a wound made from his own father. "I knew it." Someone spoke from behind Marquis Heloin, whose sword was unsheathed and covered in Alexander's blood. Filzer was the one who suddenly appeared behind marquis Heloin who was waiting for a chance to execute his plan on getting rid of anyone who could threaten his position. Filzer grabbed Marquis heloin by his neck from behind and effortlessly lifted him up from the ground before throwing him behind where his spacial dimension was already open. The subjugation party members who were busy fighting against the weaker monsters saw wat happened clearly with their eyes. Alexander fell to the ground on his knees while clutching his waist. He was trying so hard to stop the bleeding with his two hands, but the wound was simply too big for his two hands to cover. Filzer used his magic to stop the bleeding and levitated Alexander before putting him back down away from the chaos. After ensuring that he was safe, Filzer shifted his eyes which looked that of a reptile's on the Forest King, who had his two massive arms raised, ready to pound Filzer to the ground. However, before the Forest King could pound Filzer to the ground, a strong force enveloped its body before it slammed to the ground. At first, no blood had splattered from the impact, but Filzer repeatedly levitated and applied gravitational magic on the Forest King before it was not even recognizable any more. FIlzer's eyes looked scary and angry. He did not really understand why it was the case, but once he remembered Cain laughing with Alexander, the ancient Dragon realized that he wanted to see the kid who had experienced the worse things that he could experience in his past life to smile brightly more than the times he cried in the past.
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