Chapter 15 - Adventurer's Guild (1)

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The salesperson seemed to have come with the deliverymen to make sure they didn’t make any mistake. He was surprised and in disbelief as he looked at the engrand estate filled with colourful flowers alongside the path which would lead them into the mansion. The salesperson couldn’t believe his eyes. He had been hearing rumours about how the Stan estate had looked like a haunted mansion but the sight greeting him had no sign of being haunted. When he rang the doorbell in the gate, the massive gates opened on their own which was a terrifying sight for the delivery men and the salesperson. How could a massive gate open on its own? The salesperson seemed to have been questioning himself ever since they started walking down the path to the mansion. However, the salesperson then realised something, more like he noticed something amiss. The whole estate looked so grand and luxurious that he even had the thought that it looked more luxurious than the King’s palace. HOwever, he hasn't seen a single soul. The gate opened without anyone opening it. There were also no servants who greeted them and led the way for them. This was making the salesperson’s heart beat fast enough to feel like it would burst out of his chest. They arrived at the double doors that would lead them inside the mansion. “Uhh.” The salesperson groaned thinking about how they would open the door without any servant’s allowing them to come inside. However, contrary to the salesperson’s chaotic mind the door opened for them and they were greeted by the ancient Dragon. Of course, they have no idea that the person standing a few metres away from them was actually a dragon. “Don’t just stand there. Come in.” Filzer spoke in an irritated voice that it made the people standing outside the door come in as if their lives depended on how fast they step their feet in the sparkling clean floor tiles. “Uhm, as you have ordered we packed everything and delivered them in a day.” The salesperson spoke with obvious nervousness and bowed deep toward Filzer. “Good.” Silence descended upon them which made the salesperson gulp out of fear. Filzer had uttered a single word after that brief moment of silence but the relief the salesperson had was as big as the entire Stan estate. “Uhm, what should we do with this?” The salesperson then spoke with caution. The mansion might have looked grand and luxurious but it was quite empty with no servants or maids around to assist them with the clothes. “Just leave everything there. I’ll do it. We value privacy so much that we don't have any servants. Well, I can do everything by myself with just a flick of my finger though.” Filzer had whispered the last sentence but it was loud enough for them to hear it. They all felt shivers in their whole body. They had understood the hidden meaning of that sentence. ‘He is at least a highest-grade mage.’ Suddenly the salesperson started to understand the things he found strange ever since he stepped foot inside the estate. The man standing in front of him was a highest-grade mage which made him capable of things that other humans are not capable of doing. A good example was the massive gate opening on its own. He realised that there must have been a magic device in the massive gate or the man standing in front of him was the one responsible for it. Of course, that was not the case at all. The man standing in front of him, which was naturally Filzer, was not a highest-grade mage but a mighty Dragon. "T-then we should leave now. Thank you for trusting o-our store." The salesperson's voice was shaking as he thought that he should get out of this place as soon as possible. He didn't even want to think about what would happen to him if Filzer had even an ounce of feeling that his privacy is being touched. "Sure. Leave." Filzer had noticed the fear visible in the salesperson's face, however, he paid no attention to it as he shooed them with his elegant long and slender fingers which would put even the highest of the noble women to shame. They left the place and Filzer just stared at the clothes he bought before using magic to move them. After finishing his annoying job, Cain walked into the living room with his hair still wet. He was wearing a robe as he had just gone out of the bathroom. Cain had taken a bath earlier even though he was clean. His reason was because his body hadn't touched water for days and Filzer remembered how he cleaned him using magic. Magic really was reliable just as a Dragon is. "What will we do now?" Cain asked and rubbed his hair to dry it. Filzer watched him do his thing with a frown in his face which made Cain wonder what he was thinking. It was nothing serious. It was that the ancient Dragon, Filzer, thought that Cain should rub his hair like that if he didn't want to be bald. It was an exaggerated thought. "We'll be moving tomorrow." Filzer answered. Of course, the 'moving' he had said was not about changing houses. No, he was saying that they would execute the first thing in their plan. In other words, Filzer's plan. "You will get your adventurer's card from the Adventurer's Guild tomorrow morning so you can hunt monsters legally and also to earn some pocket money from the monster's carcasses." Filzer explained his plan and Cain only nodded his head before asking a question. "Adventurer's sell monster corpses?" "Merchants buy them to make durable armors and other valuable items made from monster's body parts." Filzer's answer was enough to make Cain shut his mouth. He just went to his room, which he picked by himself, he heard that the clothes Filzer bought earlier had arrived with his heightened senses.
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