Chapter 29 - Filzer's Training (2)

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Filzer had no choice but to stand up and step back from the sight unfolding in front of him. Cain sat by himself in the center of the Great Lands. Great Lands was covered with nature it was a forest where the mana density was high and a place where monsters die and creatures were born. It was the place where the most natural cycle of life happens in this world, which meant that it was a place where the most natural mana was situated. A single drop of sweat dripped from Filzer's forehead to his chin as he watched that natural mana flow into Cain's body like he was nature himself. 'I have never seen anything like this.' Filzer's mouth was agaped. But, a moment later his gaping lips sealed and a small smile appeared in his face. Cain really was someone who was a monster. Filzer might not want to admit it but he had no choice but to do so after laying eyes at this particular scenario. Even Dragons, who were thought to be loved by nature has never had the privilege to be one with it. However, a half-demon half-human had managed to do so. The demon race is a race that the nature has neglected for a long time. It was not exaggerated to say that nature abandoned the demon race since time immemorial because it was the truth. But why has nature decided to become one in this instant to become one with a human with a demon's blood? Even the Ancient dragon had no way of knowing why it was the case with its vast knowledge. Filzer kept watch as Cain continued going along with the natural flow of the mana going inside his body. And when an hour has past and Cain still haven't finished the flow of mana he decided to create a barrier surrounding him to protect him from any harm whil ehe finishes the flow. Filzer left Cain in the middle of the Great Lands and went back to the mansion, after all it was not only Cain he needed to take care now, but also the newly person who joined the two of them, Telph. Telph was alone in the mansion, flipping through a book that he had bought with Cain yesterday. It was a book of about the economy growth. He had decided to become a merchant and earn money to beccome even a little help to Filzer and Cain. It was also his thanks to them for taking in someone like him. "It's getting late. Filzer and Cain is still out." Telph looked out of the window where the sky was turning orange. At that instant, the mansion's door opened and filzer appeared. "Welcome home-" Telph did not manage to finish his sentence after Filzer closed the door behind him. "Uh... Where is Cain?" Telph's head tilted to the side as he asked Filzer. "Oh, he's still training. He might not come home tonight." Filzer said nonchalantly and proceeded in walking to the kitchen to prepare for their dinner for tonight. "Training...?" Telph followed him to the kitchen and volunteered to help the old dragon to help in cooking. The both of them were both silent during hte entire time before telph broke the silence. "By training, you mean in the Great Lands, right?" Telph glanced at Filzer, who was seriously flipping a steak in the pan. "Yes." Another nonchalant reply from him made Telph drop the knife in his hands. A second later, he could only gasped after realizing that the knife might stab his foot and immediately looked down only to see the knife floating midair. "Careful." Filzer blurted out still focused on the sizzling steak. Telph bent and grabbed the knife. "Thank you-," he stopped mid-sentence again, "no, wait! You left Cain there alone?!" Telph's eyes and mouth was wide open from shock. 'How ccould he leave a teenager alone in the Great Lands?! I mean, sure, Cain might be stronger than a normal teenager because he is a Stan but he's still a kid!' Telph's mind were filled of worried thoughts about Cain's well-being which made his mind to become chaotic. "I know that you know very well how dangerous the Great Lands is especially at night because the monsters go berserk. I mean, of course, you know that because you are the guarding the border between the city and the Great Lands, so could you just leave Cain to train alone in that dangerous place?!" Telph almost hysterically shouted at Filzer. A minute of silence strech to two, then three before Filzer opened his mouth to speak. "Cain is stronger than mst monsters inside the Great Lands. And even if there are some who can potentially be stronger than him and put him in danger he has no choice but to save himself. Only that way can he survive and grow stronger in this world." Filzer had a small smile in his face, however, his eyes were no smiling at all. Filzer's eyes were filled with sadness that he had unknowingly showed. This made Telph flinch. He had no idea how the two of the lived their lives since they were born in this place, however, for some reason he could feel several emotions that he did not expect to feel boiling from within him. Telph felt sad and pitied both Filzer and Cain. "I guess people really need to face dangers no matter who they are and what their status in this society is." Telph blurted out while lost in his own thoughts and jumbled emotions. Filzer glanced at Telph and chuckled. The latter couldn't help but look at the former's direction. He was confused as to why Filzer would laugh in this current situation where the atmosphere was heavy and serious. "You are a wise young man. But you should not think to hard about such things and instead you should just enjoy it." Filzer advised before getting the cooked steak out of the pan and into the plate. Telph could just stare at the old dragon for a while and smile to himself. 'They are both very strong people.' He thought.
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