Chapter 33: Not Sincere (1)

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FIlzer had teleported to where he left Cain, but he did not see even the latter's silhouette. The ancient Dragon's eyes scanned the surroundings and to his surprise dozens of monster corpse were piled like mountains. The eerie silence that covered the area was ghost-like. No presence could be felt from within Filzer's senses' radius. But that quickly changed when a weak presence appeared from behind the mountain of corpses. Filzer gazed at the corpses for a few seconds thinking about a particular scene not to distant from the past and sighed with a small smile showing how amused he was in the current situation. Stepping behind the mountain of monster corpses, he found the being which the weak presence belonged to. It was a monster whimpering from losing it's four limbs. No, maybe it was whimpering out o fear from the person looking down at it with blank and unwavering eyes. Filzer observed as the scene unfold in front of him. He watched as the young man, who was not even as tall as an ordinary teenager kneeled beside the whimpering monster and stabbed his hand where the monster's life force was. 'This kid... He might become more dangerous than his father.' Filzer thought of the thing that he decided would never tell to the young man in front of him. "The monsters were attracted to the mana. The just come whenever I try to move it." Cain stood up and shook the monster's blood off his hand. "That's because you were using natural mana. You should use your inner man to train you idiot." FIlzer sighed and used water magic and splashed it all over Cain. Cain stopped in his tracks and looked at Filzer with unbelievable eyes. Filzer laughed in his mind from the hostility he could see from his face with Cain's veins bulging in his forehead. "Telph is gonna faint if he sees you covered in blood." Filzer was not worried about his actions and the possibility of him getting attacked by Cain because he could always bring up Telph to surpress Cain's emotions. "Haa!" Cain sighed loudly and brushed his wet hair back. He had a frown in his face as he dried himself with magic. 'Oh~.' Filzer chuckled inwardly after seeing Cain use magic for utility. 'This kid is really interesting.' Without noticing that he was already snickering by himself, Filzer opened his dimensional space and put all the corpses inside. Cain stared at Filzer as he put every single corpse inside before sighing. He was starting to think that him fighting and killing monsters so that Telph can trade them to the merchant guilds was their only source of income. "The Great Lands has become quite noisy in the past few days. Something seemed to have appeared deeper in the south." Cain stated casually after Filzer finished his job and they were already heading back. "About that, someone infiltrated the estate earlier and suddenly asked our help about something. Although, I still don't know what this 'asking for our help' is all about yet we'll get to know what it is after going back." They both chatted nonchalantly as they walked through the Great Lands as if it was a walk in the park. Only, monster's kept pouncing on the two of them. "This things have gotten annoying." Filzer frowned as he shot a small ball of mana through the monster's life force cutting all the supplies for the monster to be able to eb called a living being. Of course, the ancient Dragon did not forget to catch the falling corpse through his dimensional space. "What do you mean by we'll get to know?" Cain looked at Filzer with his eyebrow raised. "Telph and the infiltrator are talking right now back at the mansion. That woman is most likely telling Telph the details right now." Filzer explained. Cain had already guessed what Filzer meant by his words but he did not want to believe it. But after hearing what Filzer just said he snapped. "You left Telph with a person who managed to pass through your defensive barrier?! What if that person do something to him? You know how weak that guy is!" Cain's voice made the birds atop the branches to fly away from fright. "Don't worry. I made sure to take measures before leaving him with that woman. And can you please stop being so paranoid about that kid's well-being?" Filzer frowned with his eyebrow raised. His voice was laced with annoyance. "You're not one to talk." Cain casual argued and made Filzer flinch and stop walking. Cain walked passed him and hastened his pace. Filzer snapped out of his thoughts and followed Cain. It didn't take him long to reach his side because Cain's strides were short. Filzer tried to avert his eyes from Cain's direction from then on. Filzer had been caught. Much worse had been caught by Cain himself. The ancient Dragon did not expect that Cain would be able to recognize that he had put several layers of shield to protect Telph. The ancient Dragon might have not known from that moment, but a certain fear had stared to build deep within him. And that was the fear of having Cain tease him for as long as they stayed together. Arriving at the mansion faster than the both of them intended, they were greeted by a gloomy Telph sitting on the couch alone in the living room. "You're back. Welcome home." Telph stood up from the couch and greeted the two of them. They would have been filled with satisfaction by now, if only not for Telph's gloomy mood. "What happened?" Cain was the first one to ask as he plopped down the couch across Telph. Telph sat back down while Filzer sat at the one seater sofa. "The disappearance that has been occuring was apparently caused by a demonoid." Telph informed while staring at the center table. He was expecting them to be surprised and jump from their seats, but, contrary to his expectations, the two of them were calm. One leaned back in the couch and the other leaned in and put his elbow in his knees before resting his chin on it. "So, that is why the Great Lands has been noisy." Cain's words made Telph look up at him. "Noisy?"
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