Like Banished or Literally Banished?

1120 Words
**Romick (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Academy] The food had been served by the time I reached the dining hall. I knew the announcements would be made after the dinner because my father was meeting Dean Jay and Professor Dasha, who were ought to make the said announcements. I was already grumpy because it was my mother's birthday that day when my father decided to make things worse. He personally accompanied me to the academy and is probably instructing the Dean that I shouldn't leave this place. I walked to the table I usually sit with my friends... in a mood to kill anyone I could when... "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Came the chorus of girls from our class on tables around mine, all of them trying to sound seductive. "Happy birthday, Rom!" Helen squealed, pushing my temper to the edge. "What nonsense, Helen?" I shrugged her off irritated, trying to control Arsa, who was clawing to take control. "I'm going to tear her throat, if I hear her scratchy voice again!" He yelled in my head/ "What happened, baby?" She said trying to sound cute. "You'll know what happened when I claw your tongue off your mouth!" Arsa growled. "What happened is that it is NOT my birthday but my dead mother's!" I snapped at her, breathing deeply to calm both of us down. Before I lost it with Helen too, I walked away and sat down at the table next to the golden children. Who are they, you ask? They are the kids of the royal family: Vivan Frost- The eldest son of the Dragon King Rebh Frost, Divit Frost: The eldest child of the Chaos King Cahan Frost and Kyrah Green: The eldest daughter of the High King Vann Green. On the table to their right were younger ones: Anala Frost: Dragon King's only daughter, beside her was Anagh Frost: Dragon King's youngest son and Anala's twin, then there were Ishika & Ismi Frost: Chaos King's twin daughters; and finally, Kian Green: Kyrah's brother, younger by a year. I sat on the table to their left, don't take me wrong, I had no interest in befriending them! This table was usually vacant and I was in no mood to listen to anyone's high-school nonsense after everything I had to go through just that day. "Oh, thank the Gods! " I heard a feminine voice sigh in my head taking me by surprise. I looked around to see if I'd mistaken someone's whisper to come from my head. All the golden girls had their faces stuffed with food, which met none of them whispered. "Who was that?" Arsa asked. "How would I know?" I snapped, "I thought you were supposed to know such things!" "Oh, yeah, I was born with a werewolf encyclopedia! I'm sorry my bad!" Arsa grumbled sarcastically. Arsa always got sarcastic when he was angry so, it was pointless to argue with him then. But a thought suddenly hit me when Kyrah's face stuffed with food suddenly flashed in my mind: how could a girl eat that much and still have a body like hers? I mean, she was blind, hence I've seen her excused from most physical activities. She's never found working out or doing anything that could be physically exerting. Yet this girl had a perfect body; tout muscles on her limbs, a perfect curve on her waist, and a flat abdomen. No doubt most girls were jealous, heck, I was jealous of her perfect body! She ate the food I had in an entire day for one meal but has that body while no matter what I did, I couldn't get rid of my bulky body. It's only because I'm the only werewolf at the academy that girls show any interest in me... well, Helen was mostly interested because of my title! If only she knew the shock my father gave me that morning... ***That morning*** I sat opposite my father in his office looking at the table instead of my father. He lit his pipe and took a deep breath in and let a cloud of smoke out before he spoke... "I've made my decision, Romick and that's not going to change!" He declared leaving no room for argument, "I will make the official announcement at your mother's birthday memorial service." "About?" I asked even though I knew what the announcement was going to be about, I still wanted to hear it from him. So that I could let my heart shatter with certainty in the privacy of his office rather than publically as he had intended to. "Don't you know?" He asked his brow raised. "I have an idea, yes... but if you'd tell me what it is about, I'd be able to know for certain," I stated nonchalantly, despite myself. "Then you can be certain that you will be declared unfit for the Alpha title and out of the title battle, at your mother's birthday memorial before breakfast." My father said emotionless, "I also have made an appointment with your Dean later today, when I will make sure you never set foot in my territory again!" "Is it like banishment or literally banishment?" I asked leaning on my plans that rested on his desk with a deliberate confused look. My father knew me, I was pis*ed and when that happened I got passive-aggressive a.k.a, sarcastic! He narrowed his eyes and smirked with full knowledge that I was trying to win a futile verbal exchange because I was essentially helpless. "Take it as you want! But know this, you are no longer welcome to the pack territory. I have made arrangements for you to complete your education at the academy and your stay in the dorms has also been paid for. The Dean has permitted you to stay there even during vacations until you graduate... after that, you are on your own! You will be given a generous amount before you leave, consider it your father's parting gift!" He spoke before going back to smoking his pipe as if he didn't just tell his youngest son to fu*k off! "I suppose you wouldn't want to address my 18th birthday either?" I shot nonchalantly while Ars knawed under my skin. "It doesn't matter!" He waved, "If you are referring to your future mate, then forget it! She'd reject you right away, whoever that unlucky girl is!" He laughed. I got up and walked out of the office without another word, I was humiliated enough. I went down to the altar where my mother's memorial was to be held. The service wouldn't begin for another hour or so, leaving the altar deserted and I could have a much need alone time with my mother's memories...
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