Chapter 29: The Ancient Dragon's Ultimate Skill

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Morning came and Filzer immediately set out to the Great Lands to check on Cain. Of course, he had left a note for Telph so that he would not worry. The city was oddly noisy even at the c***k of dawn, which was bizarre. Normally people would still be tucked under their bed at this time. FIlzer frowned but soon shook of the strange feeling he was having and went inside the Great Lands through the wall. Running at top speed and with the help of wind magic he managed to arrive at where he left Cain yesterday in ;ess than fifteen minutes. And not to his surprise, Filzer saw a frail looking teenager holding a severed head of a lizardae. Cain looked towards Filzer's direction while wiping the monster's blood off his face with the back of his hand. "Yo!" Cain raised his hands covered with blood to greet Filzer. "I guess you have finished the mana flow." Filzer casually commented and put the lizardae's carcass inside his dimensional space. "Yeah, I did not even notice that you were gone already. Anyway, thanks to the barrier you put around me I survived being that lizardae's breakfast." Cain sighed and rubbed his tummy. "I'm hungry." He complainted with a frown on his face. "Well, let's go back for now so you can eat and clean yourself. We'll go abck to training after." Filzer pinched his chin. 'Telph should stop worrying after seeing that Cain is fine.' Filzer thought as he nodded to himself. Cain watched as the old dragon did so and raised his eyebrow. However, contrary to what Filzer had initially thought, after they arrived back at the mansion. Telph, who was putting the newly cooked food on the pan to the plate had once again dropped what he was holding. Filzer casted levitation magic so that it would not cause any mess on the clean area. 'Nostalgic.' Filzer thought and moved the pan with magic. "Ca-" Telph managed to let out a sound. 'Ca?' Both Cain and Filzer thought at the same time. "Cain! What happened?! Why are you covered in blood? Oh no, are you hurt?!" Telph rushed towards Cain and scanned his body for any visible injuries, his hands were flying everywhere but careful not to touching an inch of Cain's body. Cain glanced at Filzer at the corner of his eyes. Their gazes met, but Filzer swiftly avoids Cain's gaze. Cain's meaningful gaze was asking Filzer for help. But the old dragon had decided that the issue did not exist. Well, at least for him. "Well, I am fine. This is not my blood. I went for my morning hunt is all. By the way can you help me exchange the useful body parts in the merchant guild?" Cain attemped to change the subject and distract Telph's attention by mentioning the merchant guild. "Oh, I see. Since Cain aske me for help then I guess I can try doing it. No, I will do it." Telph clenched his fist and had a look of strong determination plastered in his face. "Yeah, work hard." Cain smiled awkwardly and escaped to the dining table where Filzer was already munching on the food. Old people need to eat well, that goes along with dragons. After their silent and peaceful meal, Cain told Telph that he and Filzer would be training again today and that he might not be able to go home again. And, well, he managed to dodge a bullet after purposely reminding Telph about the favor that he asked of him. The three of them set out to their own destinations. Telph went to the city with the magic pouch that Filzer created at the last minute to put the lizardae's carcass in, while Cain and Filzer went back to the Great Lands to continue Filzer's training menu. "Well, since you already know how the mana flows in your body. The next thing you will need to learn is how to utilize it in combat." Filzer explained. "First, I'll teach you a skill that I use when battling and then I'll demonstrate it. After that you're all on your own again. I will not repeat it twiceso you better watch carefully." With that warning, Filzer started to teach Cain a skill. It was the type of skill where the caster can imprison the target in a subspace and block their senses before going in for the kill. It was not that an all powerful skill. That was what Cain thought as he was learning it, but when i came to the part where Filzer had demonstrated it. At first, Cain felt like he was sinking into a swamp and the deeper he sinks the more he lost control of himself. Unlike what Filzer had initially described the skill was, Cain felt something while inside of the subspace. It was an instant, but he felt death standing in front of him. "DId you get it now?" Filzer finished the demonstration. Beads of sweat had formed in Cain's forehead and a singl bead rolled down his chin. "I... think so." Cain could not muster up the strength to speak. He felt like his energy had been drained out of him. "Well, like what I said, I won't repeat it a second time so you'll be on your own from now on. I'll return once I deemed that you have learned the skill perfectly." Filzer turned his back on Cain and took his time tracking the path back to the mansion. 'That skill... isn't that like the Void?' Cain thought as he watched Filzer's retreating back. Cain shook his head off to lose the unnecessary thoughts and circulated his mana before trying to copy the skill which made him feel death for the second time. Only this time, he did not die. Back in the city, Telph strolled his way to the merchant guild and heard an interesting and concerning gossip. "A knight has disappeared in the entrance of the Great Lands."
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