The Hurler

1017 Words
**Romick (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Xorus Sierra] "The Prince is coming!" A girl whisper-squealed. "Which one?" Whispered another. "Prince Romick!" Answered the first, "I heard he's going back to the academy this year too!" "He's the only prince that goes to the academy," Whispered a third girl. "Because he's the weakest!" Said the second, "That's why the Alpha sends him to the academy instead of letting him train with other princes." "Weakest?" Quired the first, "He looks good to me." "You just started working in the palace, dumbo; you don't know anything!" Huffed the second, "His wolf is the weakest of all of Alpha's sons, the other princes' wolves are twice his size." "Do you think the Alpha will let him contest for the title?" Quired the third, "I heard he is into men!" "I heard the Alpha is going to declare him unfit for the title at the mating ball this year!" The second one whispered gaining shocked whispers from the other two. "Thank the gods!" Exclaimed the first, "I'm sure we don't want a weak Alpha. I stood glued to my place in the passage, to save these girls the embarrassment of being caught gossiping about the Alpha's son. Or, maybe I just wanted to save myself the embarrassment, cause most of what they said was true. I did have the weakest wolf among my brothers and there was a huge possibility that my father declares me unfit, but I'm not into men. I just don't want to be with any woman other than my mate. But what could I say or do about what others thought of me? As I noticed the girls go back to their work, I made my way to the mountain peak that looked over to the kingdoms below, that was my favorite place in Xorus. Our pack had lived in hiding here for thousands of years and the icy mountain peaks surrounding the pack cave houses offered us safety from invasions. Our pack was designed around the natural caves of Xorus Serria, so all the families lived in cave houses on various levels of the cold mountain ranges depending on their rank in the pack. Then came the High Queen Cahaya Frost over two decades ago and changed our lives forever, we were able to mingle with other kingdoms, trade, and live without the constant fear of being discovered or attacked. Though we took a turn towards a better life, a millennium of tradition, bound us with invisible shackles. One such shackle was the fight for rank and title. No, we weren't awarded ranks or titles on our lineage, we had to fight for our ranks: fight to death, to be precise. Is it barbaric? Maybe! But the fact was, I had to do whatever it took to survive in the pack. And if I want to ever lead a life of respect, I could not be thrown out of the race. Death would be better! But then again, I have no idea how to convince my father that I'm not weak. He never gives me the opportunity to do so. I cannot train like my brothers, or participate in any pack activities... heck, he wouldn't even let me stay here unless the academy is closed for vacation. "It's over, Arsa!" I sighed talking to my wolf through our internal mind link. "Don't give up just yet, Rom!" Arsa responded. "We might have a chance if our mate is powerful. We could harness the bond to win the fight." "Our mate is very powerful, I just know it!" "Wheather our fate-bound is powerful or not; we need to find someone powerful if we want to survive in the pack." "We will find her, don't worry!" "We only have till the mating ball, Arsa! By then we need to find a powerful mate or Father will declare us unfit." I sat on the peak for a while longer, before letting Arsa out for a long relaxing run. He was smaller than my brothers' wolves but with rare blue fur and violet eyes, unlike any other wolf in the history of our existence. When I first turned five years ago, my father was the only one present as the tradition dictated and asked me never to show my wolf to anyone ever. The next thing I knew, I was sent off to the academy. I never really understood, why my father despised me due to my wolf but his disdain for me caused the pack to hate me as well. Leaving me with no choice but to find a powerful mate. Arsa ran until every muscle in our body ached with fatigue. Once I was back in my cave, away from the entire pack, I lay down on my bed tired, knowing fully well I'd be leaving for the academy the next morning. I closed my eyes willing sleep to take over, but my mind decided to wander to the day I'd turned, five years ago... It was the first time Arsa was out and in his excitement, he ran down the Xorus peaks to the Lospien banks. On the banks, we saw the small frame of a girl running away from us in fear. She was wearing dark clothes, her face was half-covered with a hood, and the stray strands of her silver hair caressed her pale cheeks. For some reason, her scream got Asra a lot more excited, and chased her to the woods. She was absolutely scared at first, but when Arsa tried to corner her, she hurled a pebble at us. I'd have laughed at being hit by a tiny pebble but she hurled it with such force that it hit our hind leg hard enough to make Arsa yelp. Had it hit our head, I shudder even imagining it. Ever since then, her small frame, her scream, and her strength had imprinted themselves on our minds. "I wish, our fate-bound is just like the hurler we met at the banks that night!" I whispered. "I wish the hurler is our fate-bound!" Arsa claimed before sleep took over.
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