Chapter 56: It's a Fortress(6)

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After Cerberus fell to the ground causing the ground to tremble after being defeated by him, Cain looked at the hounds which were still at the side. Some were staring at him while some were staring at Cerberus' fallen deranged body. One of the hounds which were rather close to where Cain and the Cerberus were located met his eyes. At that moment, Cain's eyes felt hot. He felt a burning sensation in it , but he did not let the sudden pain to breeak his eyes contact with the hound. Cain did not know, but at that very moment, his eyes turned red and glowed. with his red eyes glowing in the dark, the hounds which shared Cerberus' senses because the hounds had recognized it as their King felt great fear just by looking at Cain's eyes. They knew that Cain won not by luck or chance against their King, but because he was also a King himself. The hounds whimpered before running away. Cain was left aloe in the small opne field inside the forest. His knees felt weak and he fell to the ground beside Cerberus body, he leaned his back towards the dead body of the large monster. He breathed in wanting to breathe fresh air, but all her got was the stench of blood that was slowly pooling the ground. The blood obviously came from Cerberus' wounds that Cain made. He looked at the blood which stained the clothes he barely found back at the demonoid's lair before swiftly standing up. The sky was slowly turning brighter which made him realize that morning had come once again. cain opened his dimensional space and tossed Cerberus' body inside. "Let's not meet a third time." Cain genuinely wished not to meet Cerberus again, be it in another life or in another world, or even in Hell if he were to die someday. After tossing Cerberus body to his dimensional space, Cain turned his attention to the massive rock formation behind him. The rocks were so sharp that anyone who would attempt to climb it would probably die before they could even reach half of its height. Cain frowned at the sight of the sharp rocks. He inched closer and touched it. He was trying to learn just how sharp thosee rocks were that they looked like they would shine under the sun. 'It's suspiscious.' With the massive rock formations in that kind of place deep into hte woods and not to mention the small open space that seemed to have been made specifically for it to be easily seen by people was sspisious for Cain. He put his forefinger right in the pointed tip of a rock and pushed his finger with enough force for hm to be pricked. Blood gushed out of his freshly opened wound and ran down the rock. Cain's eyes had remained in its red and glowing form as he did those things. Which meant that his other half as a demon was much stronger than his human half. Cain's demonic blood dominated his human blood and he blood from coming out of his wound became only a demon's. The massive rock formations shook ever so slightly after few seconds when Cain's blood had touched it. For such a small amount of blood to be able to make such a massice rock formation to tremble was something, but that was the least of Cain's concern because the fact that the massive rock formation had reacted to his demonic blood was more important for him. "Just what the hell is this?" Cain took a few steps back after letting a few mre of his demonic blood to drop on the rock formation. It did not take long for the massice rock formation to start moving and shaking more than before. Earlier when Cain was battling against Cerberus, he had noticed that it reacted to his demonic mana. And at that time when he had unleashed his mana making one of his cards to bee known by his opponent, he saw the look on Cerberus face as it tried to attack him. The hesitation, respect, and doubt was written all over the face of such a monster, who Cain had initially thought to be an entity that was not capable of feeling emotions at all. That was when he realized that whatever Cerberus was doing in the Great Lands or why he met it for a second time, it has got to be related to him being a half-demon. 'I still do not knw why I was reincarnated to this place.' Cain still have not found out why he was reincarnated in another world. In the very first place that was his goal, until he had forgotten about it from all the events that had happened to him and made his life in this new world of his to be so eventful. 'Well I guess I should be thankful because of that I did not get bored at all.' It was fortunate for cain to have so many things to happen to him either they were good or bad because it kept him from remembering unpleasant memories rom his past life. Cain had a small sad smile creep into his face before e lifted his eyes to the massve rock formations that had ceased to move after a few seconds. His eyes laid upon a small gap in the middle of the rock formations. Inside that small gap, Cain could see a small mana shard that glowed thousands of bright lights. Although, because the gap was so small and the mana crystal was located quite deep within it there was no way that Cain's whole arm would fit in that such small gap. 'Well, it is not like that would be a problem for me.' It was not like hi arm not being able to fit such a small gap was a problem after all, all he needed to do was shape shift into a smaller version of himself. Cain shruck in size and his teenage form which was quite lean almost to the point of skinny could fit in that god forsaken gap.
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