Classroom Bullies & Vision

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**Kyrah (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Academy] **** "For AveghaDhi?" Romick quired. "Uh-huh! If you weren't thinking about it, I think you should consider participating in team selection." Dasha stated. "I really appreciate that you considered me, Professor, but my talent is nothing compared to the power of my brothers and I'm sure Xorus Institue is participating as well. They'd destroy me in minutes! I wouldn't stand a chance!" Romick answered his head low. "How can you be so sure, when you haven't even tried?" Dasha asked. "Ummm... because they have stronger more powerful wolves than mine," He stated shamefully. "And who told you that, your father? Or have you experienced it?" Dasha asked. "My father told me." He stated, "I wasn't allowed to train with them so, no, I haven't experienced it." "Then I ask you again, how can you be sure, when you haven't tried?" Dasha repeated. *** Romick's conversation with Dasha that night played in my head yet again, despite myself, it bothered me. Did he really think so low of himself? Why? Because of his father... why does that man think Romick is weak or any less than his brothers? His aura feels strong! Even his wolf had an imposing presence though Romick never usually transforms, you can just feel it. And his father never allowed him to train... but why? And what caused Romick to have such low self-esteem? I didn't like it! For some reason, his belief that he wasn't strong enough bothered me way more than it should, especially, considering he was going to reject me. But my heart ached when I heard pain and shame in his voice. Maybe this was the power of the bond that I was experiencing, nonetheless, I wanted to do something about it. Two days had passed, yet Romick had not given his name for the AveghaDhi team selection. Was he really gonna let his father's opinion about his talent and strength rule his life? Not on my watch! Ouch! I felt a flame burst on my fringes and stood slapping the desk. "Aww, poor Kyrah!" Giggled Helen. Why does she always look to pick a fight with me? "Watch it, Helen!" Vivan growled dangerously. "What will you do? Go cry to Daddy?" Helen mocked sending another flame my way aiming for my hair yet again. "What else can she do?" I heard Romick snicker, "Do you expect her to fight for herself?" Before I could react Vivan put the flame out with a mist ball. That must've annoyed Helen for she shot another flame this time aiming for my eyes. I wanted to counter with a water bubble spell, but just as I was casting the spell, colors began to pixel in front of my eyes, which meant I was getting a vision and there was nothing I do to stop it so, I let it flow letting the world around me melt... It was dark and cold, but the stone walls were clear to me and I could see the snowcapped mountain peaks... Xorus Sierra, The Werewolf Pack territory. What could I possibly see here? Then I heard footsteps from outside and I took a few steps towards the sound. A middle-aged man, probably in his forties, hiked up and walked toward the edge looking through Zoomers while smelling the air suspiciously. "Sherman, the perimeter is clear! No signs of anyone here!" reported someone from the woods below. "Go to the west and make sure the perimeter is secure, I have a bad feeling!" the man, Sherman stated still smelling the air closely. I heard the man walk away in the dark but I couldn't get a good look at that guy whoever it was. Sherman continued to investigate the area when I heard claws padding on the ground from behind me. I turned around in a snap and my eyes widened at what I saw. It was a creature with a beak-like mouth lined with sharp teeth, its body was humanoid but had tentacles for arms. The creature's eyes were bright mud colored that shone like gemstones in the dark. This scary creature though looked unintelligent, took deliberate measured steps as it walked up behind Sherman. It encircled Sherman with one of its tentacles and tighten its grip around the prey, dragging his body into the cave I was standing. I would have thought it was a rouge attack by a wild creature had I not seen what the creature did after that... it used the pointy nails on its tentacles to peel the skin of the werewolf. It then went ahead slowly peaking on Sherman's organs while he cried in agony. The creature took its time enjoying Sherman's agony while feeding on each organ with great care... it was as if the creature relished Sherman's pain. It consumed each organ like they were each special delicacy. After devouring Sherman's body alive while thoroughly appreciating Sherman's howl in agony, the creature let out a menacing laugh... As I came back to the present, I felt chaos around me, and my clothes had holes burned into them. Vivan and Divit stood right in front of me arguing with Helen, doing their best to block the flames she shot my way. What the heck was her problem? But I didn't have time to waste on this Queen-B at that moment. So, I just stepped back, threw a vacuum spell around the room extinguishing all her flames, and ran to Dasha who was walking into the class. "I need to talk to you!" I said pulling on his arm, "It's urgent!" "Walk with me!" Dasha stated calmly placing his plan on mine and guiding me out of the room. The vision was brutal and it shook me beyond comprehension. "It was worse than what happened 5 years ago!" I sobbed, "I have seen bad things happen all my life, Dasha, but this..." "Calm down, sweetpea!" Dasha said patting my head as always, "And these burned holes?" "That is of least importance right now!" I chided, "Please find out about this Sherman, whoever he is in Xrous!" "I will look into it right away, sweetpea, don't you worry!' Dasha assured and I walked back into the class. "Wow! She couldn't defend herself so she goes out complaining about other students, using her family connection no less!" Romick spat in disgust as I passed him to sit on my desk. "Romick," Dasha called out just as I sat, "can I talk to you for a minute?" "But Professor, I did nothing to her!" Romick stated defensively. "Did nothing? I asked you to come with me to talk, so, will you?" Dasha stated with authority. "You bit*h! What did you say to Professor Dasha against my Rommy?" Helen growled under her breath.
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