Chapter 39: His Demonic Part(2)

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Cain stumbled, but he managed to not fall. He held his head and his face looked incredibly in pain as he held his head. Gasping for air, his legs stopped moving and he was left behind by the party. However, that was the least of his problems as he was trying to process what had ran throu hid mind in a matter of an instant. 'What was that?' Cain managed to get his composure back. He stood up straight and looked ahead of him. His eyes were now opened and with his mana perception, he saw that the party was still not too far away from where he was left behind. A second later, Cain flinched as his eyes widen in surprise, The fog was starting to get thinner from where he was and in front of him, where the party was, the fog seemed like it was alive folowing them. The fog ook the shape of a giant worm and just like its appearance, it wriggled towards the group before dissipating back into a normal looking fog. "What the hell did I just witnessed?" Cain was able to speak his mind properly now as the fog prickling in his skin was gone. The spot where Cain was standing at was now currently enveloped by a normal fog and not the one being controlled by the demonoid. Cain needed time to process what he just saw but there were more important matters that needed his attention more. Closing his eyes he tried to remember what went through his mind. *** A dark sky layered with red. He had seen that sky from when he was born. It was the Demon World. "My Lord, the Council had called." Cain's body moved on its own, he knew by then that he was possessing not his body, but someone else's. And by what the voice had called the person he was possessing, it seemed like he became a part of the Demon Lord. "What did the council say?" A profound voice reached Cain and he shivered. The voice was filled with powerand authority. "They said they wanted to meet your son to evaluate him for the selection of the next Demon King." The servant with a single horn on his head, was looking at the ground and not in his Lord's eyes. "I see. Tell my son to prepare for the evaulation. And that if he ever failed, he'll become like his brother, thrown to the Void." The Drmon Lord's eyes glowed red and the surrundings became dark as if night had descended in the place. Cain was familiar with this power. Itt was the same power when he was thown to Filzer's domain,. the Void. 'If this the same demon as my father?' Cain became curious of the demon's identity. He couldn't see the demon's face bbut his voice sounded the same as the man who was his father at some point. 'So, he had a new son. I guess it was a full demon because he hadn't thrown him away.' Cain sighed and remembered how the demon Lord threatened his son that he would throw him away if he failed. 'I feel sorry for that kid.' Cain wanted to shake his head, but couldn't. "Yes, my Lord.'" The servant walked away backwards before his back reached the door and went out. The Demon Lord turned his back to the closed door and looked at the dark red sky. A second later a small drop of blood dripped to the railing of the balcony and Filzer's domain opened. The Demon Lord looked into that small space before putting his ear near it as if he was expecting a voice to call out to him. The Demon Lord knew that the Void was nothingness, but he was still expecting to hear a cry of a new born baby inside. 'This demon is seriously sick in the head. After throwing me away like that, you expect me to call out to you? What a bastard.' Cain felt irked by the Demon Lord's actions and sighed in his mind. There was nothing that could help him know how to use his powers in that place. Cain was about to open his eyes when the Demon Lord spoke. "A demon knows how to control his power only through blood. Use your blood to find that power and control it. That was what I wanted to say to that child the most." The Demon Lord's words were carried by the wind and unknowingly reached Cain. 'Hmph!' Cain frowned and opened his eyes. His surroundings went back to the foggy forest. "Use blood." He repeated the Demon Lord's words before looking down on his palm. Sheathing his blade, Cain gripped it with his bare hand and as the sharp blade grazed his skin, his blood dripped on the ground. Shaking his sword, the remaining blood splattered to the muddy ground. "Show me where the demonoid is." Cain looked at the blood on the ground, his eyes felt like it was burning as it turned red and glowed. He might not know this, but Cain's glowing red eyes was redder than the Demon Lord's. The blood on the ground started to tremble as if it was feeling fear just by Cain's eyes before it shot up from the ground and formed a thin line before stretching to where the direction where the party was at. The thin line made by his blood was, too thin that only Cain was able to see it. The end of the line connected to Cain's injured palm as if it belonged there. Seeing the line showing the direction of the demonoid. Cain started to run to the party and when he reached them, he left his post and went ahead to Filzer, gaining the other party member's attention along with ever step he took. "I know where it is." With that simple sentence that Cain uttered loud enough for the subjugation party to hear, they came to a halt. Filzer was looking down on Cain's teenager state and smiled. "Show us then." Cain couldn't help but smile back. He turned his back on them and with a simple blink his eyes turned back to its glowing red state. The fog seemed to flinch just by the look of his eyes before it dispersed into nothingness.
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