Chapter 12 - Heloin City (1)

1228 Words
“What happened here?” Filzer asked while looking around the destroyed part of the forest which now looked like a field. “That… I was resting when suddenly all these guys showed up and suddenly attacked me. I think this one is the leader.” Cain said and kicked the biggest corpse which he was standing at. The monster’s head was in front of Filzer which rolled down the mountain of carcasses earlier. It was indeed the leader. Earlier, when Cain finally had the time to rest, a hoard of monsters suddenly came and charged at him ready to kill him at any moment. Their killing intents were so high that even a normal person would have chills run down their spine. Cain was quite irritated by the fact that he couldn't get a single wink of sleep, much more because he knew that today was the day Filzer would take him to the city. And so he went on rampage and killed every single monster with gritted teeth. It was quite the brutal fight and a cruel sight with tens of l****s of blood spurted from wounds and severed limbs of, of course, the monsters. The blood came from every direction that Cain became bathing with monster blood. The largest of them all, the leader of the monsters, then came into the fight. Cain uite had the hard time to defeat him only because he was tired and the monster’s built-in armor was harder than Cain expected. “Haa.” Filzer sighed and decided that there was nothing to look at anymore after hearing Cain’s explanation before switching his gazeto him. He then frowned after seeing the state Cain was at. He looked more like a monster than a human with his whole body coated with blood. “First, you need to clean yourself, no, I’ll do it.” With a single flick of Filzer’s hand the blood was washed away by water and Cain was dried using a wind made from mana. ‘Convenient.’ That was what Cain had thought of after getting cleaned by the ancient Dragon. He may have been cleaned but the cloth covering his body was either ripped or burnt from fire type monsters. “I’m not good at making clothes, so for now use this.” Filzer admitted easily before getting something out of his spatial dimension. It was a robe bigger that suited Filzer’s size but not Cain’s teenage appearance. Cain sighed and just made himself feel glad that he did not need to go to the city wearing ripped and burnt clothes. Filzer didn’t utter a word after seeing Cain sigh. He was actually feeling a little bit mad because he gave Cain one of his precious robes only to receive a sigh and not a thanks. Once Cain finished wearing the robe he felt the unusual but cotton feeling of the robe under his skin. “This is quite good?” He subconsciously blurted out as he caressed the robe. Filzer turned to him with a look of pride. He opened his mouth and was about to say something but Cain was a beat faster. “Well, I guess this much is normal for an ancient Dragon.” Filzer immediately lost the look of pride from his face. Although Cain meant it as a compliment, Filzer had understood it as an insult. Thankfully the ancient Dragon chose to just shrug it away. “Before we go. Take this.” Filzer waved his hand and a card appeared. He gave it to Cain while taking into consideration his reactions. “You need an identification card so you can enter the gate to the city. We will teleport to some other place near it. We can’t get out of the Great Lands because you still don’t have your adventurer’s card.” Cain read the information in the card as he listened to Filzer’s explanation. The name written in the card was Cain Stan and the age was fifteen. Of course, the birthday was similar to the age. “I guess this is fake but I don’t have to worry about getting caught because the one who made it is a dragon.” Cain commented and put the identification card inside the robe’s pocket. “So you need to have an adventurer’s card before you can hunt monsters here in the Great Lands?” Cain asked and looked toward Filzer who was watching him closely. ‘What's up with him?’ Cain thought as he stared back at Filzer. Cain’s eyebrows raised slightly after the ancient Dragon sighed and turned his back on him. “Yes. Anyway, I’ll explain everything about your new identity when we get to the place where we’ll teleport.” Filzer spoke and motioned Cain to come closer. They soon teleported near the gate of Heloin City. Filzer had explained Cain’ new identity to him as they walked towards the gate. Cain’s new identity, Cain Stan, is a Baron household that has no power nor wealth to rise to a higher position. It had never taken any attention in high society in the past. This is because of Filzer’s doing. The Stan household is a household that Filzer made a long time ago. It was one of the oldest households in the Aether Kingdom. Although it was one of the oldest households, not the oldest, the Stan household had never participated in any of the celebrations of the kingdom. This was the reason why it is treated as the trash of the Aether Kingdom. Stan family, as a matter of fact, has never made any contributions in anything in the kingdom, if not everything. Of course, the reason for this is because the ancient Dragon, Filzer, couldn’t care less what was happening in a kingdom. Dragon’s really are prideful creatures. “Since you’re actually a middle-age man I’m sure you know how to act accordingly.” Filzer said without any thoughts as they were nearing the gate where the knights and soldiers were checking each of the people’s identification cards going in the Heloin City walls. However, the fact that they were near the gate did not matter to Cain. What mattered to him more was the fact that Filzer just called him a middle-aged man. “Ha! Well, I expect more from you, grandpa.” Cain chuckled at what he said. It started with his lips curling up to a smile while trying his best not to laugh until he let out a chuckle and couldn’t stop himself from bursting out laughing. For some reason, he liked how ‘grandpa’ suited the ancient Dragon too much. However, Cain soon flinched after feeling something pricking the back of his head. He turned around only to realise that Filzer had stopped wang and was shooting daggers at him. Cain started to feel sweat form in his forehead and back. He subconsciously gulped as he stared at Filzer glaring at him. However, Filzer just let it go. He didn’t do anything. He managed to hold himself back from bursting out of anger. That was what Cain thought before he noticed the sides of Filzer’s lips twitching as if they wanted to curl up. ‘This old man…’ Cain thought and turned around and resumed walking. He reminded himself that he should call the ancient Dragon gramps from now on.
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