The Prophecy

1117 Words
**Harald (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Undisclosed Location] I stood, with a goblet of wine, at the entrance of the ditch that lead to the Skinwalker colony deep underground where only fifty of us lived, while the rest of our clan was still cursed to be bound in the everlasting fire at the core of Kaarmanet. Thousands of years ago, we were free and lived on Kaarmanet. Our people were greatly respected and feared by all the other creatures... why you ask? HAHAHA! Because we are skinwalkers, we consume other creatures and take over their appearance, their memories, their magic, and their lives. We were at the top of the food chain! Of course, we ruled this Planet and with a fierce grip at that! HAHAHA! What we said went, no questions asked! And these lowly creatures: mages, wizards, elves, fairies, werewolves, dragons, sirens, and whatnot; lived as they should: AS OUR SLAVES! That's all their worth was, is, and always shall be! But those lowly treacherous creatures played us and bound us to the core of Kaarmanet's eternal fire through trickery. They combined the magic of all the most powerful creatures of Kaarmanet and used a stone from the source of sparkle as a magnifier creating a force field that trapped us. They used the force field to push us into the eternal fire before, cursing us: a Skinwalker would burst into flames and turn to ashes if the air, land, or water from Kaarmanet was ever to touch our true forms. We've burned for over three millennia in this fire and then darkness rose, five years ago, one like that was never seen before... Oh, the sweet sounds of creatures above scream in horror, pain, and torture... it fed my powers greatly, helping me free myself from the eternal fire, along with fifty others. Had that stupid Wizard and his Siren not interfered, I would have freed my Queen, my love... and waged a war on these lowly creatures, restoring order once and for all! But that Wizard...spit> and his Siren foiled my plan! Not for long though... because I did find a dumb werewolf prince, a perfect fit for my plans, to be my host, only it took five years to find him due to the curse. What's a host, you wanna know? HAHAHAHAHAH! The host is the skin we wear... the skin we obtain after deskinning the creature alive... HAHAHAHA! Yes, they scream... howl even, in pain as their skin is being peeled off their muscle tissue! The sweetest sound there ever has been! Ummmmm... that is why we prefer our host to be alive and conscious during the deskinning ritual for their pain and fear feed our power, making us stronger. And this Alpha Prince cried like a baby! HAHAHAHAHA! And soon the Prophecy will free us all! HAHAHAHA! I will find her... that girl with sight and when I do... HAHAHAHA! I will first use her blood to fulfill the Prophecy and then I will gift her skin to my beloved Queen. AND WE WILL ONCE AGAIN RULE KAARMANET! "Master," came a soft icy voice near my feet, it was Orn, my boggart slave. "WHAT?" I snapped at him. "The hunters have news," He said shaking in fright, just the way I liked to see my slaves. "Send them!" I ordered and turned away that lowlife doesn't deserve any more of my attention. The attention of Harald, SkinWalker King isn't meant for anyone but his Queen. I heard three pairs of feet walk-in and I waited for them to give me an update. "Master, we tortured the Seer, Passya, and she revealed some information on the girl." My commander responded curtly. "What did she reveal?" "The girl is fated to a wolf and he is the key to finding her." He informed. "I ALREADY KNOW THAT!" I said throwing the goblet in my hand straight where his mouth was, "Why do you think I took this Alpha Prince's skin? Tell me more about the wolf she is fated to!" "She won't say, only that he is the strongest and the most powerful wolf there has been in the last millennium." Informed my commander's second. "We believe he would be the first candidate for the Alpha Rank Battle." My commander added his head low. "You mean this guy?" I asked incredulously pointing at the skin of the Alpha Prince that I was wearing at the moment. "There is a high chance, it is him!" He responded. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed, "This is going to be easy!" "How Master?" The second quired, "You won't be able to feel the bond!" "No!" I shushed him, "I can't but she can! And that little girl will walk right into my arms! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!" "Wouldn't it be risky?" My commander quired. "Not risky, you dimwit!" I said smirking, "It is perfect! But keep a close eye on Passya, we need the Seer but she is loyal to the Chaos King and she will try to communicate with him." I finished seriously. "Her powers aren't that strong, Master, she is after all a mere spirit! There is no way she can escape us!" Answered the Commander's second, earning a slap from me, that threw him 5 feet off. "She may be a mere spirit, but with no body, she has an advantage. You are only able to hold her because she doesn't know! Be extremely vigilant around her. The Chaos King is closely related to that dim High Queen of theirs. No one can know that even one Skinwalker is free, let alone me, the King! I need to free my Queen to gain my full power and I need that girl to do that! Until the girl is found, stay under the radar!" I ordered. "The force rock will hold the Skinwalkers in the eternal fire until the power that sources it isn't corrupted with darkness. The Queen who empowers the Skinwalkers will rise back to the lands of the living when the blood of the girl with sight rains on her under the light of both the Suns and the Moons..." I read the old Lenin parchment on which the prophecy was scribed by a Seer just as we were being thrown into the eternal fires. I snatched it from them before being pushed back into the eternal fires. Three millennia... we burned in the core and with every one of my Queen's screams, I vowed to avenge her. Back then, we only treated them as slaves, but now they would think the life of a slave to be better... and then, I will find all the magical creatures in every universe of this creation and skin them all!!!
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