Chapter 11 - Great Lands

1038 Words
Cain narrowed his eyes because of the sudden light that attacked his eyes. He had been inside the dark domain of an Ancient Dragon this whole time so his eyes had to adjust at the sudden change of brightness. "Great Lands?" Cain asked after adjusting to the sunlight. He started to look around and analyse the place, however, it looked nothing great like what the name stated. The place in front of Cain looked like a completely normal forest. The only difference was this forest had its trees metres away from each other making it easier to know that it was a large-scale forest because Cain couldn't see the end of it. "Yes. I'm sure you have noticed it by now. It's quiet." Yes, it was quiet. It was so quiet that Cain couldn't hear even the insects cricketing. There were no wild animals like normal forests. That was when Cain felt a gaze on him. It was a situation where a predator was preparing itself to lunge and bite its prey's neck. "Grrr." Cain heard a low growl on his left. The leaves in a bush rustled and the predator finally revealed itself. Cain turned his head to his said predator and noticed how its eyes widened. The predator realised that his prey knew that it was there. However, it was too late to back out. It was indeed too late for the predator to realise that the prey was actually the predator. The roles have been switched and the new predator bit its fangs in the new prey's neck killing it. In this case, Cain was the predator. He held the monster that looked like a wolf only because it was bigger in size and had the horns of a deer. "I guess you now know why it is called Great Lands." Filzer said as he looked at the dead monster in Cain’s hand with disinterest. ‘I have never seen anything like this creature. I guess it’s only natural because this is a different world?’ It was Cain's first time seeing a mutant wild animal. Although it looked like an animal to him, it was actually a monster in this world. “There are a lot more different kinds of monsters here that are stronger than that one you just killed. I brought you here since this is the best way to test and train yourself while in that form.” Filzer planned this for Cain for the reason of wanting to help him. Furthermore, he was interes of what this half-demon half-human would do from now on and he also needed to watch him. Although Filzer knew that Cain was transmigrated from another world, the ancient Dragon couldn't put his guard down. Cain may be a former human but he was now a half-demon. Filzer had no idea when Cain might have his demon instincts take over his rationality while being amongst humans. The ancient Dragon, Filzer, thought about this with consideration of his race. He was a Dragon. Furthermore, he was the oldest dragon in the human and demon world, so I thought that Cain may just be pretending right now and being cautious around him. Of course, this was all Filzer’s misunderstanding because… ‘There are more stronger monsters like these in this Great Lands? My heart is starting to beat fast.’ Cain was not pretending. He was just hiding his true feelings. His silence made Filzer even more suspicious of him. “Are you going to come with me during my training? Wouldn’t the monsters run away from seeing your presence. I’m sure that stronger monsters have keener senses.” Cain commented and turned to Filzer, letting go of the monster in his hands and making it fall to the ground with a thud. “No. It’s just like you said. Go and rampage in here but only for three days. Well, go to the city close to this place in the next three days.” Cain didn’t realise that he let his emotions out making Filzer see the excitement in his eyes. For some reason, this made Filzer think of Cain at the same age as his appearance even though he knew that it was not. Cain looked like a teenage boy who just got his most wanted toy. “Haaa. Head north. That’s where the stronger monsters reside. Make sure to stay as a teenage boy. I’ll be going back now.” Filzer said what he wanted to say and went back in the rift. Cain watched the theft as it closed after Filzer went inside. Cain followed the path Filzer told him about and started killing all of the monsters that came in his way. He found this convenient because he didn’t need to find them. They just came running to him thinking he was weak because of his feeble appearance. His fight went on day and night until he got annoyed because he didn’t have the time to sleep because they kept jumping on him. *** Three days later. Filzer opened his rift near the coordinates of Great Lands north. The sight that greeted him made him flabbergasted. Ahead was a path made with monsters' dead bodies. He calmed his heart and followed the path. There was a point that needed to fly because of the pool of blood. As Filzer flew over he flew over the carcasses that kept piling up as he headed straight north. In an open field that looked like it was made by a fight between powerful monsters was a mountain of blood and on top of that mountain was Cain holding a huge monster’s head while panting. He was covered in blood to the point where even his eyes were red from the blood. He didn’t seem to notice Filzer at first until he let go of the severed head which rolled up to where Filzer was flying inches up the carcasses. “Oh, you’re here.” Cain greeted Filzer with a tired smile on his face. Filzer rubbed his arms because of the goosebumps he was having. In more than a thousand years of his life. This was the first time in a very long time since he had goosebumps.
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