Chapter 31: Looming Danger

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Days passed by and Cain still haven't returned from the Great Lands even after Filzer had gone back. Telph was getting more anxious as days passed by and he had every reason to feel so. It was because verytime he went out to the city to either run an errand or buy groceries he would always here about another person missing from either the Great Lands' entrance or the border. It has been exactly three days since the first disappearance of a knight had started to create small waves of worry in the whole city of Heloin. And in the past two days, the disappearance have increased to three in the second day and increased two times on the third day. Filzer, who had his arms resting on the backrest of the couch while a book was levitating in front of his nose and knees crossed, looked more relaxed than he has ever been in his entire draconic life. Meanwhile, Telph was pacing around the living room with his teeth biting his nails. "Uhm... Is it really okay to leave Cain in the Great Lands for three days? What does he eats and how does he sleeps? Are yyou not worried at all?" Telph couldn't stop himself from questioning the ever-so-relaxed Filzer on the couch. "Well, I know for sure that that kid is strong, but with the current happenings at the border. I doubt we can't just simply push it aside." The book in front of Filzer was pulled away from him when Telph grabbed it and looked straight to Filzer's nonchalant looking eyes. "That is not what I meant! The issue here is that Cain might be in danger or worse he is already in danger and we don't even know about it!" Telph tried to make Filzer understand his point with both of his hands flying in every direction. "Haa." Filzer sighed. "You don't have to worry too much about that. I left a trace of y magic in him if that magic ever disappears then that means that that punk is in real danger." The old dragon explained. "I guess..." Telph still had a little bit of worry and doubt in his face, which was now not as bony as they were before. However, the worry and doubt that had decreased after hearing Filzer's explanation spiked up again after seeing a different emotion appear in Filzer's face. The ancient Dragon's eyes widened and his crossed legs returned to their normal position. He even seemed to have stopped breathing for a moment. "What? What is it?!" Telph's face became covered with horror as he asked. "That kid..." Filzer paused without knowing that his actions could make Telph faint, much worse, croak. "He actually managed to learn it." Filzer's face was beaming with both amusement and shock. After seeing the look on Filzer's face Telph could not help himself from sighing. Although he had no idea what Filzer was talking about, but one thing that he was certain for is that Cain was not in danger. The reason for that was because there was no way that Filzer would be gleaming with amusement if Cain was currently in danger. Telph put his palm in his forehead and wiped the sweat threatening to drip to his chin. In that instant of relief, several thudding noise caught both of Telph and Filzer's attention. Someone was knocking in the front door. By the sound of the heavy thuds from the thick oak wood, it signaled that the person behind the massive double doors was in a hurry and desperate. This made Filzer creased his forehead. How could someone pass through the gate leading to the estate and even more so to knock on the doors of the mansion without Filzer knowing was not impossible but still was not that easy of a feat to accomplish. "Stay here." Filzer stood up from his comfortable position on the couch and headed to the door after advicing Telph not to follow him to the door. Filzer's heavy boots did not create any thudding noise as it hit the marble floor because of the noise nullifying magic that he casted on himself. Stopping in his tracks a few meters away from the door, Filzer flicked his hand and the door's lock clicked and with the mana flow from the atmosphere along with Filzer's formless mana making the door move without anyone touching it. Almost at that instant, after seeing who the person on the other side of the door was, Filzer tilted his head and raised his eyebrow. The person standing in front of Filzer wore a chocolate brown robe and even though that the hoodie which could cover half of the user's face was pushed back making Filzer see the face of a woman with a scar on her cheek. This was not the first time Filzer had met the woman. Although the ancient Dragon could not quite remember where he first saw her, he was certain that they have met before. With her chest rising and falling rapidly, it made Filzer realize why he didn't manage to catch her presence when she went inside the estate. It was because she did not walk through the gate but instead casted a high level teleportation magic with the exact coordinates of the mansion's door. Filzer's magic was as complicated as life itself. When the ancient Dragon casted the defensive barrier surrounding the estate, he made sure that no ordinary human could get inside the estate using either brute force or magic. Tempering with teleportation spells which could be casted to break through the front gate would make the castee teleport to the Great Lands instead. Even with such high level draconic magic, the woman in front of him managed to find her way through all of the easter egg locations. 'Interesting.' Filzer smiled inwardly as he stared at the woman, who had finally able to catch her breath. However, what she said next made him flinch and his feet deeply rooted in their places. "Demonoid."
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