Chapter 37: Marquis Heloin's Illegitimate Son(2)

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Deeper in the woods, the fog became considerably thicker. The atmosphere had become gloomy as the tall trees shadowed over the forest's surface and made the surroundings dark. Monsters' different howls resonating with the darkness created tension within the party. "Stick close together if you do not want to be separated from the party." Although Marquis Heloin spoke softly, the order was heard loud and clear by the party. Just then, Filzer, who was walking in front of the party with Cain by his side, stopped walking and raised his hand. The party came to a halt. "What's the matter?" Marquis Heloin walked to the front with a frown visible on his face even with the thick fog. "They stopped retreating." Ignoring the Marquis's question, Cain uttered. His eyes were locked on the thick fog ahead. "What?!" Marquis Heloin gritted his teeth and grabbed Cain's shoulder. Thinking that he could overpower a teenage kid like Cain, Marquis Heloin put pressure in his hand and pushed Cain's shoulder with a force he thought would make him crumble to the muddy ground. However, to his surprise, Cain only stared at him with no emotions in his face. His eyes which lack any light felt like it pierced Marquis Heloin's soul. "Instead of asking useless questions, you would definitely want to prepare for combat first." Filzer looked back at Marquis Heloin before releasing his formless mana. Through the thick fog, the people behind the three of them saw some leaking out of Filzer's body, but it wasn't really smoke. "W-what is going on?" "Why are they suddenly getting ready to fight?" "Is there any enemies around?!" The party started to create a commotion as they saw the tension growing from the people ahead. However, the commotion turned into chaos as the monsters' distant howls were not distant anymore. In an instant, as if the all of the monster that were howling were teleported to entrap them. "Should we attack?" Cain grabbed the hilt of the sword in his waist and looked at the monsters behind the thick fog. "We have no choice but to." Filzer's formless mana became denser and became darker in color making it a great contrast to the white fog. Cain who was right beside the ancient Dragon was the first one to notice Filzer getting into battle mode. His grip on his sword loosened after seeing the formless mana starting to go on a rampage and surrounding Filzer's body. "Are you going to take care of it alone?" Cain stepped away from Filzer after feeling his formless mana prickling his skin. Marquis Heloin who was standing beside Cain could not help but have his eyes widen at the sight of Filzer's formless mana getting stronger by the sscond. 'It's different.' Filzer's formless mana which he was releasing at this moment was different from the past. It was tens of times stronger than what he showed to the Marquis when they first met. The aura that Filzer was emitting was enough to suffocate Marquis Heloin to death. It was not an exaggeration if he says that Filzer felt and looked more like a true emperor than the King. Cain noticed Marquis Heloin's gaze which was locked at Filzer had changed. It was filled with fear but his gaze was also filled with masked respect. Studying the Marquis's expression made Cain thought of Filzer's true form and the aura he had when he was at his domain. 'He would probably kowtow a thousand times before him.' Cain shool his head and looked back to Filzer who spoke at that moment. "No, you will fight with me. Get rid of the informer." Filzer focused his leaking formless mana into his hands and had the rest to cover his body. The formless became an impenetrable armor. "Got it." Cain unsheathed his blade with fluid movements and closed his eyes, throwing whatever unnecessary thoughts he have and focusing on his task at hand. "I find him immediately." With that last sentence which left his lips, Cain disappeared into the thick fog and within seconds his presence had disappeared along with his shadowed figure. "What?! What the heck are you two talking about-" Marquis Heloin turned to Filzer who was still in front of him. No matter how confused he was on the current situation, he couldn't go near the ancient Dragon. Filzer's aura wouldn't even permit anyone to get close to him. His defensive formless mana armor also had offensive trait which would pierce anything that he did not permit to be near him. "Monsters had surrounded us. You along with the party will focus on defending and saving yourselves. Cain and I will only be the ones fighting." Without any hesitation about leaving the party leader and giving him orders, Filzer also disappeared in the fog. The next second, their surroundings became covered with the monsters whimpers and growls of agony. "What the hell is happening?!" The party members were terrified at the monster's howls becoming screams of pain. Marquis Heloin frowned at the sounds with distaste written all over his face before turning back to the party members and shouting: "Get to defensive formation!" His shout made the aggitated members snap out of themselves and immediately moved according to Marquis Heloin's orders. 'I don't like how he's taking the lead, but I can't do anything but do what I can for now!' Marquis went to his own formation as they defended at the monsters which were getting past Filzer's attacks and slaughtering them with the help of everyone. One monster was being killed with a combination of two to three people, but Filzer was killing dozens of them alone. Well, it was reasonable because Filzer was of a higher existence than the party members. However, this fact was only know by one person in this group of people, which was why the party members had their jaws touching the ground while looking at the monster corpses falling to the ground with a considerable distance to them that they could see it through the thick fog. Among the party members stood the scruffy looking man frowning at one of the monster corpse lying near the defensive formation of the party. 'The cut is so clean.'
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