Chapter 38: His Demonic Part(1)

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It has been more than five minutes since Cain started running around looking for the the monster which was informing the demonoid about their presence. However, he still had not whiffed a scent of his target. Swinging his sword down to his right, a direwolf fell to the muddy ground with thud. The little bits of mud mixed with the direwolf's blood splattered on Cain's trouser's helm. But he didn't heed it because it would only lead him to losing his focus. "What's wrong?" Filzer appeared beside him. The ancient Dragon's eyes were looking around as id looking for something. "I can't find it." Cain frowned in annoyance. Except for the monsters that Filzer had left alive after receiving a strike from him, there were no other noises. The party members had gone silent as they stopped their loud gasps after sensing that the battle was soon to be over. "Something is wrong." Filzer uttered after a few moments of silence. And just then a soft breeze blew across the battlefield. Cain felt a shiver run down his spine as the breeze carrying the thick fog with it brushed past his skin. The prickling feeling he had as the breeze brushed past him. "It's the fog." Cain raised his hand and touched the fog. He could feel the prickling of tens of thousands of needle not only in his hands but through his whole arm. He could feel it more now that he had intentionally touched the fog. "We can't get rid of it. But its not like we can't do anything about it." Filzer couldn't not recklessly use magic to make he fog go away. He could not absorb it in his dimensional space as that would make his cover blow away. They have no choice but to leave it as it was. However, there was something that Cain could do to help them with this difficult situation. A solution which would entrap the enemy in its own little world of prediction. Filzer, who had his gaze flying from different directions were now focused on Cain until it caught Marquis Heloin who was looking through the thick fog trying to find them. "Cain, remember that you are not just a human." Filzer turned around and went to the party's direction. Cain stared at his retreating back before thinking about what Filzer said. 'He couldn't have said that in passing.' There was no way that Filzer was just muttering things. There has to be a deeper meaning to his words. 'Not just a human.' Cain was not just a human. He had died as a King and reborn as a son of a human and a demon. He was a half-human and a half-demon. 'Demon. I am a half-demon.' Cain closed his eyes and tries to find the demon he had forgotten that was within him. His heart which was that of a human's, his mind that belongs to his human half. 'Where? Where is it?' Frustrated by how he couldn't find the other half of his identity, he stumbled upon a second heart within his body. A small orb with an ominous aura swirling around it was next to his human heart. It was pumping a different power throughout his body. That small orb was strong unlike its size and appearance. It was a fragment heart of a Demon Lord's. Cain opened his eyes abruptly. His chest was rising and falling in a rapid pace. "We're continuing the march. Gather up everyone!" Marquis Heloin's voice echoed in the foggy forest and caught Cain's attention. He trudge the path back to tje subjugation party and found Filzer alone a few steps away from the crowd. The others were staring at him with fear, awe, and respect in their faces as they moved around to get back to their respective positions. "Filzer." Cain called the ancient Dragon. It was the first time in a long time that the Dragon's name came out of his mouth. "I don't know how." Averting his eyes from Filzer's gaze, Cain frowned at the thought of how useless he was. The ancient Dragon knew him well enough to know what was running along his mind. Filzer inched closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Just like how you use mana. Use that power to find it." Filzer was acting his role as Cain's master and taught him things that he didn't know. Cain's eyes which were focused on the muddy ground looked up to Filzer and saw a smile appear as their eyes met. "Once you succeed, don't forget to thank your master for teaching you." Filzer's comforting smile suddenly looked sly in Cain's eyes. How could the ancient Dragon be so shrewd in taking advantage of him? "Fine. I shall bring enough profit for you to enjoy your temporary human life." Cain shook his head and chuckled at his master's attitude. It may be something that Filzer only said half kidding, it at least put Cain's mind at ease. And Cain does things well whenever his mind qas calm. The ancient Dragon really knew him even with the little time they spent together. "Marquis Heloin." Filzer called for the Marquis attention. "Cain would be walking in the rear and I will take the vanguard." Filzer proposed in his commanding voice that even though the Marquis hated the idea of getting positioned in the middle of two Stans he could not say anything against his decision. 'Their influence has increased after the fight! I can't do anything!' Marquis Heloin frowned beforw nodding his head and going to his own position. Cain walked to the rear and to his surprise the man with the scruffy appearance was right in front of him now, contrary to his former position which was behind the Marquis. 'I should focus on finding that bastard.' Cain shook his head and closed his eyes. His mana perception was activated to prevent him from losing in the fog because his sense of sighg had been blocked. Cain followed the path back to the orb next to his heart. He didn't have a hard time finding it this time. Cain stopped his mana circulation on the other parts of his body and focused them only in his eyes for his mana perception. And as he deactivated it the ominous aura surrounding the orb had grown exponentially and the black orb pumped out more of that ominous aura. Cain circulated that aura like how he circulated his inner mana, but to his surprise the aura flowed to his brain and a second later a massive amount of information flowed through his mind.
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