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Lyka POV I have had many daydreams of finding my mate and he'll rescue me like in tales we were told as kids, he'll stop all the bullying and he'll whisk me away in his arms and take me to his pack. While this isn't what I had imagined but I found myself eagerly agreeing to it. He was in a way fulfilling the wish I had and one of the expectations I had from him. Who cares if I won't be by his side once I'm saved? I'll be free! I'll stay alone and never let anyone close to me again. I nodded in agreement and he gave me a contract, “Read it and let me know if there's anything that isn't right, if everything is okay, sign it.” he instructed and I read the paper. Everything he mentioned was in the contract with a few additions. I stared at the place for a while and he cleared his throat, “You’ll have to agree to that too if you want this agreement to work. Those are my conditions and you have to accept them.” His conditions were, one, I cannot contact my family during this period. Two, I have to act like his wife in public. Three, I shouldn't expect any mately duties from him and I should stay away from him when am not needy. And lastly, I shouldn't try to stay with him after the end of the contract and Lady Hazel is found. “Is there anything wrong?” He asked once I didn't start signing minutes later. I sighed and then gestured for a pen which he gave to me. I wrote in the contract and showed it to him. I have a condition too, During the agreement period, you won't have s*x with me or mistreat me like a slave. He scoffed when he was done reading it. “You can rest assured.” SILVER POV When I saw my mate again after she was cleaned up and dressed in the wedding dress, I was shocked. She looked really beautiful, a much more prettier version of Hazel but this could be because she's my mate. The mating bond must be making me attracted to her and I had to control myself and those stupid feelings but it was proving difficult when I saw her smile at me. She looked like an angel and her dimples complimented her smile but the smile never reached her sad eyes and after s while it disappeared, leaving just her sad green eyes. My heart started aching seeing her like that, she looked really sad and miserable and a sudden protective feeling ignited inside me. “Don't smile,” I told her. I need to shut off all these feelings. I was going to be a strong and powerful Alpha king in the near future and I needed an equally strong Luna to be at my side not a mute, wolfless little girl who was more likely to be a weakness than a strength. I definitely do not need her. The wedding was a success and she did according to my instructions. After the charade in the pretense of a wedding, I sent her back to the suite while I had my men secretly investigate about her. I am a fair man, I needed to find a common ground between us to reach an agreement with her instead of forcing her and continuously instilling fear into her as one day, she'll want to escape and if Hazel isn't found yet, it might ruin my plans just the way Hazel did. Speaking of Hazel, I have to find her soon before she double crosses me, she knows too much and I can't risk letting her go with all the things she knows, that wench will definitely betray me. That could be the reason she left, she got an offer and she's going to sell me out. My investigators came back with enough information and I offered her a deal which she could not refuse but I was shocked when she gave a condition as well. She wanted no s*x during our agreement which was surprising yet amusing. Since I can remember, every woman I have come across has one way or the other tried to have s*x with me, seduced me and many have claimed to have fallen for me even though I wasn't their mate. And I know I have handsome features and a strong s*x appeal but I agreed to her condition and left to write up another contract with it included. We signed the contract and I let her know in two days we'll be returning to my pack then left. I went to the other room I reserved in the hotel and stayed for the night. The next morning, I went to see Alpha Marcus. He was the younger brother of the previous Alpha of the pack which I've come to learn is Lyka's father. He died with his wife in a fire and he was made regent to help a young Lyka but when Lyka couldn't wake her wolf or get a mate, he was made Alpha. Lyka wasn't an Omega like I originally thought but a princess who would have been Luna but she's now demoted to a slave by her uncle. I wonder why she can't speak and why she couldn't wake her wolf. I heard that her father was a very strong wolf and his wife was the fastest wolf in the pack, what happened to Lyka? “Your Highness! Welcome into my office, please make yourself comfortable.” Alpha Marcus rose to his feet and greeted me. He pulled a chair for me to sit but I walked around his desk and sat on his seat instead. “Done.” The look on his face told me he didn't appreciate that but he quickly masked it and sat down on the seat he pulled out. “I'm so glad you decided to help the pack. We really need support from the royal family…” I zoomed out of the conversation. So this is the man who turned his sixteen-year-old niece into a slave after he became Alpha. He's talking like he understands responsibility when he ran away from his responsibility to take care of his brother's child. I know I can be scary and heartless but I have limits and people like him make me sick but his pack was having a hard time. Do I forsake this pack because of their Alpha? Or do I help them out? I rested my elbows on the desk and rested my chin on the back of my palm, “I will consider all that you've said. Thank you for arranging my wedding for me.” It was perfect when he offered to do anything for this meeting, I needed to have the wedding far from my father's watch and connection so he wouldn't know Hazel wasn't my mate. He told me that he'll only hand the throne to me if I'm married and he's close to his death already. I don't know what the old man is thinking but he says I need to know how to be more than a warrior to be able to rule the werewolf kingdom. “And I'll put in word to my father a the resources department on your behalf,” I assured him and a big smile appeared on his face. “I'd also like to spend some two days here, I that alright?” “Of course! Stay as long as you like.” I ended the meeting there and left his office. Now it's time to complete the second reason I was here. I went to the pack's library. It was big and stocked with lots of books. The library in my pack is bigger and better but it doesn't have any books about what I'm interested in and this pack does. I asked the librarian to give me all the books about the Hound bloodline. She gave me a skeptical look but once she realized who I am, she bowed and did as I instructed. Before she left, I gave her a little something and told her to keep me off her records. Can't let any trace come back to me in case someone tries to investigate me, after all, reading about this forbidden beastly bloodline comes with dire consequences that I fear even the crown prince might not be able to escape.
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