Chapter 5 – Watch your words

1257 Words
Tom’s POV I stood outside the classroom, frustration bubbling just beneath the surface. Elvie’s frown was as sharp as her tone when she asked me why I seemed so interested in why Professor Thomson wanted to speak with Alyssa. Her impatience only fueled my own irritation. “Why do you care so much?” Elvie snapped, crossing her arms. “You and Alyssa are done now. Why are you still bothered?” I frowned, feeling a mix of unease and defensiveness. “It’s not just about that. I’ve got a bad feeling about that professor. He seemed way too interested in Alyssa. Besides, I need to talk to her about last night.” Elvie’s eyes narrowed, “Oh, really? And what exactly do you need to say to her now? You’re the one who ended things. You don’t need to talk to her again.” I sighed deeply, trying to articulate my thoughts without letting my inner conflict show too clearly. “Yes, we’re done. But I owe her a formal break-up. It’s the right thing to do, considering everything that happened.” Elvie rolled her eyes, the frustration in her voice evident. “So, you’re going to tell Alyssa you’re breaking up with her for me? Is that really necessary?” I nodded, though part of me hesitated. I had been wrestling with my feelings for Elvie. On one hand, I knew I had hurt Alyssa deeply by cheating on her, and part of me still felt regret. But Elvie was different—more liberated, more confident, and she had the status of being Beta Arnold’s daughter. I felt a pull towards her, and it complicated my emotions further. Elvie’s face lit up with a grin as she pulled me into a quick hug. “Well, I guess I should be happy about that,” she said with a touch of satisfaction in her voice. “Let’s just hope Alyssa takes it well.” I looked at her, the corners of my mouth turning down as I thought about Professor Thomson. “You know, I don’t really like Professor Thomson. There’s something about him I just can’t stand.” Elvie chuckled lightly, not taking my concern seriously. “Oh, come on. He’s handsome and seems to be pretty nice. Maybe you’re just envy.” I shot her a sharp look. “Envy? No, of course not! It’s not about that. It’s just—” Before I could finish my thought, Beta Arnold appeared in the hallway with a serious expression. He cut off our conversation with his commanding presence. “Elvie, I need to speak with you,” he said, his tone brooking no argument. Elvie nodded quickly and turned to me. “I’ll call you later,” she said. She followed her father down the hallway, leaving me alone to stew in my thoughts. I watched them go, my eyes shifting back to the classroom door. I noticed Professor Thomson glance in my direction, and instinctively, I looked away. When I looked back, though, Professor Thomson’s gaze was fixed on me with an intensity I hadn’t expected. It was as if he could see right through me. The professor made a subtle gesture, his hand moving in a deliberate motion. The door to the classroom started to close on its own. My heart skipped a beat. It felt like he was silently warning me to back off. I stood there, stunned and perplexed. Was it possible that Professor Thomson was more than he appeared? I had always thought of him as just another teacher, but now there was a shift in my perception. He had an air of authority and power that I hadn’t noticed before, and it unsettled me. My mind raced as I tried to piece together the significance of what I had just witnessed. The way he had looked at me, the way he had closed the door—it all hinted at something far beyond the ordinary. It was as if he was silently asserting control, reminding me of his dominance. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. It was unsettling to think that the professor, who I had dismissed as just a teacher, might have such a strong presence. It made me question the true nature of his relationship with Alyssa and why he seemed so interested in her. A wave of doubt washed over me. I wasn’t just worried about my own situation with Elvie anymore. Now, I had to grapple with the implications of Professor Thomson’s behavior and what it might mean for Alyssa. The complexities of the situation were growing more tangled by the minute, and I wasn’t sure how to navigate them. I remained outside the classroom, my eyes occasionally drifting back to where the professor stood. The uncertainty gnawed at me, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye. The more I observed, the more I felt the weight of the decision I had to make and the consequences of my actions. As I waited, I felt a growing sense of unease. There was something about Professor Thomson that I couldn’t ignore, something that made me question my own choices and the path I was on. The door to the classroom creaked open, and I saw Alyssa step out, her face a mask of distress. Professor Thomson followed her, his demeanor calm yet commanding. Alyssa’s eyes were filled with a mix of emotions, but there was no time to process them because she was already moving swiftly down the hall. I called out to her, my voice cracking with desperation. “Alyssa, let’s talk!” But Alyssa didn’t even glance back. She kept running, her footsteps echoing down the hallway, and I could feel my frustration rising. I wanted to catch up to her, to explain myself and give her the closure I thought she deserved. Just as I started to follow her, I felt a sudden, heavy presence in my path. I looked up to find Professor Thomson standing directly in my way. His expression was unreadable, but there was something in his eyes that made my blood run cold. “Do not ever talk to Alyssa or go near her again,” he said, his voice deep and firm, brooking no argument. I was about to protest when I noticed something unsettling. Professor Thomson’s brown eyes began to glow, shifting from their normal hue to a vibrant, eerie green. My heart raced, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. It was clear now: Professor Thomson was not an ordinary werewolf like me. There was something more to him, something powerful and unsettling. The intensity in his gaze and the way his eyes changed made me feel small and vulnerable. I tried to move, to push past him, but my legs felt like they were made of lead. I was paralyzed by a mix of fear and awe. Professor Thomson didn’t say another word. He simply turned and walked away with a calm, almost regal bearing, leaving me standing there, trembling. The hallway seemed to close in around me, and I was left grappling with the weight of his warning and the realization of his true nature. As he disappeared around the corner, I stood there, frozen. My mind raced with thoughts about Alyssa, Professor Thomson, and what had just happened. The ordinary world I thought I knew had been upended, and I was left feeling more lost and uncertain than ever.
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