The Future Rejection

1125 Words
**Kyrah (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Castle of legends] I sat on the roof of the castle, that looked over the kingdoms. Apparently, the view was gorgeous with crashing waves and four shores in four elemental colors; Kiah once told me that the twinkling lights from the distant houses in villages made the Lospien look like the twinkling sky itself. But for me, it was a mass of water that I could only hear and bodies of colors that reflected the auras of countless living creatures; the sounds and the scents of whom I could feel but their features mostly remained a mystery to me. Dad always says that I'm beautiful and my eyes even more so, but I personally never understood the concept of beauty in general. Maybe it's because I'm blind, but to me, true beauty is in a person's soul. I know a lot of the so-called beautiful girls at the academy who have such repelling auras that I can't look. I guess that's why most kids at the academy hate me because they fear being exposed. Or maybe, because they think a blind girl doesn't deserve to be the High Princess or have any authority over them. Well, that is a common opinion around, no one wants a blind princess. Probably because I'm not as strong as Momzy, in their opinion. That's an opinion I never cared about. Momzy taught me very early in my life that what others think of you is only as important as you let it be. Their words and comments only have the power we give them. So, I never gave them any importance or any power over me. No matter what they said or did around me at the palace, I didn't let it put me down or feel any less than the others. But things at the academy were a whole other thing. Even though King Dasha tries his best to protect me, he can't guard me at all times and it is those opportunities everyone waits for. Yess... I, the High Princess of Kaarmanet, was bullied at school. It's not something I come home to cry about or something that scares me... it's just a fact. It only taught me one thing, your title or rank means nothing to people, they will attack you in any way they can (wherever they see an opportunity to be precise) to satisfy their own insecurities and greed. I mostly ignored their comments and tried to get out of their pranks without causing a scene. And well... sometimes... just sometimes, I gave them a taste of their own medicine. I never get noticed cause students still believe that the ghost of the girls' dorm is real! I know otherwise, after all, I'm that ghost's daughter! ;) I sat just enjoying the quiet breeze when I felt familiar flashes of color trying to form images. I knew another vision was coming to me and that meant I had to calm down and let it flow smoothly like a river or I'd risk it turning into a hurricane. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing letting everything outside melt. Now calm, I let my mind enter the vacuum where I could let the vision flow smoothly. And then the colors flashed soon each color pixeled to form an image... A tall boy about my age stood in front of me, looking straight at me... that's weird, I always just felt like a third person in a scene that was happening, but he looks like he was talking to me, not someone else but me. I was holding a book in my hands and had my bag slung over my shoulder, as I felt the collar of my shirt, I realized I was at the academy. This guy... he seems familiar, at least feels like I know him, probably someone from my class, but who? I only knew my classmates through their aura impressions but in my visions, I saw faces. He had blue eyes, but I'm sure he is not a mage or a dragon, or elf or siren... that can only mean one thing... he was none other than Romick Woodwind- the Warewolf Prince! Why is he talking to me? He hates me! Well, honestly the feeling is mutual, I hate him just as much. He's a power-hungry a*s who, obviously, is quite popular at school. The girls call him "COOL", Gods know why! But his blue eyes had something in them that glued me to my spot and then I noticed it: his eyes were shifting between blue and violet... his wolf, probably. "Look," He began, his deep voice running chills down my spine, "I know it's your birthday and I probably shouldn't spoil it for you but I'd rather just get this over with." He stopped and cleared his throat, raising anxiety in me. What was he talking about? "I, Romick Woodwind, the last born of the Alpha of Xorus Werewolves Pack of Kaarmanet, do not accept you as my mate. You can think whatever you want of me but I cannot accept a girl such as yourself. I want a mate who is strong and powerful not a handicap princess! And never try to talk to me or even look my way. Oh, I'm sorry, you can't Princess Blind!" He spat at me before walking away like he was standing in filth. I stood watching as his frame dwindled out of sight! I opened my eyes pooled with tears. He was going to reject me for being disabled. He was going to abandon me, on my 18th birthday no less! I took a deep breath and stood from my seat on the roof, carefully getting down. I spread my arms to be careful not to trip or fumble while making my way to my room. Usually I didn't need to as the hallways and passages of the castle were imprinted on my mind; but this walk was different. I lost my baring after what I saw. I was going to be rejected on my eighteenth birthday in six moons. Just as I reached the door of my room, I changed my mind and turned towards my parents' room. I didn't bother knocking and barged straight in breaking the lock on the door with a bang. "What the..." I heard Dad's voice trail off. "Kyrah, what is the meaning of this?" Mom began seriously, but I was in no mood for her lessons. "The meaning is that you LIED!" I yelled at my parents, "YOU SAID I WAS GIFTED! LIARS! I'M NOT GIFTED, I'M CURSED! Cursed to be blind, cursed with the sight of the future, and cursed to be abandoned and left all alone!
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