Yugjetre: The ultimate Champion

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**Romick (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Academy] "Good Evening!" The Dean's voice brought me back to the present, "It is always a great pleasure to welcome you all to the new academic year at the Kaarmanet Academy of Advanced Magic! For the new students, I'm Jay Whine, your Dean. Your year supervisors will hand out your schedules, including any reference texts you need. Tomorrow morning, all students are to report to the circle of choice, as is the custom, where the new students' magical source and powers will be determined. However today, I have a rather important announcement, the Yugjetre Championship!" The entire dining hall buzzed with excitement as students gasped in delight and some very proud seniors acted as if the competitions were beginning right then and there. "Before you ask your friends and receive half the information," Dean Whine continued, "Yugjetre is a generational event conducted every decade for students across Kaarmanet. The competitions are open to all creatures regardless of their qualifications between the ages of 15 to 19. There will be various categories for you all to showcase your skill and talent. Anyone who wins any category will not only be awarded but also receive opportunities from talent scouts around the world. However, the highlight of this moon-long event is the ultimate championship!' My ears perked up at that and I turned around to face the dean. "The ultimate Championship is also known as AvegaDhi: the run of the wise. Schools will participate in this as teams, but the teams will be determined on the basis of a series of activities. The winning team will be crowned Yugjetre for the next decade, the ultimate champions of their generation. That may help those who are trying to claim titles in their respective terrains." Dean Whine, for some reason, looked straight at me during the last part. He knew! But how? I raked my mind. "Our father must have told him!" Arsa speculated. "Our father could have told him about us being disqualified but how does the dean know, we want to claim?" "It's called commonsense! And he is the Dean of Kaarmanet Academy, he is sure to have it, don't you think?" "Shut up!" I mentally growled. "Those who want to be on the Academy's team for AveghaDhi, begin your preparation for the selection activities will begin in a moon's time. And since we will be hosting this event this decade, I want you all to behave when the students from other parts arrive next moon! The Ball of Peace will mark the beginning of the Yugjetre Championship and we have 4 moons until then. The younger students will be allotted administrative duties with Professor Pitch while all the eligible candidates will approach Professor Dasha Dred and Professor Kiah Dred-Whine. I hope to see all of you give your best, I do not care who wins but only wish to see our students display their skills to the best of their abilities. Success follows those who do their best regardless of the rewards!" The Dean Concluded. "He'll obviously say he doesn't care who wins when we won the last time thanks to Professor Dasha Dred!" Whispered a boy on the table to my right. "After he won the AveghaDhi, he was crowned the King of Shadowlings because he displayed amazing leadership skills along with combat and exemplary knowledge in spells." Added another boy. "And appointed as the Head of Shadow Magic at the Academy!" Said the first, "Either way, whoever wins gets it all!" "This is our chance!" Arsa urged, "We can turn the tables on the title battle if we win!" "If we win, Arsa! Didn't you hear what the Dean said? All students between 15-19 are eligible across Kaarmanet which means the Xorus Institute for Werewolves will also participate!" I shot back. "You mean our brothers?" "Yes!" "Do you think we are not capable?" Arsa snapped, "Or have you surrendered to our father's belief that we are unfit?" "Romick?" I heard a deep voice behind me taking me by surprise and I jumped, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." "No, Professor Dasha, I was just lost in thought and didn't hear you come. I'm sorry for being lacking focus.." I answered with my head low. "It happens to all of us, Romick, you don't have to be so worried." He waved with a smile. I was clueless on how to react because 1: I wasn't used to authoritative figures being this easygoing; 2: I had never interacted much with Professor Dasha outside class and inside the class, he was pretty serious. "Were you looking for me to talk about my father's visit earlier?" I asked directly to save myself any further humiliation. Why else would he come here? "Ah, that!" He exasperated, "Absolutely not! Don't mind me saying this but your father has the kind of mindset that I ran away from years ago and I have absolutely no interest in talking about such nuisance." He said with a grimace making me cough, so, I wouldn't laugh when he was insulting my father. "What is this about then?" I asked still suppressing a smile. "Well, I actually walked up here to ask if you'd be interested in being the Academy's team?" He asked with boyish excitement. This man continues to surprise me, I swear! "For AveghaDhi?" I quired. "Uh-huh!" He nodded, "If you weren't thinking about it, I think you should consider participating in team selection." "You do?" I asked confused. "Yeah!" He let out as if stating the obvious. "Why?" "Because you have the caliber! I don't know under what notion your father raised you, Romick, but I really believe you have great talent and skill which makes you a considerable candidate for the team. What happens after that will depend on how you perform, that's a fair fight, don't you think?" Professor Dasha stated calmly jumping to sit on the table. "I really appreciate that you considered me, Professor, but my talent is nothing compared to the power of my brothers and I'm sure Xorus Institue is participating as well. They'd destroy me in minutes! I wouldn't stand a chance!" I answered my head low. That is why I need to find a powerful mate! "How can you be so sure, when you haven't even tried?" He asked looking into my eyes and wagging his brows at me. "Ummm... because they have stronger more powerful wolves than mine," I stated shamefully. "And who told you that, your father?" He asked, "Or have you experienced it?" "My father told me." I stated, "I wasn't allowed to train with them so, no, I haven't experienced it." "Then I ask you again, how can you be sure, when you haven't tried?"
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