
His Silent Luna

opposites attract

“You cannot be my mate, I, Silver Dankworth of Blackburn pack, heir to the throne, reject you as my mate. Now accept it.” He ordered.

Oh no. How was I going to handle this?

“Accept it!” He repeated, his canines grew, as well as his claws. "Accept it now before I kill you.” He threatened.“Speak! Or are you mute?!”

I saw that as my opportunity and I nodded vigorously as my body trembled.

“What? You're also mute?” He questions, momentarily in disbelief before it sits in, “So I can't even reject you?!”

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Lyka POV Stop! It hurts! I have feelings too! I wanted to scream those words very badly, I wanted to tell them off, I wanted to be able to speak but as they kept on stoning eggs at me, I found myself silent. Like I've been for years. “Hahaha! What's the matter Lyka? Got something you want to say?” Katherine mocked and everyone roared in laughter. “Come on, Lyka. You can do it. Say Mama…” she continued her jest as she laughed. “No, scratch that, don't call me that otherwise I'll be cursed just like you cursed everyone around you!” her eyes grew darker and they glistened under the moonlight. Katherine took an egg from the basket beside her then aimed it at my forehead and threw it. “Cursed creatures like you should be dead!” she growled, her canines growing out as she glared at me. That riled everyone to resume throwing eggs at me and I stayed there helplessly until they were out of eggs. “We'll continue again tomorrow, same place, same time, Lyka.” She then turned to the group of she-wolves with her, “Come on girls, we've got a wedding to prepare for anyway.” with that, they all walked away leaving me who was still tied to the tree. As they made their way back to town, I wanted to shout, “You forgot to untie me!” But I couldn't. I couldn't yell at them for the cruel ways they bully me or beg them to stop. I don't think I know how to talk anymore and that's a very cruel punishment on its own. I stayed there for hours, staring at the moon, wondering if the moon goddess could see me. Katherine was my best friend before and my cousin but now she's the leader of the group that bullies me daily and it breaks my heart every time I see her and remember how close we were. My parents both died while trying to save me, and I had to watch it happen, how they bleed to death and coughed blood. They died with their eyes opened, staring straight at me, I remembered their dead looking eyes so vividly. I remembered I wanted to scream for help, I don't remember why but I had to but they placed their index finger between their lips and hushed me. They were dying yet didn't want me to call for help. I did as they asked, I was just an obedient seven year old then and didn't know better but it haunted me and I felt guilty for not helping them, and ever since then, I've been quiet. My voice was stolen, not a single sound could come out of my lips. I was completely mute, unable to cry, laugh or sigh. I still don't have a clear memory of the events that happened during that day except for the gruesome experience but I was later told they were killed by rogue werewolves. My parents were the Alpha and Luna of the White Mountain pack and I was their only child. I was next in line to take care of the pack but at that age and situation, I couldn't do that, so my Uncle, Beta Marcus, took over the position for me until I was capable. He moved into the pack's castle with his mate, Aya, and their daughter, Katherine who is the same age as me. Katherine and I became friends even though she did the talking. I was getting better again until I was almost sixteen. My memory of the day is blurry so I can't remember in detail what happened but I clearly remember watching Aya, Katherine's mother die in front of me. I witness yet another death. She also told me to be quiet and I froze there. It was later announced that her death was caused by another rogue attack but unfortunately we lost Aya and things never remained the same ever since then. I don't remember what happened next but ever since that day, everything went downhill. On my sixteen birthday, the day when I was supposed to wake my wolf and possibly find my mate was a disaster. She never answered my call and I never found my mate and because of this, I could not be the next Luna. Everything was handed to my uncle, Marcus and he was the Alpha of the White Mountain pack. One day, his attitude towards me totally changed as well as Katherine's. They blamed me for her death and I was announced as the pack's slave. They ordered everyone to mistreat me and that whoever showed me kindness would be cursed and die just like my parents did. I didn't understand why my uncle would give me this punishment or even considered I was the cause of her death since she was killed in a rogue attack but after a while, I realized what he said was true. I was there with my parents and Aya in while they died but only I survived. There was only one explanation for this and that is I'm cursed. The rest is history. Almost every day, I find myself tied to a tree, beaten up, mocked, accused of stealing, and spat on. Despite everything, I couldn't speak. I couldn't defend myself and I was weak. Sooner than later, I just accepted this was my life now. I couldn't run away because the Alpha king hated rogues and I could be killed instantly. I couldn't even speak to defend myself so that was not an option. I get why the Alpha king is against rogues because they are the reason why I'm an orphan in the first place but it would have been great if I could go rogue at this point in my life. He should have some sort of an alternative for outcasts like me who have nowhere else to go other than to continue living their shitty life in their pack. Although I cannot forgive those rogues that caused my parents death or any werewolf that took innocent lives, I sometimes find myself wondering why do rogues even attack packs in the first place? They must have suffered some sort of injustice, or they are just like me, a cursed being that should have died a long time ago.

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