1109 Words
Lyka POV The next morning I was surrounded by maids in the hotel room I was given. They were all eager to serve me, asking me what I wanted. I wasn't used to this kind of treatment so I didn't know how to react. They served me breakfast in bed, the food was a lot with different options. I haven't eaten most of them before and the rest, I have eaten but not after my uncle turned me into a slave. I was free the entire day with nothing to do, no work, no bullying, just free time which I've never had before and I watched TV for the first time in four years. I also got to watch the recap of our wedding, I looked beautiful and was shocked how I turned out on camera. The reports also complimented my looks but they did not love that I didn't talk to anyone and shared some theories why. Later, a man came to my suite and he handed me a file containing information about Lady Hazel, her family and friends, who she knew, and also about Silver and the royal family. “His Highness requests you to study these files, good day, ma'am.” I spent the next hour studying the file and with my photographic memory, it wasn't hard and I resumed TV watching. I knew when Silver returned, he was very late. He didn't come see me and I kept my distance as well. The same thing happened the next day and it was a little weird getting ignored and left alone since I'm used to always getting everyone's attention and being bullied. I felt free. In the morning, clothes were given to me and I got ready to leave this pack. Silver came into my suite once I was done but he didn't look pleased. “Are you going to play with this deal? Do you take me for a pushover?!” He yelled at me and I tried to think about what I did to warrant his outburst. “How do you expect to do well if you don't know anything about the people you'll encounter?” I raised a brow, he gave me a file containing that yesterday. I'm not sure how that'll be useful since I couldn't talk but I did as he instructed. I pointed to the files which were on top of a glass table in the middle of the living room. “Did you read it?” He barked and I nodded. “Lies! I have you watched and you look spared a few minutes to go over it yesterday. You think that's enough?” I hesitated before I nodded, scared of what he'd do. “f*****g…” he ran his hands through his hair frustratedly. When he looked at me again I gestured for him to give me a pen and he gave me a book and pen. I have everything stored in my memory, I have a photographic memory. I showed him and he gave me a little test and I aced it. He seemed impressed and I felt relieved after that. I wrote on the paper again, I'm not sure how knowing that will be helpful. I can't speak, remember? He groaned, “Every f*****g time when I think that you're actually my mate and I can't even reject you.” Okay, there was no reason to say all those to hurt me. “Knowing that information might come in handy, to avoid who you should be and do things you should. You don't need to speak to be able to do those.” I nodded in agreement. How's the search for Hazel? Any luck? “I don't have to report anything to you. When I don't need you, I'll let you know and compensate you accordingly, understood?” I nodded. He signaled one of his guards in the room and the man came forward to hand me a passport. It was my Hazel's and I realized I was going on an airplane which I'd never done before. “Well… That's it then. Let's leave.” Once we got out of the room, Silver took my hand in his and walked hand-in-hand to the car. Butterflies were flying around in my stomach and my heart sank when he let go once we were in the car. He took a book out from his bag and began reading, completely ignoring my existence. Well, that's expected as that's what he told me he'll do. I tried focusing my attention on something else like the buildings out of the car and the werewolves we pass by but I found myself glancing over at Silver, stealing some glimpse of him. In daylight, he looked so handsome, and the way he was focusing on the book, with his arch brows in a frown, it was damn sexy. His blue eyes were beautiful and they were now my favorite shade of blue. His broad shoulders and muscular arms protruding from his blue shirt had my p***y tingling and I had to clench my thighs together. I looked away from him and tried to shake him off my head but the image of him reading haunted me. I was getting hot and nervous for absolutely no reason. I tried focusing my attention on the scenery again but I found myself slowly turning to him and this time I met his eyes. I quickly looked away, my heart pounding in my chest. “Stop that.” He spat and my heart ached. I nodded. I bit my lip and I tried to forget that moment. It was so embarrassing. I needed to stop thinking about him but for some reason, it was hard to do that. I was also curious to know why he was reading that book. It was about the hound bloodline, the forbidden bloodline. Our pack is the only one to hold information about the bloodline and my father made sure it stayed that way so why was he taking a book from our library away? Times like this are when I wish I spoke. I wanted to ask him why and try to protect what my father protected while he was alive but I was helpless with my voice or wolf. The ride to the airport was silent, when we boarded the plane, I was very anxious and nervous but after take off I calmed down. We were in first class and the only one there and he sat far from me. The flight lasted seven hours and when we arrived, I was amazed by the beautiful city of Blackburn pack.
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