Chapter 32: Looming Danger(2)

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Filzer frowned at the woman and waited for her to cathce her breath. However, it seemed that the woman had diffrerent thoughts than he had because before catching her breath she spoke first. "Count Stan, I need your help." The woman looked at Filzer with desperate eyes. "Ha! You barge into my property like a robber and ask me for help. Do you realize how you sound right now, woman?" Filzer was naturally taller than the woman, who had her hands on her knees after fatigue has caught up to her. The ancient Dragon was looking down at that woman, who had no longer have any strength to fight back or even run away. It did not help that filzer was currently releasing his aura of a dragon. He did not have to worry of his identity being revealed because a normal mage, no, even a high ranked mage would not be able to sens Filzer's formless mana aura and perceive it as a Dragon's. "I know that I may look like a criminal to you but there really is an urgent matter that I need your help in. No, it's not just me but the whole city!!" The woman's face creased and her eyes showed that she was desperate for Filzer to listen to her request. Moments have passed, but Filzer still have not uttereda singel word. The woman's frown deepened before looking at the floor beside her feet. Sha had a contingency plan if ever Filzer refuses to listen to her. The woman bit her lips before gritting her teeth and looking up to Filzer. "Isn't to your responsibility to protect the borders from the Great Lands?! Please, the city needs yoour help!" The woman's voice became loud as she spoke. Filzer flinched right after she finished her sentence. The woman noticed this, but it was not only her but also Telph, who was standing behind them as they converse. "Master?" Telph called from behind. "Cain." Telph couln't hear it well but he was sure that Filzer had just uttered Cain's name. Filzer's whisper made Telph remember something. He remembered Filzer telling him that he could feel if Cain was in danger or not with the mana that he left with him in the past three days. "Did something happen to the young master?" Telph asked, worry was laced in his face. "Listen here, woman. I will not be able to go with you because of an urgent matter, but the young man behind me will go with you as my proxy. Tell him everything that I need to know." Filzer ignored Telph's question and spoke to the woman. "Master! What is going on?" Telph started to feel worried because he could feel the slight panic in Filzer's hastened actions. In the end, Telph had no choice to follow what FIlzer had told the woman to do so. "Master, I will go with the woman as you pleased. But, please, bring the young master back safe." Telph was looking at his feet as he uttered those words to the ancient Dragon. Filzer looked back at Telph and smile ever-so-slightly before nodding and without a single breeze of the wind, he was gone. The woman flinched when FIlzer suddenly disappeared in front of her and looked at Telph with a conused look. However, she soon ha d to shake the useless thoughts away from her head. "I will now relay what happened to you last night." The woman had a serious look in her face ans the atmosphere surrounding her had change. "Please, let us sit down first before you start with the explanation." Telph led the way to the living room and the both sat across each other. "Then, to start let me ask you a question. Are you aware of the current disappearance of the mercenariesand knights patrolling the border?" The woman asked. "Of course." "Then this will be easier than I thought. In the past three days, the case of the disappearance had been increasing steadily and no matter how much we searched the parts of the Great Lands that has been traveled and made into maps we still could not find where those people have disappeared to." The woman started her explanation. "Did you not think that they may have run to the other cities or towns nearby?" Telph asked. The woman shook her head and stared at Telph with eyes filled with fear. "That is where this all becomes scary. You see we have already asked the towns and searched the cities for any sightings of the people who disappeared but to no avail not a single shadow of them could be seen." The woman started to tremble and her palm clenched into fists from remembering something that she did not want to remember but had to. "Last night, the search for the missing people underwent again. At least, three parties was dispathced but only one party managed to go back earlier this morning. But even if they managed to come back, they still died." The woman now had beads of sweat rolling dowwn from her forehead ad her lips were trembling so bad. "Do you know what happened to them? They have already returned with fatal injuries that could cause their limbs not to function properly. But we still had to interogate them while we had some healers to ease the pain. And they said that they fought against a human with demonic powers." The woman hicced because of the fear eating her up. "A human with demonic powers. Could it be a demonoid?" Telph repeated what the woman said and guessed the entity's true identity. "Yes, that is correct. A demonoid has appeared in the Great Lands." The woman confirmed Telph's guess. "The people who managed to return blew up like balloons right after revealing the enemy's identity. We could not even save them anymore." The woman shut her eyes and clenched her hands on her knees. "Sacrifices needed to be done for victory to happen, but too much sacrifice leads to a meaninless victory." Telph stated and stood up from his sitting position. "I shall relay what you just said to the Master."
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