Chapter 6 – Half Lycan

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Alyssa  My heart raced as I fled from the classroom, the echo of Professor Thomson’s words still ringing in my ears. I felt as though the very air was charged with the electric hum of our encounter. I stumbled into the hallway, my thoughts a chaotic whirl. My breath came in short, uneven gasps, and I hoped that escaping to a quieter place would help me regain my composure. As I turned a corner, I noticed Pamela’s familiar figure approaching. Her sharp gaze quickly assessed my distressed state, and without a word, she fell into step beside me. She had a way of knowing when I needed her, and today was no exception. “Hey, Alyssa,” Pamela said, her voice laced with concern. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost. What happened in there?” I shook my head, my cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and anxiety. “It’s nothing, really. Just... Professor Thomson wanted to talk to me after class. It was about some of the lesson.” Pamela’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “That’s it? He asked you to stay behind for a lesson discussion? That doesn’t explain why you look like you’re about to burst into tears. What’s going on?” I hesitated, not ready to share the full truth. My thoughts kept circling back to Professor Thomson's surprising revelation that we were fated mates. Was he serious? Or was he just trying to play the charming professor with a reputation for breaking hearts? I couldn’t be sure, and it made me uneasy to think of his intentions. “I... I’m not sure how serious he was,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. “He’s handsome and all, but I’ve got no idea if he’s actually interested in something real or if he’s just a playboy who wants to charm every woman he meets.” Pamela’s face lit up with a knowing grin. “So, you’re saying you think he’s interested in you? I wouldn’t be surprised, given how he looked at you. I thought from the beginning that he had his eyes on you.” I frowned, feeling a blush creep up my neck. “Pamela, can you lower your voice? This isn’t something I’m comfortable discussing out in the open.” Pamela chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. It’s just, you know, he did seem pretty focused on you. And it’s not every day you get a professor who’s that... well, intense.” I sighed and changed the subject, not wanting to dwell on the possibility of Professor Thomson being merely a smooth talker. “Did you see Tom outside the classroom? He looked like he wanted to talk to me, but I didn’t stick around.” Pamela’s expression shifted from playful to curious. “Oh, Tom? Yeah, I saw him. He was waiting around while you were talking to the professor. I thought he might catch up with you, but then you ran off.” I frowned, feeling a pang of guilt. “I didn’t even notice Tom. Did Elvie stay with him?” Pamela shook her head. “No, Elvie didn’t stay. Beta Arnold called her away, so she left with him. Tom was left waiting. But honestly, I’m not sure what he expected. Elvie’s not exactly known for waiting around.” I felt a knot tighten in my chest. “So Elvie just left him there? That’s... kind of weird. She is very into Tom.” Pamela patted my shoulder reassuringly. “If you ask me, Elvie’s a bit too self-assured for her own good. But hey, what if Tom and Elvie were just having a fling? Maybe Elvie’s not as committed as you think.” I shook my head. “No, I’m sure Tom and Elvie are serious. Tom seems to be really into her too, and it’s not just a fling. They have their own thing going on.” Pamela sighed, her eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and frustration. “Elvie uses her father’s status to get whatever she wants. It’s no wonder she seems so untouchable. But don’t worry too much about them. If they’re meant to be together, they will be.” I nodded, feeling a pang of bitterness. “I suppose they deserve each other. They’re both shameless in their own ways.” Pamela’s expression softened. “By the way, I was wondering—have you ever found out what really happened to your parents? I know you’ve mentioned they went missing a long time ago, but have you ever had any updates?” I sighed deeply, a wave of sadness washing over me. “I’ve always believed they’re dead. If they were just missing, they would have tried to find me, right? I was only twelve when they disappeared.” Pamela’s face showed genuine sadness. “It’s really tough when you don’t have closure. I’m sorry they’re not around to see you now, especially when you shifted to your wolf form last year.” I blinked away the tears that threatened to spill. “It’s alright. My Aunt Jane has been there for me. She’s the only family I have left.” Pamela squeezed my hand gently. “It’s good that you have someone like Aunt Jane in your life. But, you know, it must be something special to have a mother who was a Lycan.” I looked at her in surprise. “You know about that?” Pamela nodded. “I’ve heard. If your mother was a Lycan, that makes you pretty special. Half werewolf, half Lycan—you must be stronger and faster than most.” I shrugged, trying to dismiss her praise. “I don’t feel any different. I’m just me.” As we chatted, a familiar figure appeared in the distance. Tom walked towards us with a determined look on his face. Pamela and I exchanged glances, and I could feel a tension rising. Tom stopped in front of us, his gaze focused on me. “Alyssa, can we talk?” Pamela looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Looks like you’ve got some unfinished business. I’ll give you two some space.” With that, Pamela walked a few steps away, leaving Tom and me standing together. My heart skipped a beat as I faced Tom, unsure of what he wanted to discuss.
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